336. The 'Gale Tower's challenge - Floor 2 (Matsunaga Teruo)

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Skylane - City (Gale Tower - Floor 1) - Saturday, 4:15 p.m.]

Hideo sighed with his arms crossed as he smiled. "That was an interesting trick you pulled on me, I'd lie if I said I wasn't embarrassed, but I truly am. Congratulations, here is your badge and the pass to the second floor, next up is Matsunaga Teruo and he's more skilled than me, you should be fine if you continue preparing outstanding strategies." Hideo smiled, once they grabbed the badge and put in on their clothes.

"I wish I could just have it in the pocket, not on my chest..." Tim thought, holding his clothes. "Is that really your bother, let's keep climbing up, we don't have too much time to catch up." Codey claimed, when Tim nodded and without resting two of them dashed past Hideo, thanking and climbing the stairs.

"Not even a rest, huh?" Wondered Hideo, smiling and looking at Zero.

"I am thankful for your cooperation, you had proven me already that these two are truly only trying to reach my daughter. I would not dare to say opposite of what I will now. Ayuka had found some well-caring friends." But once Zero stepped from the seats, Elliot questioned. "Cooperation?"

"Oh, correct. There is nobody taking on this challenge right now, it was to test their courage and goal, in reality, I believe Ayuka is still being drawn at the 'Holy Archs'." Claimed Zero, almost popping out Elliot's mind. "You mean to tell me that you lied to them?"

"It was a lie, but it was for a reason. Right now, they are not skilled enough, and do not get me wrong, they could probably reach Ayuka without much of a struggle, but if something happens in the future, these two need as much training as possible. Elliot, you are already skilled well, but you have declined the challenge so I believe you will not end up at the same level as your two friends, but, please, do as much as you can to help them." As much as Elliot was unamused about her, he sighed.

"Can't deny... I'm weaker than them..."

"Thank you again, Hideo."

"But of course, as much as I can help, our 'Holy Light'." Spoke Hideo when stepping away with a smile. "Well then, let us catch up to them."

[Planet Earth - Skylane - City (Gale Tower - Floor 2) - Saturday, 4:19 p.m.]

Teruo was already awaiting patiently in which point he smiled in which moment Tim and Codey came sliding through the door and instantly tensed their eyes at front.

"Well then, welcome to the second floor out of ten, I believe you probably already know me, but my name is Matsunaga Teruo, the 'Gale Holder' of the second floor. Earlier match was just the beginning, however if you plan on visting the top, there is a line of people you must go through, one of them being me, and as you probably already know the rules, I don't believe you will be needed to hear the explanation again?" He spoke, stepping into the line when grabbing his steel polearm, but with it a massive hammered body appeared at the top when Tim and Codey felt a bit concerned.

"Didn't they say, they all use a steel pole?" Codey gulped, which made Tim struggle. "Our weapons aren't much effective, I don't see my sword handling such a brutal strength and heavy body of such a giant hammer." Tim claimed, once looking at his sword, twisting it.

"Don't worry, I can hold it, you just have to be careful at avoiding it, not blocking it. It's giant, but its heaviness will make it slower for him to react, so speed is our key, at last." Codey spoke, when giving Tim a smile. "I believe you would have no trouble avoiding it, if you used your 'Henshin'. As much as that could come in hany, we still have to remain silent with 'Henshin' so that's that." While the two of them strategized, Elliot and Zero sat down on the seats, coming from the door.

"I don't understand, I know you're trying to train them, but why would you force them out of using any of their techniques?" Elliot wondered, confused. "The techniques that they use will not matter if they are active or not, if they defeat their opponent, the trained up bodies will improve in their 'Henshin's' as well, there would not be the same result if they started with it."

"Got it, I'll keep him busy, this one is all yours to knock him out, I'll try to push him back as possible." Tim spoke, calmly when Codey nodded.

[Planet Earth - Skylane - City (Gale Tower - Floor 2) - Saturday, 4:20 p.m.]

"Shall we begin." The timer was set when Tim and Codey stepped into the lined battlefield when the battle has began.

To start of the battle, Teruo raised his giant hammer when beginning to spin it, providing the area with intense wind which began to push both Codey and Tim toward to exit of the line slowly, but just barely have they held on. "All of this wind is coming from the heaviness of his weapon by spinning it? How are we supposed to even get close. Sure, I can throw boomerangs, but such giant mass of wind would probably just push them back. And I'm not allowed to use my own wind either..." Codey thought, but right in that moment Tim became serious when quickly twisting his sword behind him and digging it into the ground, while using it as support. "Take my hand." Tim claimed when Codey quickly outstretched his right arm and grabbed his hand, as the two of them have tried their best to stay sturdy. "What are you planning?!" Codey wondered, when Tim spoke, he twisted the blade when pulled Codey and unleashed a powerful pulse of his 'Spiritual Force' when Codey instantly understood.

