326. The 'Time Rush' of another's emerging.

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Nora Village - Tuesday, 11:12 a.m.]

- "The 'Holy Archs' is a Heavenly place of where the Alternative Bloodlines, such as 'Holy Bloodlines' first appeared. That 'palace' was firstly created by the first appearance of the Godess, Zero, who was then named as the 'Holy Light' the title that many people know about, there's hardly anyone who wouldn't hear about the 'Holy Light'.

'Holy Light's' appearance caused the Planet Earth to be created among every other, at first, there were only a few 'Gods' who ruled the heaven but with the 'Holy Light's' appearance it was unknown just what limits this girl could create, with her birth, the light shined through her heart outward and began to piece together an entire Planet which was titled by the Gods as the Planet Earth.

The 'Holy Archs' have been standing out in the heaven for centuries and its massacre brought the life of humankind, it is known to be surrounded by the 'Holy Pillars' which conduct the power and the main source of creating the 'Holy Archs'. The Palace grew and grew ever since the 'Holy Light's' birth and became the main society for the 'God-line' to live, at most, there's Gods who had unwilling power, but through millions of years, they've been killed and the only 'Godess' who survived and has yet to vanish is the 'Holy Light' herself. It's told that for as long as the 'Holy Light' lives, the World will live as well, that is when an unknown tradition appeared. Many people believe that if the 'Holy Light' dies, the people will die alongside her, but the rest believe that the unknown tradition involes reproducing through their bloodlines so that the World stays alive and never ends.

The histoy of why 'Holy Archs' exist is not fully yet known, but legend says that it's the creator of the Heaven, however, if we looked at it that way, then the heaven would of have been created second, which means the maker of the Heaven would of have done something to provide them with 'Holy Archs'." Explained Kiyomi, at which point Tim and the rest were fully tensed up on the kneeling blankets, listening carefully if they've missed an important note by any chance.

"A reproduction of the 'Holy Bloodline' so that the World can float alive? But if that's true, does it involve the inproper age within it?" Wondered Codey, holding his chin, trying to believe what could be the correct answer. "Do you mean the 'reproduction' if the person isn't mature? Or an adult, precise." Wondered Kiyomi, looking down at them. "Correct... If the person who is the reproducer of the next 'Holy Light', does it not need to be at proper adult age?" Wondered Codey, with once again a drop of sweat flowing down his forehead."

"Correct, a woman can give birth at any age, althoug their ruling system must involve for the woman to at least be fourteen age, as that is their-" But right in that instant, Codey jumped from the spot. "We gotta get to her immediately!" Both Elliot and Tim became surprised. "What do you mean, by that?" Tim asked, looking up at him. "If that's the correct solution of their reproducement, then we gotta get somebody there to interfere!" Codey was facing down at Tim. "Would you explain to me with what the hell do you want that? If she needs to give birth to the next 'Holy Light' then she can, I'm only trying to bring her back to our World, not to interrupt her decision!" Tim shouted, but Codey immediately grabbed Tim's collar.

"Are you seriously that dumb?! Forget it, I won't explain what I mean by that, in any case if we don't hurry, I know exactly the potential regrets you'll have in the future! Thank you for the explanation, we'll be taking our leave, immediately! See you!" Codey dragged Tim down behind his back. "Hey! Let me go! What do you want from me to do?!" Tim yelled, shouting while the door just shut behind them.

"CODEY! I feel like you're leaving me out on something!" Tim angrily shouted, when their voices began to distant. "Shut up! You're the main source, so stop complaining!"

"I don't get it!"

"Well... I don't understand either, just what on name's God does Codey have on mind, but I better get going! Call me if you wanna go out some time!" Shouted Elliot, saluting when backing away through the door and winking, but with that both Kiyomi and Rika became confused. "Y'know, at first I thought these people were normal..." Sighed Rika, scratching her hairpin. "I'm sure they have a reason to why that boy has reacted in that way." Smiled Kiyomi, embarrassed. "Huh? Could it be that-"

"Don't worry, let's get back to what we must do." Smiled Kiyomi, oonly to receive a confirmation from Rika's mouth.

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Pre Forest - Tuesday, 11:16 a.m.]

Tim was still dragged on the dirty floor. "Hey! Stop dragging me! My clothes are getting dirty! Aren't we planning to go the 'Holy Archs' I don't mean to come there, dirty as a pig!" Tim yelled, loudly. Codey slid on the floor and raised him up in front of his face. "Pigs are the most clean animals, so don't ever say that again..."

"Fine, sorry.... Now let me go!" Tim yelled, at last finally getting dropped, but within that instant, Elliot came running behind them.

