332. The visit to the 'Skylane'.

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Forest - Wednesday, 7:12 p.m.]

"But how do you expect us to find Tim! He could of have went into any direction! There's no way for sure that this is the way!" Elliot called, looking at Zero. "Codey is able to seek his pressence by using his 'Spiritual Control'. I am entrusting him to succeed, as we are both quiet useless whenever it comes to scouting." Zero claimed, calm enough to run at the back, leaving Codey to stand in front.

"You don't need to worry! I know that he went through here, we should be there in no time! He probably hasn't used 'Vanishing Dash' so I'm sure that we had already somewhat caught up to him!" Codey called, when the three of them jumped down the standing wall of the snowy floor.

"You better be right..."

[Planet Earth - Forest - Wednesday, 9:00 p.m.]

With several hours passing by, Tim has been standing in front of a frizen river. "How stupid could I have been..." Tim wondered while having his arms crossed. "I acted all tough and then I'm not even sure if this is enough strength to get me through this alone..." By Tim seeing the aurora in the air due to the cold and lighting, he quickly jumped over when landing on the other side of the river in a snow.

"Would you stop moving for a second!" Instantly somebody yelled when Tim faced behind him. "Codey, Elliot, and.... Zero? I told you to stay back! Are you deaf!" Tim yelled, uncomfortable. "Boy, you're not thinking straight at all! You've gone nuts, but I hope you've realized, you didn't even have an answer to how you would get there!" Elliot sighed, as Tim looked at them. "So what?! I'd find it in some case-" But right in that moment, Elliot smashed the top of Tim's head. "Hey! What the hell?!"

"That's my payback for earlier! Now if you'll think straight and look at that." Codey looked at Zero and pointed at her. "If it weren't for her, I don't think how well we'd end up and on the other hand, she finally gave us the answer to how we can enter the 'Holy Archs'." Tim looked at her, when Zero stepped in front of him.

"You know. Hiding this from me was an incorrect decision. If you had just spoken about what had happened, I might of have been able to help you earlier." Zero spoke, when looking at him. "I didn't really want you on this, why would I ask somebody of the higher Title than myself to help me out. It's unacceptable..." Tim spoke, grabed the top of his head and scratched.

Zero took an exhale and crossed her arms when three dots appeared on Tim's head.

"First of all you're a fool who doesn't have any idea on how to question a 'God'! If you believe hiding this from me was your own option then you're mistaken young kid! You're actually a pretty damn brat like any other, to hide something like this from me without even telling me about any hints it's as stupid as a newborn! You need somebody to put this out from their damn mind and I swear to 'me', THAT if you lie to me one more time I will make sure to wrap you down in a tape, pin you on the wall and forcibly make you spill everything out, do you understand that! Are we clear?!" While she shouted at Tim and pointed at him, Codey and Elliot both backed away, when their eyes became squiggly, alongside Tim's.

"NOW! Before I change my mind! You'll go to bed and rest, because I can see you've already been in combat! So hurry up before I leave a fist in your face, understand that!"

"Yes! Sir!"

"Sir?! Do I look like a guy to you?! It's 'dame'!"

"Yes of course! Dame, I am sorry! I'll go right at it!" Tim instantly jumped into the sleeping bag when beginning to let out snoars.

"Was that 'Godly' commercial to you, or was it just a mistake? Boy, she definitely is similar to her daughter." Codey wondered, confused. "I don't know, but she's GOD damn hot when she gets pissed, I wish I could marry her!" Said Elliot, having hearts in his eyes when Codey quickly slammed Elliot into the snow and rub him in it. "Get some manners for once already!"

[Planet Earth - Skylane - Saturday, 1:00 p.m.]

Tim, Elliot, Codey and Zero were standing beneath a floating island.

"Um. Zero. Are you telling me that there's an actual 'Floating' Island on Planet Earth. You know, when you appeared as the 'Holy Light', this I did not expect to be made." Claimed Codey, when his eyes continued to blink. "Nor was I aware of it. In any case, this is where we will be able to receive the main source of the 'pendelum'." She explained, looking up at it. "So, how do we get up there without using 'Air Step'?" Tim wondered, confused, when Zero pointed at a rope. "For some convenient reason, there has been a rope to which we must climb up. And just to make it clear, when we reach the top, be aware because this place is known for its massive population of 'Aero' users. This is where your mother was born, Codey." Explained Zero, smiling.

"My mother was born up there? How's that even possible, she never told me about it..." Codey blinked, several times. "I suppose she just wanted to keep it for you to discover. But not to worry, people up there are pretty gentle, so there will not be many problems whenever we reach the top. Of course, to reach the 'Skylane City' it will take us some time, as we will need to use the gusts to reach it." Explained Zero, smiling, while the wind gently blew past her body.

