333. The 'Gale Tower'.

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Forest - Wednesday, 7:12 p.m.]

"But how do you expect us to find Tim! He could of have went into any direction! There's no way for sure that this is the way!" Elliot called, looking at Zero. "Codey is able to seek his pressence by using his 'Spiritual Control'. I am entrusting him to succeed, as we are both quiet useless whenever it comes to scouting." Zero claimed, calm enough to run at the back, leaving Codey to stand in front.

"You don't need to worry! I know that he went through here, we should be there in no time! He probably hasn't used 'Vanishing Dash' so I'm sure that we had already somewhat caught up to him!" Codey called, when the three of them jumped down the standing wall of the snowy floor.

"You better be right..."

[Planet Earth - Skylane - Saturday, 1:32 p.m.]

With last arrival on the Skylane, Tim and the others alongside Zero were moving over the tops of it. "You've spoke something about those wind currents, have you not? So, how do they react for us?" Tim stood still, looking at it the passionate currents that continued to ripple forward.

"It is quiet trust needed, for example-" But before Zero could have finished explaining, Codey instantly rose his confidence. "Just watch me!"

"Wait, Codey-" But before Zero could have warned him to stop, he hopped onto the wind currents when instantly sliding down over it. "See! It's as if I had been born for this!" But right in that instant, Codey was cut off when his body went bouncing into the air at the end of the current, when his body went smashing into the wall with both of his arms spread, alongside his legs. "The currents react onto your speed...." Zero claimed when seeing Codey on the floor, who looked up in the air with emotionless state.

".... Could of have at least said it earlier ...."

[Planet Earth - Skylane - Saturday, 1:40 p.m.]

"So foretold by you, you've implanted us with ideas that you're well known around Skylane, Zero? How's that even possible, and how can you be so confident about you looking like that?" Codey believed who looked passed Tim over to Zero. "I suppose this is the place I had been found in, so I would call it my 'birth place'. I hope you are able to understand that." Zero explained while walking up the stairs.

"So, this is where you've been born all this time... I hadn't had any idea about it, but now I'm decided and curiosity is building all up inside of my mind." Codey claimed, when Elliot felt left out. "Hey, guys. How much longer until the 'Skylane City'? Or, whatever it is?" The three of them who were at the front looked at him. "Are we tired already?"

"No I'm not... I-I'm just intrigued..." Elliot spoke, embarrassed and for that turning away. "Right. In any further information for you. For about 25 more minutes and we should be there."

"25... Understandable..." ("Although, why do they make the stupid rope thus far from the damn city?") Elliot believed to receive information.

[Planet Earth - Skylane - City - Saturday, 2:08 p.m.]

At last, the four of them managed to arrive to the very entrance of the Skylane City. "And here we are, the City that is known to be populated by 'Wind' users." Smiled Zero, as they stood in front of the staircase. "This city kind of reminds of France, its style." Codey claimed, while looking around. "Oh, you don't say, the music that's playing through the City is totally not 'french'?" But once Tim reminded him, Codey became unamused.

"Don't try to put it like that. Not my fault, you're stupid about everything else than most important things." Codey claimed, turning around once Tim quickly shouted behind him.

"What the hell do you mean?! Tell me already!"

"Never." His kitty face made Tim enraged.

[Planet Earth - Skylane - City - Saturday, 2:10 p.m.]

"Well the streets are heavily enclosed by the walls, so there's not much to it." Codey explained, passing by of the few people. "It is actually not as 'enclosed' once you get further through it, near their 'headquarterts'." Explained Zero once they've walked by the corner.

"Can we shut up and get something to eat... I'm hungry, we've been climbing and walking around for more than an hour now!" Elliot's stomach growled when he felt embarrassed. "I suppose I may as well invite you to a meal, but I know just the perfect place for that." Zero smiled, while Tim and Elliot became confused. "Is someone of that high of a 'Title' really inviting us to a meal? I feel important!" Both of them shouted, while exposing their clouds of mind, in which it showed food and enjoyment.

"Oh you don't say!" Elliot yelled at the back.

[Planet Earth - Skylane - City (Au Revoir French Bistro Restaurant) - Saturday, 2:20 p.m.]

"When you told us about the streets getting wider and more crowded, I didn't expect to see such a massive difference!" Codey spoke, when a massive tower stood in the distance at the middle of the park. "And that building reminds me of the Eiffel Tower." Codey spoke, pointing up at it. "That is because this was the place of where France got the idea of construction." Explained Zero, once she reached for the door and pushed it.

"I understand. But when you said about it being populated by 'Aero users', I did not expect a similar City based of the France..." Codey claimed, following her in, but just as he faced back at Zero, he froze as she had already been dressed into her human clothes, with glasses on top.

"Whoa! You did that quick!" Tim shouted.

"Either way, I believe we should order some 'Cassoulet' or whichever meal you'd like." And by that, the three boys accepted.

"I never had the honors to taste the French Food! I'm so ready for this!" Codey and Tim were both in sync while excited.

"You two are seriously, all about that 'food life' right now?" Elliot sighed while scratching the top of his head. "As if you are not!"

