325. The curiosity of the 'Holy Archs'.

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Nora Village - Tuesday, 11:05 a.m.]

Nora Village, a place which is considered to be as the environ of the Yarao City. It consists of 'Outskirt' population so many of the enemies are free to come, but in luck, today's day won't be as troublesome.

A woman who stood in the corner of the Town's walls was purely afraid of the creature before her. "I thought that the 'Spiritual Duelists' managed to conquer them! Why is there more of them?!" A man yelled, while holding a rifle. "Shoot it down!"

"Are you crazy! The guns won't do anything compared to those swords that the 'Spiritual' race uses!" Another man shouted, when his arms were shaking. "You got better idea? Do you see any of them around here! So shoot it! Now!" As soon as the two men prepared and aimed their rifles, the Demon began to close on toward the woman who screamed. "Please help me!!!"

But in that moment, when the rifles were about to shot and the Demon's head was about to dig into the woman's neck, a yellow current of electricity zapped its way in a bolt, right through the Demon's neck, at which point the woman caught herself in surprise. "W-what?" The woman looked to the left, upon seeing the Demon to fall and disappear in red cells, in which case a boy stood on the floor, of the snowy surroundings when, blue hair wobbled in the air, holding a yellow bolt in which moment it immediately disappeared as the boy turned around.

"Is everyone all right?" Elliot questioned, once looking around with the men and women standing around, concerned, and the attacked woman fell onto her knees, exhaling. "Thank you so much! If it weren't for you, I would have been killed... How can I repay my gratitude?" The woman wondered, when Elliot made a smile and immediately smirked. "I know just the place. If you give me a touch of your-" But right in that instant, somebody came jumping from the top of the air when grabbing the top of Elliot's head and forcibly smashed Elliot in the face, when a powerful wind detonated itself around, the area making the people around them quickly fall into squiggly eyes, seeing that the boy saving the woman was squashed.

"Just because you save another woman, you don't have to ask her to taste her body!!" Codey yelled when a red mark of anger appeared on the left side of his forehead, when beginning to stomp on Elliot's head. "I'm sorry! Mhrmhrm! Let me breathe!" Shouted Elliot, hitting the ground with his arms. "I'll let you 'breathe' when you end up in the Demon's grip! You nuisance!" Once the two of them argued, once finally Tim came stepping to the side.

"You two are literally cat and mouse... regardless, we're glad to help, althought despite the fact about the Demon's lure, even I believed that there wouldn't be one of them in this area. Has anyone got hurt before our arrival?" Tim wondered, looking around the civilians.

"N-No, luckily the Demon came only a minute before you..." Tim helped the woman to stand up, once Codey continued to hit Elliot at the top of the head.

"Okay! Would you two quit it already!" Tim yelled, turning around when his eyes felt discomfort, Codey raised his squiggly eyes and stepped aside, crossing the bottom of his arms. "Man, you hit like a granny." But once Elliot said that, alongside scratching the back of his head, another mark of angriness appeared on Codey's forehead, at which point a kick slammed Elliot back in the ground, discomforting people.

"Ignore them... Would you kindly listen to our request?" Tim wondered, standing calmly near the woman. "Um, of course. We'd love to help in anyway we can..." The woman spoke, with a massive gratitude. "It's not something that we should be talking about, but have you ever heard about the 'Holy Archs'?" The woman became a bit surprised to the question that she received. "Not at all. But I have ready many books about it. But, isn't it kind of similar to the early age of royality?" The woman wondered, while Codey and Elliot came stepping next to Tim.

"We could consider it as a royality, but truly the irrelevance of it is far more different, oh sorry. I just noticed that I haven't introduced myself, I'm Shinkaku Timoshī, but you can just call me Tim. In any case I-" But right in that moment, people surrounded Tim at which point he was cut off. "Uh...."

"Shinkaku Timoshī? Wait, aren't you the 'Duelist' who had been under 'Sandarasu's' training?" With it, Tim's prior sentence was stopped. "Y-you know her?"

"Of course we know her! She has been known to us ever since her birth in the 'Akusei' family. We'd like to welcome you to be our guests. You must be starving and venturing for quite a while, would you kindly accept our offer?" The woman smiled, bowing in front. "We r-really didn't come here for-"

"Please, this way we'll properly be able to approve our gratitude. You're welcome to stay the night too, but other than that, we don't have much more to gift, any for return, we would like you to visit Sunada Rika, she's the chief of our village and I'm sure she'll be able to explain a lot that we cannot." The woman smiled, with the people around her agreeing.