"Okay, got it!"

Without wasting time, Tim fully overpowered the wind and with it threw Codey forward who quickly flipped in the air and stretched his left arm in which point Teruo was cut off guard, he noticed Codey's left foot getting smashed into his face, which caused him to get stunned and stop the wind, in which point Codey landed in a crouch when hopping from the spot and kicking upwardly into Teruo's jawline, when lifting him off the ground a little, from there Codey landed on his right arm, spun on it and jumped again, when roundly kicking Teruo in the face in which point he immediately opened his palm and gathered his own' Spiritual Force' when using it like wind blast right in front of Teruo's stomach, pushing him backward and even forcibly letting himself to be slid backward, but right on that moment, Tim came zig zagging around Codey when quickly catching up to Teruo and twisting his sword, obliquely sweeping it upward when Teruo smiled, ducked and hit the ground with his hammer's pole in which point Tim got surprised, a powerful gust of wind bursted from beneath him and knocked him into the air, once Tim had to flip the body in midair, to hopefully land back.

However in surprise Teruo quickly swung his hammer from behind his back and to the front by spinning and catching Tim in surprise, who instantly had to cross his sword in front and take the hit, but on contact his body was like a feaher compared to the hammer and he was knocked toward the outlines. "Grab me!" Tim's right eye quickly opened when he outstretched his right arm, getting caught by Codey in which point Tim's body was pulled behind Codey and then pulled forward in which point Tim quickly rolled through the air, outstretched his sword and spun sideways, when swinging the sword from the back over the top of his head in which point he smashed with his sword and forcibly put Teruo into defending, when powerful force and wind in sync exploded outward, this made Codey gather some time in which moment he dashed behind Teruo and benting his knee, he kicked forward and struck Teruo into his back when flinching him and knocking him backward, when Tim quickly dragged the sword away, sweeped with his left leg and kicked Teruo into the face, hitting him aside and turning him to face the seats.

Right in that moment Codey raised his right leg when smashed it down at Teruo's head, when the pressure of his attack was unleashed through the area even making Tim to be backed away.

While both of the duelists backed away, they've prepared for the upcoming attack, since they had no chance but to back off, due to him being pinned onto the floor. "He should be down, but he's still fighting. Are you kidding?" Codey wondered, embarrassed when looking at Teruo, but right in that moment, their foe stood up, wobbly when his eyes fell into disappointment, when he grabbed the hammer and instantly swung the hammer from the front of his chest, back in a circle at which point Tim immediately slid in front of Codey and defended the attack in which scenario released a powerful wind, when Codey noticed a hint, he grabbed Tim's right shoulder when bouncing of his back into the air, when his body reflected in the hammer, instantly his body spun when Codey unleashed a powerful force from behind his body and launched himself down into Teruo's face when the foot went smashing into his face and with it, the pulse drafted backward, when the heavy body of Teruo went flying back through the line into the wall, when Codey landed on the floor in a three-step and rolled on the ground when stopping just before the line, and once again their victory grew, only taking them another 2 minutes.

[Heaven - Holy Archs - Saturday, 4:22 p.m.]

Without disturbance until soon, Ayuka was greeted by the 'Holy Guards' while she passed by and behind the corner, when her path was blocked, Kin was standing before her and looked at her. "... What would you like now?" She questioned, once stepping by. "I would only like to greet our lovely 'Holy Light'. Do not worry, I just wish to talk to you, about something." Kin smiled, in which moment Ayuka was put at the wall, and instantly Kin stretched his right arm past her head onto the wall, leaning forward.

"You know, I've heard quite a lot about your relationships of Planet Earth, an immortal being like you shouldn't have came in contact with such a loser as that white hair guy." Once he spoke, Ayuka's eyes calmly widened, when she was concerned. "You know, when you have accepted my hand, was it just to protect him? Or was it actually because you intend to prepare yourself for the future? Either way, the lovely lips that are sealed on your face, might really preface the taste, do you know what I'm talking about, dear Ayuka?" Once he leaned onto her face, they were very close to kissing. "Now answer me, was it cause you love me, or was it something else?" He asked, gently touching her cheek, with her emotionless state. "Let, go of me." Ayuka quickly drew his arm aside when explaining.

"I don't have any reason to love you, I've seen so many criminal records in your room that it made me sick, but if it means that the Planet Earth stays in existence, then I may as well deal with such an idiot like you." She explained, when Kin instantly grabbed both of her arms and pinned them at the wall, smashing his chest into hers when forcibly kissing her on the mouth, with his tongue when her eyes instantly shook. "What a tasteful lips, I wonder how well will they do. But do know this, for as long as you have agreed, accepted the contract, and prepared for love... I will always have the upper hand, and trust me, for as long as I'm here, nobody will come in contact with us, and as for your friend -"

"I'll kill him."

To be continued...