"Nope. I'm just here to fill my tummy. That's all." But Tim and Codey both became gigantic in Elliot's perspective. "How dare you insult French Food just to fill your damn stomach! Maybe you should consider of showing some respect and love to it!" That made Elliot afraid of the two, when his eyes became squiggly, the burning flames seen in his friends' eyes.

By gulping, Elliot felt in danger.

[Planet Earth - Skylane - City (Au Revoir French Bistro Restaurant) - Saturday, 2:40 p.m.]

At last, their service of the food had arrived, Tim and Codey already smelled the aroma. "Bon appétit!" The waiter spoke and stepped aside. "Thank you very much!"

"Cassoulet, you said? Right? It already looks so delicious! We're thankful for your recommendations, Zer-" But before they spoke her name, she quickly moved both of her hands forward, with the sweat dripping down her face, smiling. "Now, now. We do not plan on showcasing my name, are we?" While Zero looked at them, Tim and Codey both looked at people who were giving them curios gazes.

"Didn't know they'd been so observant!" Codey felt, embarrassed. "It is fine, just avoid saying out my name as much as possible." And both of them agreed.

"So, if you wouldn't mind introducing us to this food, we'd be grateful!" Codey spoke, when Elliot look at them. "You two are so 'appreciative' just for one damn food."

"Of course, not to worry: Cassoulet are made with white beans, or ducks, goose, sausages and additional meat. In it, the meats are pork and mutton, frequently the latter, a cold roast shoulder. Through France and Skylane, these Cassoulets are of varying price and quality, they are as well as solid in cans and jars from supermarkets, grocery stores or delicatessens. But they are always more tastier if it is made by human hand, chefs from these cities are one of the most skilled professionals you would ever encounter, even better than the ones from Japan. There is another 'version' of the food - the Carcassonne as it is similar but double the portion of mutton, sometimes these meats are replaced by partridge, mostly ducks to be exact. As for the Cassoulet of Castelnaudry, they use duck confit instead of mutton." Tim and Codey were both interested into the information that Zero had shared with them.

"When we said that it sounds delicious, your information makes it even more interesting and fun to eat. We're glad to have you for the necessary information!" Both of them smiled. "But of course, ask everything you need and I shall tell you, now, bon appetit and let us dig in." She smiled, while they confirmed.

[Planet Earth - Skylane - City (Main District) - Saturday, 3:30 p.m.]

"So, what exactly is that tower called, then?" Codey wondered, as the three of them passed through the park. "It is Haut Niveau Tower, in english it means, High Level Tower, due to it having many floors that you can visit. Identical to the 'Eiffel Tower' this one allows you to reach to the bare spike of it, there is this inner room area in which you are able to photograph the City, it is known to have high population of visitors that come by every now and then. The 'Haut Niveau Tower' reaches 850.21 feet into the air, it is 124.252 feet lower, but it is wider. The entrance to the tower is on both sides of its pillars, and there are encircling stairway that leads to the very top. Alongside that, the visits are free, so people are allowed to go there every day, no matter how. For as long as they have the tickets, which is accepted by the 'journalist' at the park's entrance." Explained Zero, while four of them continued to move through. "Is it really? So, how do we get tickets?" Wondered Codey, looking toward Zero.

"You either buy them, or take on the 'Tower of Gale'." The three of them looked at her. "The, Tower of Gale?" They wondered.

"Correct. The 'Tower of Gale' is a challenging route like a theater in which you battle through 10 different floors, on each floor one 'Gale Holder' lurks and you must defeat it. This is mostly for the 'Duelists' like you, as they have some kind of fun partaking in the challenge. Of course, the 'Gale Holders' are like the bosses of the tower and if you manage to defeat them, they will give you an outstanding badge which will provide the next floor foe that you had beated the one beneath. Not to forget, in every floor, these 'Gale Holders' are based on ranks, the higher up you are, the tougher they are, and because there are 10 floors, there are as well 10 of the 'Gale Holders'." Smiled Zero, interestingly enough making Tim and Codey somewhat beated.

"But why are they called 'Gale Holders'?"

"It is because the floors are called 'Gales', and we know what that means, strong winds, correct. They titled the floors 'Gales' because of it and the 'holder' part are given to them, due to holding the floor. I suppose you would consider this one as somewhat of a tournament from our areas, but a different style." Upon the final explanation, Tim and Codey wondered.

"How do the battles work?" Wondered Tim. "Huh? You are not planning to take on it, are you? In any case, the battles are always two on one, because the 'Gale Holders' are known as the most skilled warriors of this island, but if you defeat them, there is always a reward." Explained Zero.

Tim and Codey looked at each other, smiled and nodded, giving Zero a confession.

"We are going to take on it!" Both of them raised both of their arms when Elliot's eyes almost popped out.

"We might get the needed information and a reward always sounds fun, so Zero.... If possible, would you let, me and Tim take onto it, together? Who knows, we might even get more information that might be needed." Codey spoke, while Zero seemed a bit surprised.

"I suppose there is no way of erasing that thinking, very well, but you have but a day." Once she explained and raised her finger, Tim and Codey nodded. "You bet! We're gonna finish this challenge before the evening! You just watch!" The two shouted.

With crossed arms and a smile, Zero began to think.

("I suppose, this would come great in their training for whenever they reach the 'Holy Archs'. Very well boys, do not let me down.")

To be continued...