331. The 'Holy Light's' support.

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Wednesday, 6:45 p.m.]

"Do you think it might of have been for a reason, or that somebody had forcibly done it to him?" Wondered Codey, holding his bandaged arm.

"It is another possibility, but-" However in the instant that Zero had tried to say it, her eyes shook and she dropped her finger.

"Has he by any chance came in contact with Ayuka, after the weeks that had passed, from our training session?"

[Planet Earth - Yarao City - Wednesday, 6:45 p.m.]

Codey's eyes quickly shook. "Came in contact with 'Ayuka'? After your training session?" Wondered Codey, while thinking, realizing. ("What should I say? I said I we had a conversation about keeping this away from Zero, but if I lie then I won't get an answer... But with, Zero will understand what had happened to Ayuka... If I tell her that she 'absorbed' his 'Spiritual Symbolism' then she'll probably go crazy, but if I don't-") "Damn it! All of this is so stupid of me to try and thinking, damn it, damn it, damn it!" Codey yelled, while messing his hair. "Hey, Codey. What is going through your mind?" Zero wondered.

"Tim and Ayuka came in contact at our Beach, she absorbed his 'Spiritual Symbolism' to not follow her, after she figured out who she was in reality! The fault was caused by Hitomi who calls herself a 'Time Shifter'. This forcibly put Ayuka to distrust us and made her take over the responsibility of 'Holy Light'! She knows about the tradition about what she must go through and we have been trying to get to her! But we had no kind of idea on how to get there! We were trying to hide this from you so that you wouldn't try to go after her! It was Tim's idea, so don't go pulling it on me! All I've been trying to do is help out! People in the 'Holy Archs' must not know that you're still alive on Planet Earth! So I bet they're thinking that Ayuka had came there for that specific reason! So all we need is a key to entering that stupid 'Heaven's Place'! I'm sorry, all right! I tried to help out Tim, but I couldn't have done much about! I also wish to repay Ayuka by stopping her marriage!" Codey yelled, when sweating and hitting his head into the bed.

"Hey! Calm down! No need to be that wild." Zero spoke, once Codey looked up at her. "But why would you hide this from me?" She questioned when Codey raised his head. "It was because of your limited power while you're on Planet Earth. Tim was aware that you were unable to return to the 'Holy Archs', so he avoided telling us that! But please, if you're truly a 'Godess' and care for your own daughter! I beg of you to lie back and tell us how to reach the 'Holy Archs'! I promise, whenever we meet back up with Tim! We'll do everything to avoid her marriage and the new birth!" Codey shouted, while almost crying out loud with worry.

"I-I do not understand. Why would you want to avoid her marriage? I understand that she is still young, but-" Right before that, Codey looked down, when his hair wobbled as well.

"She's just not ready for such responsibility, and you're still alive, so that means we do have the 'Holy Light'... But Ayuka's mind is off the hook, if she truly accepted the tradition, then we don't know how much time we have to stop that marriage!" Codey claimed, while grabbing his forehead.

"If she had accepted it, it means that she has only but a month before the marriage... That is how the 'Holy Light's' tradition works." Explained Zero, calm enough to be sturdy in her thinking. "A month? So then we don't even have that much time! Zero! I beg of you, you gotta tell us how to enter the 'Holy Archs'! You're not recovered from your power loss, so all that we ask of you is to tell us the secret to how on entering it! You do trust us, right! Please!" Codey called, grabbing his injured arm.

Zero looked down, when her eyes was very upset. "If I told you. You would be going into great danger. The 'Holy Archs' are filled by 'Holy Bloodlines'. If you were to enter, I would not see you be able of coming back alive..."

"No! Zero! You gotta listen to us! You're in no shape for doing such a job! I'll find Tim with my 'Perception' we'll catch up to him, explain him the process of how to enter and bring Ayuka! Just tell us! It's about your daughter! I beg of you, Zero! Listen to your heart not your mind!" Codey yelled, while a sweat dripped down Zero's left side of the forehead.


"... To enter the 'Holy Archs' you require a powerful 'Spiritual Force' and with it you need to visit the 'Holy Ruins'. But to get there, you would have to journey through the 'Skylane', 'Yasei Ruins', 'Takai Mountain' and then continued through the 'Suisei City'... You should be able to reach 'Holy Ruin's. It is surrounded by the ruins and insert a scroll onto the pendelum, this will open up a Dimension which will bring you to the entrance of the 'Holy Archs' and through there, you will need to break through the 'Holy Guards'. But do not underestimate them... They are known to be much more superior to you, alone..."

Codey was interested when he looked at her. "But how do we get that scroll?!" Codey wondered, stressed.

