327. The 'Irrelevent' collection.

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Wednesday, 7:30 a.m.]

- The last appearance of the 'Time Shifter' made an impact on our three Heroes, and after her 'Time Freeze's' getting cancled by an unknown pressence, another day was the night time and the morning was on the peek, with it, Tim and the two of his friends finally came in visit of the Yarao City.

"Can't you believe... We actually managed to come here in decent time..." Codey smiled, applausing, alongside Tim and Elliot who were looking around and walking through the City.

"I'd lie if I said that this doesn't look perfectly modern like Innerlight City, but it's fun to see the difference of other cities..." They were surrounded by multiple people. "Not just that. It's kind of tiny compared to Innerlight City.... Its population might be at the lower peek..." Elliot added, upon fixing his scabbard. "It's definitely not hard to spot that you're a 'Spiritual Duelist' with that setup..." Tim slapped his face, covering it. "Hey. I gotta show off, I'm much better than them in fact..." Elliot spoke, hitting his chest with a straightened pose and a confident smile.

"Boy, look at that guy's ugly dressing. Who wears that crap?" A woman asked, talking to another. "I know right." That made Elliot unamused. "Don't you got anything better to do than insult a professional like me!" Two exclamation marks appeared at top of the the girl's head and ran away. "Definitley a great way to show off." By making fun, Codey picked up his rusack. "So, what exactly are we planning to do here, apart from proper rest and feast?" Codey wondered, walking up the stairs, looking at Tim, who was at the middle.

"Well, we might be able to find somebody who could help us with some kind of ideas, but at the same we do have to seek several papers that might give us some kind of answers, though, that's debatable..." Tim explained, as the three of them finally reached the higher ground. "Do you really expect random papers to tell us? You're definitely on high craziness..." Elliot added, when Tim and Codey both looked at him, unamusingly. "What? It's true!"

"Yeah? Well maybe you may as well go back where you came from if you don't plan on helping out..." Tim and Codey spoke, when the three of them continued through the main street. "Okay, fine! So how do you plan to find any sort of paper that informs us about the 'Holy Archs'. Just look at it, it may be smaller than Innerlight City, but it's still massive to find a perfect paper!" Elliot raised both of his arms up in the air where the birds flew over his head.

But while Tim and Codey stood still, three dots appeared above their heads, while their faces drew into mad unamusement. "Provokes an entire city to face us... Smart..." But with irrelevant thoughts, Tim and Codey continued to walk forward. "Yo, wait up. We could at least go grab a drink and some food first..." Elliot ran after them, when both of them walked up the next stairs.

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Restaurant - Wednesday, 8:00 a.m.]

Codey, Elliot and Tim were sitting behind the table. Elliot was bashing all the food into his mouth, while Codey calmly bit into Bubbly Meat. "Hey... Aren't you gonna order? There's Bubbly Meat and Ayuka had prepared it multiple times for you..." Codey questioned, when Tim was unamused. "I'm not hungry and on the other fact, the cooking is far different than theirs..." Tim explained, waiting for Codey and Elliot to finish eating. "Boy, you barely eat ever since that event, do you even remember what had happened back then before she left you?" Codey wondered, leaning onto the table.

"What do you mean? Easy answer is - 'not everything'. I only remember that she absorbed my 'Spiritual Symbolism' nothing else that would come to my mind..."

"Uh, what about like, 'feeling contacts'? Like hand shake or-" But it was unknown to Tim. "No, I don't even remember for when she grabbed me to put me up at the hill... Now why are you asking me these stupid questions?" Tim wondered, upset. ("Boy... I guess he did forget a lot of what had happened in that singular moment, by just losing his 'Spiritual Symbolism.'...") Codey poured the sauce and took a bite.

"What's actually been going on? Why do you constantly ask about my 'contacts' with Ayuka, like always, you're leaving me out of something.." Tim sighed, looking to the rest of the people. "Um... Nothing, really... Even if I said it, you'd probably begin to hate me... Anyway, we should hurry up Elliot so that we're ready for-" But the moment, Codey raised his bowl, Elliot was resting his back on the bench and holding his stomach as it was full. "I already have." By consumption of heavy food, Codey just continued his own.

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Wednesday, 8:20 a.m.]

Codey was sitting on the bench next to Tim, who held a book. "Will that really help you out?" Codey wondered, while Tim's body was bent forward and turning the page. "The book is title' The Holy Light. But I am not sure if there's any answers to how we'll be able to get in it. Most of the details that this book has are the things we already know... But hopefully I find something in the left pages I have to read.." Tim claimed, looking at it.