"Tim, don't worry. We aren't on a time limit I believe. I think we should rest up in this village and talk to Rika. I bet she'll have much more information about the Holy Archs that we might find out to be helpful." Codey said with an explanation of which he was along unaware. "I- I guess... Alright, we understand, we'll accept your offer." Tim sighed, looking at them. "For as long as she's a woman, I'm fine with it!" But right in that moment, Elliot was slapped by Codey for another time.

"Right away. Please, follow us to Mrs. Rita."

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Nora Village - Tuesday, 11:10 a.m.]

The hallway through which Tim and the others was quite thin. "I hope she can tell what we're in the need of." Codey sighed, facing Tim. "We don't have many other options right now. We might be able to at least get some kind of answers..." Three of them continued to follow the woman. "I just hope she's got a fine firm body." But with it, both Codey and Tim became aggravated. "Is there anything else that you have on your mind than a female's body?"

"Here we are." With it the woman knocked on the door. "Miss. Rika, we've got visitors who have some questions." After the knock a female's voice was heard. "Right on in." A woman called when the door opened, with it the four of them entered. Before them stood a woman, looking quite kind. "Well, have at it, I'll stand aside." The woman who brought them in has backed aside with which point Tim, Codey and Elliot all stepped in front.

"Welcome, please, do sit down on those blankets." Tim, Codey and Elliot were kindly worried, but in fact, the three of them listened. "So, what is it that you need?" But right in that moment, a young girl ran from behind. "Woohoo! Visitors! Who do we have!" A girl came jumping from the back, when Tim's eyes almost popped out, the girl jumped on his back. "H-Hey! What are you-" Tim was uncomfortable at which point a young girl wrapped herself on top of his back. "Miss. Rika, that's not how you treat guests." In the moment the girl standing before them, became frozen on the spot. "Miss. Rika?! Wait! She's Rika?!" Codey and Elliot both pointed over to the back of Tim's top. "Aw, come on, Miss. Kiyomi! Aren't they supposed to be my guests!" Rika giggled. Tim was waving with his arms at which point he barely had any chance to breathe. "Rika! You're choking him, get off!" But with it, Rika faced at Tim's face and immediately let go. "Oh... I'm sorry..." The girl let go, when Tim's body bent forward, grabbing his own neck. "I-I I'm fine..." Tim's body was soft after that meeting.

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Nora Village - Tuesday, 11:11 a.m.]

"I'm terribly sorry. That was Miss. Rika's way of saying hello. I hope you can forgive us." Kiyomi spoke, bowing at the front, when Tim returned a smile. "Don't worry, we're fine..."

"Thank you very much. So, if we may ask. What exactly do you need to know from us?" Kiyomi claimed, standing before them.

"It's about the 'Holy Archs', have you ever heard of that name, either of you?" Tim added, kneeling in the middle of Codey and Elliot. "'Holy Archs'. We haven't heard much at all. But we have some information that you might need, indeed." Kiyomi claimed, holding her chin. "Yup! Miss. Kiyomi is right. We've only been informed about the tinsiest amount of knowledge." Rika added, giggling.

"So, that I believe means you don't know how to get to it, nor how to enter it...?" Tim wondered, sighing. "No, but we know a decent amount of history, which might help... We're very sorry..." Upon Kiyomi's words Tim softly smiled. "No, no. It's alright, you can still share the History about it."

"I understand... But first, would you kindly tell us, why do you need so much information about the 'Holy Archs'?"

"You see... One of our friends has set off to there, and we're trying to bring her back to the overworld... That is why we need some sort of entrance to visit it..." Tim explained, sitting a bit upset. "A friend? But- Only the 'Holy Bloodlines' are able to visit that place, not mortals like us. Do you know at what risk you're taking over? The history about the 'Holy Archs' says that so many of potent individuals live there, if you were to visit, they'd sure to attack the intruders. Don't you think that your friend has already been killed?" Wondered Kiyomi, surprised to what their goal was.

"You don't understand. Our friend's of the 'Holy Bloodline' she's allowed to be there, but despite the fact, she's unaware of what she might go through, nor are we... So we need to get to her, no matter the cost." With Tim's explanation, both Codey and Elliot nodded.

"... What does one of the 'Holy Bloodline' even do in our World, and based on your grammar, I suppose it's a girl... But still, what happened for her to stay on Planet Earth? And for how long, even?" Wondered Kiyomi, sitting down.

"I can't tell for how long, she's been on the Planet for over a year for sure, however, she was sent here by an incorrect contract, which almost got her executed. Captain Oshan, alongside two others both escaped and we haven't seen them since... so if you would mind, history is all of us to be asked.."

And without wasting anymore time, Kiyomi agreed.

"Very well... I'll explain everything me and Miss. Rika know about..."

To be continued...