Zero sighed and swooped her hand in front when an opened scroll appeared. "This is the scroll..." When Zero moved her hand gently forward, the scroll flew over to Codey as it wrapped and fell into his arms. "You are meant to read it out loud when you insert it onto the pendelum... One mistake can cause an uproar and the scroll will be ineffective... So it is very risky to be read by a human." She explained

Codey became serious. "Don't worry, I'll be the one reading it, as I believe I am most trust worthy." Claimed Codey.

"There is another option." Which made Codey confused. "Which."

"If you are worried about risking it, I can come along and read it correctly for you, but from the entrance, it will be necessary for you to go alone in it, I believe that is our only chance to perfection, so if you would mind. Would you consider me as your ally for this departure to the 'Holy Ruins'?" With it, Codey became surprised.

"But if you come along with us, we're bound to encounter enemies. Are you sure?" Codey wondered

"You do not need to be worried, I have only decided to come along to read the scroll, my combat would not be very effective and it would be risky to be revealed, so the only trouble you might need to think about is - me not fighting..." She explained. Codey was surprised and became serious. "I understand, we'll keep you out of combat, but promise us that you'll open the 'portal' to the 'Holy Archs'!"

"Of course."

"Thank you a lot, Zero. I never expected for you to be on our team, but right now... Elliot hasn't yet recovered, so-" Zero nodded.

"We can wait for his recover..."

[Planet Earth - Forest - Wednesday, 7:10 p.m.]

Tim ducked from the spot when moving his sword past his hip when skimming to the side and dashing toward his opponent, Takai Kenta.

Tim instantly sweeped with his sword forward at which point Kenta immediately made a step back and swung his sword forward when a powerful energy came in contact, knocking Tim aside in which mpment Kenta quickly crouched and dashed toward Tim who was knocked back, hopped in front of him and raised his sword over his left shoulder with his right arm when spinning in front of Tim and swinging his blade, but in luck Tim ducked and quickly dashed to the side, when grabbing the sword past his right hip in which moment, he sweeped with his sword forward and noticed how Kenta dropped onto his shoulder and rolled to the side, quickly standing up by using his right palm as support and front kicking into Tim's face, however Tim immediately moved the sword in front of him when his force was unleashed and caused the ground to shatter. To not waste time, Tim immediately swooped with his sword in oblique cut forward when Kenta crouched and blocked his sword by raising his own above his head.

From there, Kenta quickly knocked Tim's sword from his grip and disarmed him when stabbing forward. Tim quickly leaped backward when landed in a three-step position and was forcibly slid on the snow in which moment Tim quickly twisted his hand to turn on the ice and quickly launch himself forward at Kenta with an outstretched leg in which case he spun and roundly kicked Kenta in the face, knocking him aside when Tim quickly landed on the floor and immediately dashed forward, opening his palm when touching Kenta's stomach and with an opened palm unleashed a forceful wave of energy which knocked Kenta through the air, and flipped him backward when Tim's sword fell into his arm, in which moment he instantly dashed forward, by his sword outstretched behind his back and by an overhead swing cut right from the top to the bottom of Kenta's body, when injuring him and then instantly twisting his left foot on the floor when hopping, turning around and once again kicked Kenta into face, in which case Tim quickly landed and opened his palm, unleashing a powerful pulse which pushed himself back and hit Kenta in the stomach once knocking Kenta right into the back of the frozen tree.

Instantly Kenta's sword shattered when his eyes began to bleed. "You damn bastard! As soon as Hitomi find you, she'll rip your apart without any regrets! You'll see that! You ass!!!" Yelled Kenta when his body disappeared in blood cells. Tim spun his sword and sweeped it beneath his hip, pointing it downward when throwing it behind his back and making it disappear.

"If Hitomi's planning to throw such weak opponent at my direction, they may as well throw more of them at once..." Tim spoke when stepping forward.

[Planet Earth - Forest - Wednesday, 7:12 p.m.]

Codey, Elliot and Zero were running through the snow with 'Vanishing Dash' while Elliot asked.

"But how do you expect us to find Tim! He could of have went into any direction! There's no way for sure that this is the way!" Elliot called, looking at Zero. "Codey is able to seek his pressence by using his 'Spiritual Control'. I am entrusting him to succeed, as we are both quiet useless whenever it comes to scouting." Zero claimed, calm enough to run at the back, leaving Codey to stand in front.

"You don't need to worry! I know that he went through here, we should be there in no time! He probably hasn't used 'Vanishing Dash' so I'm sure that we had already somewhat caught up to him!" Codey called, when the three of them jumped down the standing wall of the snowy floor.

"You better be right..."

To be continued...