"Please, marry me!"

"I suppose the book doesn't have much about 'Holy Archs' huh?" Tim declined.

"Come on! I'll do whatever you ask of me, just let me touch your boobs!" But the woman was very indecisive nor very comfortable, as she was avoiding any contact with Elliot.

"But, so far. There's only been an entire history of how she appeared, no details over the 'Archs'. Alongside that-"

"Come on! Just give me a kiss! Or let me touch them!!" Elliot was hanging onto the woman's right leg while hugging it and begging.

"Will you get off me you worm!" "A worm?! I am a fully fledged on human, see I have all the limbs! Why would you hate me!"

"... There's been a lot of information over the unknown daughter, of course. I know it's talking about Ayuka, but I just wish this book had more in store than we see." Right in that moment, as Tim spoke. Elliot went blasting through the air, over their heads, when Tim raised his look up and shut the book.

"There's nothing we can do. We gotta keep searching." Tim stood up, when Elliot's body landed in a trash bin, causing the trash bin to spin and smash on the floor, when Tim faced behind.

"Will you just stop going wild, for a god damn minute!!!"

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Wednesday, 9:20 a.m.]

"Welcome, welcome! Everyone's who's interested into the 'Holy Light' society! Please, come on to a visit, we have many books and many accessories that could amuse your day! Visit now and get as much informations as possible!" A man called, waving with a paper, when Codey immediately stepped forward. "Lemme see." Withotu wasting time, Codey quickly swung his arm and stole the paper from the man. "Hey! You gotta pay for it you darn brat!" The man yelled, complaining. Codey ignored him while he quickly read through the paper and moved the page.

"Hey! Are you ignoring me!"

Tim was standing at the wall, leaned onto the wall, reading another book. "Damn it, why's there nothing that involves information about the 'Holy Archs'. Is it really that secretive about its existence?" Tim thought.

"Please, accept my rose and befriend me as the next lover to your bitting!" Called Elliot, making a fabulous face. "Ew, who the hell even are you? You're way out of my league!" A woman called, when Elliot's eyes popped out. "Come on! Don't say that! I have feelings, you know!" Elliot grabbed her leg and looked her up. "Get off me you creep!" Shouted the woman, when kicking Elliot in the face.

"This shit is fake! You really believe you'll get any customers! Literally this entire paper is covered by women in bikinis! What kind of a merchant are you! You unacceptable dickhead!" Codey ripped the paper apart. "Besides, how the hell did you even get the stupid 'biki' photos of Zero?! You're all so stupid!" Codey smashed the teared up pieces on the table, when the merchan fell miserable. "No! My only wife that could keep my entertained at night!" Codey's eyes twitched when he backed away.

"Bikini photos of Zero?! Lemme see!!" Elliot came jumping in front of Codey, grabbing the paper. "Yes, but now its teared!" The man cried. Elliot picked up the ripped pieces and mixed it back together with tape. "Holy hell! She's more attractive than those teens at the Guild! Boy I can't wait to feel her-" But right in that moment, Codey grabbed a rock and smashed it on top of Elliot's head, knocking him on the floor when Tim shut the book. "Are you two going to constantly argue over something or are you gonna help out?!"

Codey put his mouth near his mouth and coughed. "Of course, of course my lovely friend..."

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Wednesday, 9:30 a.m.]

Tim was walking through the street while looking up the taped lists. "Okay! Seriously! What the hell is this?! Is this damn city obsessed with Zero! Now there are photos of her being a model! How do they even get these damn photos?!" Tim asked, when quickly shouting aloud. "H-Hey! Calm down, those are actually normal models. Calm down, it just happens to be similar to our 'Godess'..." The man spoke, when Tim's arms hung down.




He palmed the photos and destroyed the wood. "My board! How could you do that?!" The merchan called, while kneeling onto the floor, as the light shined upon him. Tim cleansed the dust of his hand and walked onward. "Tim, I might have found something that you might find interested... It's not really much about the 'Holy Archs' but there's some details about an unknown shadow roaming around the City at night. Look..." Tim picked the paper from Codey's hand and noticed a bad photo to see the shadow. "Is it like some kind of a myth, or a tradition, or actually an enemy?" Tim wondered, grabbing his chin. "I'm really not sure... It doesn't give much details about who they are, but it's known to be some kind of a human that has intriguing 'Spiritual Symbolism'...." Codey explained, while Tim sighed.

"It doesn't really help us much, so I recommend you put it back..." Tim returned the paper into Codey's chest when instantly..

"Somebody, help me!"

To be continued...