330. The redial of one's limits.

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Mansion - Wednesday, 9:38 a.m.]

"Codey's barely giving his opponent time to react, his skill has enhanced and evolved ever since the last time. I suppose Lei had taught him well." Spoke Elliot, interested into the fight while seeing Miyuki standing up with a beat up body and hanging arms, picking up her sword. "Lei's one of the best teachers whenever it comes to 'Wind' users. She efficiently improves the trainee in several dedications, enhancing their 'Spiritual Symbolism' and giving birth to the trainee's new power, alongside teaching several 'Martial Arts', the most amusing thing about this is that his style of fighting hasn't gotten any similar to Lei, in fact he kept his old style of fighting, just drastically improved. He's like a new breed of power..." Tim explained, sitting casually and calmly.

"Yeah, I can see what do you mean by that. He's amazing..." Elliot added, smiling.

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Mansion - Wednesday, 9:38 a.m.]

"MIYUKI! Stop being so stupid and kill this bastard, you damn, ignorant bitch!" Instantly that angered Tim at which point he stood up. "Shut up!" Both Codey, Miyuki with Elliot and Masashi looked at him. "What? What is it that you want now'?" Tim's interruption made an impact on Codey's confusion. "Insulting your 'friend' or whatever she is to you in a battle is unacceptable. I don't care if these two are trying to kill each other, being unfair to your helper is a gruesome reaction. Instead of insulting her, wouldn't you dare to try and help her, or at least support her by using acceptable words! All you do is watch like an idiot!" Tim shouted, when swinging his arm, instantly.

"Oh? Is that it? So what, aren't you doing the same?"

"I'm doing it because Codey had asked me, otherwise I'd help him with my might, but unlike you, who literally commanded her, without even giving her some kind of an aid!" Upon Tim's anger, Elliot looked at him. "Hey, chill up, no need to make such an income on our enemies, why are you trying to support our enemy?" Elliot wondered, gently raising his hand when Tim faced back. "Have I said I'm supporting her. I would be in the same style of battle if Codey hadn't asked me. All I'm trying to do is show her some respect! You should respect your opponents at least a tiny bit. Wouldn't you agree?" Tim questioned, with his eyes tensing.

"I mean! Y-yeah sure, but no need to shout it out like that! You're making an entire selection of showing out. Just sit down and give it a thought..." Elliot added alongside a drop of sweat flowing down his face. "Give it a thought... Am I really planning on wasting time with you?" Tim asked, when Elliot looked at him. "Are you trying to provoke me, or something?" Elliot asked, when looking at Tim's eyes, grabbing his collar. "Let go of the clothes, they're new..." Tim spoke, while the two of them seemed to have been getting upset.

"Now, now. Come on you two, would you consider chilling down? No need to be-" But right when Codey felt uncomfortable and tried to cool them off, Tim grabbed Elliot's arm, whole squeezing it.

Once Elliot looked at him squeezing, he instantly dragged the arm away. "I'm warning you... I'm not trying to kill an ally, but if I have too, I may end up doing it." Tim spoke, when stepping away. "Then who would help you rescue Ayuka, you idiot?!" Elliot shouted, when Tim's body stopped, when a gentle wind began to whisp around.

"Now, Tim! Seriously, you gotta relax." Codey spoke, but right while he thought everything would go according to plan, Tim turned around when his forehead shadowed his eyes. "Have I asked for your help, in any case? You were the one who wanted to come along..." Tim, who held his black sword in his arm raised it in next to his eyes, standing sideways as the sword's tip pointed on the ground. "Do you really think you're capable of such responsibility? There's no way that you'll be able to get her back by yourself! You're being stupid right now, and that's usually my case!" Elliot shouted, when resting his palm on his own chest, trying to comfort Tim.

"If that's the case, then I may as well die alongside it, at least not for nothing." With it Tim turned around and stepped toward the wall. "Where do you think you're going you brat!" Shouted Masashi when pointing his palm and instantly unleashed a red Shodō, which flew right between the other duelists at Tim's back. "Tim! Watch out!" Yelled Codey, when reaching with his arm forward, but.

