329. The evolution of one's combat efficiency.

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Mansion - Wednesday, 9:36 a.m.]

"Of course, I shall guarantee your life alongside my own..." The woman, named Miyuki jumped down at the crystal floors when the three of the boys seemed uncomfortable.

"I changed my mind, she's not gorgeous!" Yelled Elliot.

"Now, please, let us begin the show."

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Mansion - Wednesday, 9:37 a.m.]

The three Heroes were standing still, ready for an enounters of offense. "We really don't need to fight. Letting us go is the most safest bet for you." Codey warned, holding his boomerangs in which case he looked at Miyuki.

"It cannot be done, to keep you away from reaching the lovely 'Godess' we must prevent you from going onward, in just a month she will give birth to the next 'Holy Light'. That is why-" But right in that moment, Miyuki looked at Codey when his eyes widely opened, showing pure fear, when they glowed red. "She, will what..." Instantly, Tim and Elliot looked at Codey, who was getting provoked.

"I believe you've heard correctly, so-" But Codey barely let her talk. "With who... I want to know that right now. And if you don't speak, I guarantee you a lethal outcome. By the dare of your words, I won't accept what you had just said, I'm not going to let that to just spoil... Those two may accept it, but I have a reason of why I won't let that happen. We have but a month, you say? Well, then your death won't be long from now on, we'll get to the 'Holy Archs' and prevent anyone coming in contact with her body, I have but one decision on my mind, and that decision will be kept within my mind for as long as I don't accomplish it..." ("I wouldn't believe she would of have decided that herself, but with her preparing to become the next 'Holy Light', then I can tell that she'd risk even her own relationship... And that's why I won't let that get to her head...") While Codey thought in his mind, he moved his right eye to face behind, right at Tim who was ready for any upcoming attacks.

"Tim... I have but one favour of you. I wish to accomplish my goal, so let me fight this bitchy fool, any interferences will provoke me and do as much as I can to stop you from going near her... You might not be aware of what Ayuka's emotional state is, but I'm going to tell you this once again... Only one man will confess to her, and I'll support her for as long as I am alive, do you understand it?" Codey wondered, while the disorted winds continued to float around Codey's body.

".... I still have no idea what you're talking about, but if you truly wish to do that, than have the fun... As I said, I only have one goal to reach on this departure, and that is to retrieve Ayuka..."

"And that's the only goal you should be focusing on, trust me, it will be a favour to you for the possible future..." Without any further commentary, Codey moved his right arm before his eyes when a red shine conducted itself. "Henshin." Instantly red clothes bursted from Codey's body at which point they've extended and lenghtened, with the white robe whirling around his body, Codey's boomerangs immediately changed their blade's sharpness and increased their length in which case he was prepared to fight without any interruptions, while Tim and Elliot stepped back.

"Do you think that the man he is constantly bringing up could be you?" Elliot wondered, giving a sturdy look into Tim's eyes. "You're out of your damn mind... I'm sure he knows something that neither of us could..." Tim had his arms crossed while looking at Codey who stood ready for the upcoming battle.

"Very fascinating, an even and a fair battle, one on one. I had the least expectations that you would consider of making it fair. I'm very intrigued. In any case, Miyuki, I believe you won't fail on the spot, am I right or am I right?" Masashi questioned, smiling. "Worry not, sir. I'll be able to strike this 'Demon' back to the Underworld."

"Oh, trust me. I'm not from the Underworld, I just happen to have the Demon's Blood, blazing through my veins, however, I believe it is more than enough for your life to be decapitated into two on one piece, if not more." With it Codey's boomerangs spun for a few of the seconds at which point Miyuki sighed.

At last, it began.


Codey made a step in which moment several illusions of his body instantly surrounded the area in which case they disappeared from the spot when Miyuki was put in surprise, right from the start

One of the illusions appeared behind Miyuki at which case she immediately sweeped her legs behind and quickly kicked through the illusion in which case she instantly turned her back toward Tim and Elliot and then immediately noticed the second illusion appearing in front of her with both of his arms raised up above his head and then instantly smashed down at the ground in which case Miyuki slipped her both legs backward and leaped and in the moment the illusion had smashed the floor, the crystals that were filled with wind were forcibly grown to raise in an earthquake toward Miyuki, at which point she instantly crouched, touched the floor with her left palm and jumped high into the air when landing on the crystalized pillar when Codey's body appeared in front of Miyuki, just at midair when Codey quickly had his right leg bent and then kneeled Miyuki in the stomach in which case a powerful wind was blown across the ccrystals, sending Miyuki flying backward, when Codey's body instantly balanced in midair and with it, he pressed both of his feet over to the pillar behind him and used it as his launch pad, when flying through the air with full force and quickly turning his body by moving both of his arms across the shoulders and once spinning, quickly swinging with his left arm from the front of his body, past his right chest when the left boomerang went flying through the air at full force as it was shifting directions in which moment, Miyuki quickly grabbed the crystalized pillar and dugged her fingers into it, while using it as a support to sweep her body across it and behind it, avoiding hte pillar when quickly dropping down toward the ground, but right in that moment the boomerang that was thrown past her had immediately twisted direction once it targeted her back.