"Codey, would you explain to me at least? Why did you react that way, just now?" Wondered Elliot, breathing decently heavy. "No, because if I mentioned it, you would get jealous and provoked and begin to hate your beloved friend, Tim." Alongside saying it, Codey also pointed his palm at Tim. "You're seriously not helping with any kind of explanations? As I said earlier, if Ayuka has to give birth to a child, she may decide on her-" But right in that moment, Codey stepped in front of Tim and looked right into Tim's eyes. "Sure, she can give birth. But not with whoever she was put at, I'll only let one person to deal with that, and I don't care what you say to me." Codey spoke, tensly looking into Tim's eyes. "Man, what's with your mind today? Who even is that person you're thinking off?" Tim wondered, raising his right hand in front of his face.

"That, you don't need to know..." Codey skipped a gap between Tim's position, crossed his arms, alongside closing his eyes and nodding. "The hell are you hiding, even?" Tim sighed, grabbing the front of his forehead. "Forget it. Let's get to the Yarao City, let's waste as least time as as possible, we'll get the answer to how to enter it at some point, while at the same time, bring Ayuka to the overworld..." Elliot and Tim were both confused, and were both feeling heavily left out of Codey's thinking.

"Tim, I don't think we'll ever get an answer to what Codey's brains are thinking. He'd probably discomfort us with his nasty mind." But right in that moment, Codey opened his right eye and instantly bonked Elliot at the top of the head. "Says you! You moron!" Tim's arms were hanging down, while his eyes could not tell anything to what was going on. "... At this point, I just wish I went alone... Come on! You two, can you stop for an hour and get moving. If you're so inpatient, let's just hurry up then!"

Codey and Elliot agreed and ran after Tim, through the forest path.

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Lake - Tuesday, 12:45 p.m.]

The three of the boys were standing in front of the river in which case they quickly hopped over it, but right in that moment, a grey bubble appeared when the leaves froze in the air, the wind stopped moving when Tim, Codey and Elliot quickly covered their faces with their hands, but right in that moment, Tim's blood continued to flow heatly through his body when in return, Codey and Elliot both froze, however in return a white barrier of aura continued to flash around his body. "Codey! Elliot! Damn it, what the hell is going on now?!" Tim faced forward at the black and white colours in which case a woman appeared, floating in front of him.

"Hmm. How interesting, you're not affected by the 'Time Freeze'. That's very interesting, regardless to say, amusing...." The woman spoke, landing on the floor. "Who on Earth are you? And what did you do the two of them?" Tim asked, never realizing about his aura, glowing around his body. "What have I done to them? Nothing, but they might get hurt... But first of all, should I remind you. What have you done that you wouldn't be able to be stopped from moving. The 'Time Shift' works on everyone apart from the 'Holy Bloodlines', however... you don't consist of any kind of 'Holy' resource... I'd be a waste if I just ignored it..." The woman smiled, leaning her arms underneath her chest. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe identify yourself. I'm not here to waste time with you, and let them move!" Called Tim, angrily swinging with his left arm.

"I might consider letting them go, only in return of information." Tim soon realized that the woman before him, was somebody that Codey and the rest have warned him about. "You're that bitch who revealed Ayuka's identity... You're going to forcibly pay." Tim immediately swung his left arm behind his back, stepping with his right foot forward and summoning his Ginken at which point, it immediately spun and quickly transformed.

"Oh, I've completely forgot. But that's the answer. That little girl probably absorbed your 'Spiritual Symbolism' and used it for herself. And look at that, my Abilty only works on the ones who have some kind of 'Spiritual Symbolism' no matter the strength of it... I'm so amused..." Hitomi giggled, once preparing to summon her Ginken, however her abilty was then cancled and the Time continued to move. "W-what? How is that possible. My 'Time Freeze' should've have worked for more than a minute. Who did this?!" Questioned Hitomi, but lost her guard, when Codey and Elliot stepped forward, sliding and seeing how Tim immediately reached with his sword over his shoulder and jumped forward.

"I wouldn't look away from an opponent, you filthy bitch!" Tim appeared in front of Hitomi who looked up at him with a very annoyed expression once Tim slashed downward with his sword, but right in the moment of doing it, Hitomi drew out her sword at which point Tim's body instantly disappeared and appeared behind Hitomi, at which point Tim's eyes shook. "Damn it! What the hell is this stupid 'Time Shifting'?" Tim quickly twisted his blade when landing on the right foot and sweeped his sword backward when Hitomi's eyes angrily shook. "I'm not sure what happened, but I'll use this to my advantage!" But as soon as Tim was about to cut Hitomi, her body quickly disappeared from the spot when Tim's body got knocked forward from getting hit in the back, and with it Hitomi flew in the air.

"Stupid 'Spiritual Duelists'. You're all so reckless." Hitomi quickly disappeared with her final words.

"Get back here!" But right on the sync of his words, Codey and Elliot stepped next to Tim. "Her again?!" Codey wondered, while remembering a few months back.

"But... Wait... You were able to move in her 'Time Freeze'. Is it because you don't have the 'Spiritual Symbolism' anymore?" Wondered Codey, looking right into Tim's annoyed emotion, when he stood up straight, spun the sword and threw it behind his back, as it disappeared.

"I'm not sure... But we can be sure that we'll see her interference again..."

To be continued...