Tim's right eye glanced over his shoulder in which case they've turned silver, his hair waved upward. "Back off..." With a raise of his sword behind his back, Tim slashed downward when instantly sweeping his sword downwardly and with contact at Shodō a powerful energy exposed itself in which case the ground were struck and instantly a powerful energy of black aura flew through the crysalized room, when completely erasing the fired Shodō in which case Codey, Elliot and Miyuki covered their faces from the pressure in which case the unleashed energy that echod through the room in an instantaneous squirt, fully shattered the crystals when the ground beneath the standing Duelist began to raise, once Codey instantly leaped in the air, followed by the rest, but in return Masashi's eyes were put on draft when instantly the filled crystalized room was forced out of its illusion in which case a massive explosion occured around the others, Masashi was split in half when Codey, Elliot and Miyuki's body were forcibly thrown into the remaining walls, once the the explosion followed up in return and destroyed the wood of the mansion and the brick alongside it, when the black ray cycled around Tim and instantly disappeared, in which case his eyes returned to silver with his black hair fully returning to white, Codey's back was injured, while Elliot had his arm almost broken, as for Miyuki, her body ended up in a break of his bones.

When at last, the people of Yarao City began terrified of seeing the massive explosion, and at that, Tim's sword changed back to normal, when he stepped forward. "I told you this departure won't be safe..." Tim faced at Codey, when his eyes shook as Codey's forehead bled, and by croucing on all of his four legs, Codey became serious once his eyes turned back to normal, alongside his clothes and boomerang. With that, the three of the Duelists colappsed onto the floor when the darkness ruled in their sight.

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Wednesday, 6:45 p.m.]

While Codey's eyes were shaking of some sort of interaction of his mind, he finally slowly opened his eyes and quickly sat up when noticing that he was banadged up around the head and his body, alongside Elliot who slept next to him. "W-what? H-How am I here! Where's is he?!" Codey instantly yelled, but as he faced to the side he noticed a woman. "Hey, calm down. It's me, I brought you here." With surprise, Codey's eyes got surprised. "Z-Zero? I! I mean, Lass. Zero?! Why are you-" Codey looked down at his legs that were covered by blanket and grabbed his forehead. "I was told about your departure from the Innerlight City, so I needed to find you as soon as possible. But, I had heard that Tim was with you as well, but I was unable to find him, has something happened to him?" Wondered Zero, looking at Codey while holding his arm and recovering it. "He... We-" Codey looked away, embarrassed. "This was his doing... He blocked us from following us." Codey spoke, while remembering the silver eyed glance. "What? But you had came here together, have you not?" She wondered.

"We did... But- Something provoked him and changed his mind, he forcibly pushed us back, alongside eliminating one of those crucial foes... Speaking about them, where's that girl?" Wondered Codey, giving a gaze at Zero's face.

"I brought her to the hospital, she had two of her limbs broken... And to avoid any further interactions between the two of you. Please, would you kindly explain to me what has happened, why have you wandered this far?" Wondered Zero, looking at them. "I-I am afraid I can't say." Zero was quite concerned about his words. "Why not?"

"It's something that we have promised to each other. I'm sorry, but really I shouldn't talk about it..." Sighed Codey, avoiding to say it out loud. "I-I understand, in any case, what do you plan to do now? Do you have any knowledge of where Tim had wandered off?"

But before that Codey's eyes shook and felt disappointed. "No... All I saw at last was his eyes gaze turning silver, alongside his hair darkening... He used it for a mere second, and that was it..." Claimed Codey, while soon unable to understand. "Wait, are you by any chance talking about the 'Kettoshin'? But if that was it, how could have he done it. I had trained him to use it, but after that, I noticed that he was incapable of doing it..." Wondered Zero. "But, he noted us about 'Spiritual Force' another reason to why he was unaffected by the 'Time Freeze'... So, if you're saying that he was only able to show it off and then never again, what caused it to awake again?" Codey asked, worried.

"I would be lying if I said I knew, but truly I cannot tell, it happened randomly after he was provoked. If the case was really based of 'Kettoshin', then why would he say he cannot use it, was it just to syce me out? Or was it a lie for future?" Wondered Zero, while letting go of Codey's arm, who looked at it. "Are you saying that he had lied to you about him unable to use it, and tried to hide it, or something?" Codey wondered, when concerned about him. "As I had mentioned before, that is another possibility, but his reason of why he would be lying is unclear, I would not expect him out of all people to lie about it, so there has got to be another event that caused the limit..." Wondered Zero, laning her finger under her chin, trying to think. "Do you think it might of have been for a reason, or that somebody had forcibly done it to him?" Wondered Codey, holding his bandaged arm.

"It is another possibility, but-" However in the instant that Zero had tried to say it, her eyes shook and she dropped her finger.

"Has he by any chance came in contact with Ayuka, after the weeks that had passed, from our training session?"

To be continued...