She quickly sensed it with her right eye when ducking and allowing the boomerang to fly over her standing body, but right on the time, Codey appeared in front of the released boomerang, caught it with all his might when feel the boomerang dragging him backward through the air.

Miyuki quickly reached onto her back when dragging out a thin sword, she immediately crouched, bent her upper body forward and dugged the feet into the ground, blasting it over the ground at high speed while chasing down Codey who has just managed to recover his flight and land on the floor, sliding backward when dragging his free arm on the floor, leaving a trail of disorted wind, which began to ripple up.

In time, Miyuki managed to see it and instantly, without wasting any time her body was free to slide to the side when using it to her advantage of avoiding hte disorted wind which was then controled by Codey's right arm swing, when the disorted wind blew right at Miyuki, who quickly supported her stance by moving her left leg forward and the right one behind her back, crouching when quickly grabbing the sword's flat and then instantly allowed the wind to strike her into the blade, protecting herself but getting knocked back in return, right on the time, Codey had vanished from the position when using his increased speed to appear before Miyuki and without any waste of time, immediately hopping on the spot, raising his right leg when turning on the spot and round kicking Miyuki in the face, alongside unleashing a heavy wind which brutally destoryed the pillars on the side. Upon the activation of it, Codey crouched and touched the floor with his right palm once pressing his fingers into the crystalized floor and then immediately launched himself forward when Miyuki flopped her body on the floor, rolling it and seeing that Codey had already appeared above her with a raised right leg and a prepared stomp, but by rolling to the side, Codey's stomp ended up hitting the pure ground when Miyuki appeared behind Codey and instantly slashed with her sword in which case Codey noticed it and turned around and sacrificed his left arm to take the hit, when he instantly moved his right hand under his left elbow and pointed a palm into Miyuki's face.

"Wind Blast!" He used the distraction to his advantage when using disorted wind blast into Miyuki's face which quickly blew her backward and erased her breathing for a bunch of seconds, but by doing that, Codey used that time to regenerate his left and cut arm when quickly sweeping with his right boomerang, throwing it at high speed at Miyuki who quickly reacted by blocking and defending herself, when bouncing the boomerang backward.

Codey ran on the crystalized floor when he immediately leaped in the air and outstretched his left arm, grabbing the boomerang and then spun in the air, throwing it again, but this time used a surrounding wind which Miyuki could not defend, so in return she quickly made a hopped wheel to the side, landed and avoided it and with that instantly sweeped her sword from the tip of the floor up in front of her, a powerful red energy flew through the air, turning grey when Codey in midair crossed his arms and covered his face and took the blowing energy dead on, when his body was knocked backward and slammed into the crystalized wall as they creaked and piled on the floor, forcibly pinning Codey into the wall.

However, right when the mist dispersed he touched the wall with both of his palms, casted a powerful wind blast which knocked him through the air with his arms and legs swinging due to a force when surprising Miyuki after he zoomed through the air in which case he immediately stretched his left arm, grabbed the top of his wrist by his right and then instantly echoed out an attack. "Wind Blast, second phase! Current!" A thinner blast which was faster was sent through the tip of his hole shaped by the fingers which forcibly knocked him backward into a flip and prepared for landing, when the windy current slammed into Miyuki's right arm and exploding the crystalized ground underneath her, which covered Miyuki's body with mist, and right on it, Codey landed on the floor, when instantly ducking after sensing a powerful current of energy blasting through the mist, he had his arms hung in front of him, in which case his 'Abyssal Essence' awoke around his body with a deadly and red aura moving around his body when on the seventh step his body vanished in thin air and with it Miyuki was surprised when feeling a powerul smash into her stomach, stunning her and by that, she began to feel multiple strikes around her body as she tried to defend, but right with it, she could not, as her opponent was fast enough to act as invisibility.

But at last, Codey's body appeared behind Miyuki when he instantly kicked roundly in front of him, hitting the back of Miyuki's head and knocking her forward onto the floor, with facepalm into the crystalized ground, when her face was dragged over the ground and cutting her face.

Codey landed when he stretched both of his arms to the side, when two boomerangs came flying out of nowhere, just to get caught by his grip.

"Codey's barely giving his opponent time to react, his skill has enhanced and evolved ever since the last time. I suppose Lei had taught him well." Spoke Elliot, interested into the fight while seeing Miyuki standing up with a beat up body and hanging arms, picking up her sword. "Lei's one of the best teachers whenever it comes to 'Wind' users. She efficiently improves the trainee in several dedications, enhancing their 'Spiritual Symbolism' and giving birth to the trainee's new power, alongside teaching several 'Martial Arts', the most amusing thing about this is that his style of fighting hasn't gotten any similar to Lei, in fact he kept his old style of fighting, just drastically improved. He's like a new breed of power..." Tim explained, sitting casually and calmly.

"Yeah, I can see what do you mean by that. He's amazing..." Elliot added, smiling.

"MIYUKI! Stop being so stupid and kill this bastard, you damn, ignorant bitch!"

To be continued...