"Question..." Once Elliot raised his finger, the three of them looked at them. "Why are you dressed so casually, not even wearing your 'human' clothes?" Elliot wondered, looking at her.

"That is a question that is not hard to be answered. I suppose I just do not need to worry about that while I am here. Most of them know me, so I do not intend to be dressed in my human clothes... And honestly, they are uncomfortable."

The three boys instantly fell into unamusement. "Are you sure, you're a 'God'?" Tim wondered, when looking at Zero. "... What? Can I not even have some fun as a human? You know! I prefer to be like you, all the trouble of dealing in the 'Holy Archs' are quite annoying, for I dare to say." She explained, when Tim sighed.

"Definitely not." Tim exhaled when the snowflakes flew by.

"So, just to be exact. We're climbing in such cold weather? You all are crazy..." Codey added, when seeing the rope almost frozen.

"You are 'Spiritual Duelists' are you not? Then I dare to say that this should not be a problem for you to cross. Now, let us begin."

Elliot hopped on the rope when began to climb first. "Guys, it's actually pretty damn eas-" But right as Elliot looked down, his eyes popped out. "I CAN'T GO ON! That's too high!" He hugged the rope while shaking from fear.

"Seriously?! Are you telling us that you're afraid of height?!" Codey asked, looking him up.

"Yes! Heights are scary, please, help me, somebody!" But right as Elliot spoke, his hands slipped off the frozen rope, when his eyes blinked twice, he looked back down when he fell.

He fell down when screaming. "Help me!" But right on time, Elliot smashed his back in front of Tim, Codey and Zero, who looked down at him unamused. "You were up like 5 meters..." Tim spoke. "5?! Are you serious?! So how tall is this rope then?!"

"First of all, it is length and second of all, only 1300 meters." Zero explained, with it Elliot gave up. "I'm never seeing the daylight again after this climb.." Elliot began to suck on his thumb when Zero hopped up, with Tim and Codey unamused. "Nevermind! We get the honor to look at Zero's bottom! I'm going!" Elliot immediately jumped up, but right on the moment, Codey grabbed him and smashed him back at the ground. "I believe it's better if I go first." Codey said, when hopping after Zero and followed by Tim.

[Planet Earth - Skylane - Saturday, 1:10 p.m.]

Their climbing continued while Elliot was at last. "Hey, guys. Why can't I be in front of you?" Elliot wondered, looking up from where Tim and Codey faced down at him. "You know why! You damn pervert!" Codey confirmed, as he was very casual of climbing. "But- Who wouldn't want to have the honor of looking such a pretty woman from below of her bottom? Even you two have deserved to be behind her!" Elliot claimed, while letting our cries of disappointement.

"For whatever reason, we aren't perverts like your messy mind and if you were climbing behind her, you'd probably do more than just look! Now, before you fall down, you should probably focus, cause the wind's coming." Tim added, in which moment the three of them grabbed on.

"... Wha'...?" But as soon as Elliot noticed them hanging on, his eyes became squiggly when a powerful wind shook the rope. "Help me!!!" Instantly Elliot let go of the ropes when preparing to fall down, however Tim quickly held on the rope with his left arm while caught Elliot's palm in his right. "Maybe be more careful!" Tim sighed.

"Oh, you're a life saviour! Thank you so much, Tim! I'm never doubting at you again!" Elliot added, forcibly making Tim unamused. "Are you all right?" Zero wondered, looking down at them, worryingly. "Yeah, we're fine, just keep going, we still got decent height." Codey giggled while continuing at last.

"We're lucky to have took the exam, to climb the mountain." Elliot giggled, while blushing. "All you did was run up the wall of it, you didn't climbe, you moron!" Tim called, giving a sturdy look down at Elliot.

[Planet Earth - Skylane - Saturday, 1:30 p.m.]

Zero hopped up from the rope when landing on the surface, Tim, Codey and Elliot followed up behind when the three of them took some time to rest. "I'm never climbing on a rope ever again. I almost died down on it!" Elliot slammed his forehead into the floor when Tim and Codey were amazed. "This place is extremely beautiful! I gotta say, you've got a taste of what's nice, Zero." Codey smiled when she looked at him. "Taste? You do know that I had nothing to do with shaping the Planet. It shaped on its own, after I was born." Explained Zero, holding her hips, at which point Tim and Codey looked at her.

"But, doesn't that count as your creation?"

"Yes, it does. However, as I have said, the terra-forming was not my decision, I suppose I only gave 'life' to you people." That made Tim and Codey uncomfortable. "Doesn't that make you like the humanity's mother?" Tim asked. "Erm... Anyway! I believe we should focus on getting to hte Skylane City, let us go, then." Zero added, while the three of them faced into the distance of floating islands.

To be continued...