337. The exchange of the unawareness.

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Skylane - City (Gale Tower - Floor 3) - Saturday, 4:25 p.m.]

Tim and Codey had already moved up to the third floor, when Elliot felt a bit surprised. "You know. If they keep going up at this level, it won't even take them an hour to beat this challenge. It's just amazing how well these two can work out the moment the strategy is explained..." Elliot spoke, leaning onto the front seat. "Why, of course. For as long as these two team work, I believe they will not have any difficulties beating the next few floors. It is only 7 remaining, with one on the way." Smiled Zero, at which point she pointed at the woman, her name, Ayano.

Ayana was meditating on the pillow, while calm, with a spear floating around her and spinning. "She seems kind of chill, and she's already waiting in the line, does she expect to fight us like that?" But on denial, Tim began to think. "She is the third 'Gale Holder'. She is for sure tougher than the other two..." Claimed Tim, wondered when he looked at Ayano.

"Welcome to the third floor, and a decisive victory..." Spoke Ayano once stepping up with her feet tapping on the floor, when reached with her right arm to the side, and manipulated her spear to fly into her grip, when the ground shook, forcibly putting Tim and Codey within surprise.

"By that I mean... If you are able to defeat me in under 3 minutes, you will be automatically put onto the 8th floor, if you do not, your time limit will decrease in every battle and you won't be allowed to rest, of course, losing means a full on defeat, and lastly, you are only able to reach the 8th floor, if you do win in under 3 minutes, but if you don't, you must continue the way you had began."

Codey and Tim were approximately 3 feet away from each other once Codey decided to look. "If we succeed doing that, we can skip to the very top, I believe this is our best solution to waste as less time as possible." Codey claimed, once Tim stepped and stretched his right arm and summoned his sword in which point he swiped it behind his back, nodding.

"Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe you would like me to keep her busy with close combat?" By the expected answer, Codey claimed. "Similar to the first floor, that worked out fine, so yes. I believe that is our best solution of skipping floors."

And likely, these two were ready to reach the top, but will they be able to, it is still unclear, so with it, both of them formed a step inside of the line in which point, the screen appeared on their left, timer counting down from three minutes, when the three exchanged looks, in comfort of each other.

"Are you really ready to take on the challenge, if you're but a second late, you'll just fall back to the bottom of the floor. Timer running out means a loss, is that understandable?" Ayano sighed, once turning the spear at them, but without wasting moment, Tim rubbed his feet at the ground when disappearing in a glittering flash once appearing before Ayano and swung his sword, over his head, at which cost Ayano quickly spread both of her legs, to the front and back, then sweeping with her spear and instantly blocking the delivered cut.

Right the moment of that event, Codey as well disappeared once his body went sliding behind Ayano, with his back almost touching the floor, when he immediately swooped with right palm behind the back, unleashed a powerful force once the spear went sweeping below him, but by using the force, he knocked his own body a few inches off the floor when twisting his body and then immediately kicking with his left leg stretched, and bent to deliver a strike at the back of Ayano's head, who ducked and noticed that Tim had landed in front of her and crouched, once he quickly grabbed the floor and set his palms on them, when hopping high up and preparing to knee-kick Ayano directly into her jawline, but before he could strike a possible threat to her body, she disappeared in a disc of wind, when it swooped behind Tim and then instantly spread into windy wings in which Ayano's head raised with her transparency dissipating off the field, she quickly spun the spear into her right hand when immediately jumped forward and then noticing when Tim quickly turned around and defended himself with his sword when the spear's metal hits, once Tim's eyes noticed a brisk of flames, coming out with sparks.

("Two metals sweeping together and provoking a flame spark, this could work out...") Tim thought and then backed away, when Codey jumped over his back in a front flip when swinging both of his arms past his shoulders and throwing the boomerangs at high speed, as their balancing movements were pretty slippery, and because of it, Ayano was put in a line of defending them, when bouncing both of the boomerangs aside, when Codey landed in a three-step once quickly Tim prepare a stance, next to him.

"Codey, do you think you could keep her busy for a while, I've got something on my mind." Tim claimed, when backing away, the boomerangs flew back into Codey's hands when he became confused.

"All you gotta do is constantly block with metal."

[Planet Earth - Skylane - City (Gale Tower - Floor 3) - Saturday, 4:26 p.m.]

Codey leaped in front of Ayano when swinging with his boomerang and then hitting into Ayano's metal, once she frontly kicked Codey he quickly noticed the spear which stabbed forward, once he turned his body to the side and slid the boomerang's metal all the way to the steel blade of the spear and pole when sparking out another few flames, when he quickly hid the boomerangs past his hip when, to to avoid any wind of reaching it, he quickly sweeped his right boomerang at the front at which point he purposely slammed the metal into the spear's own and hit it aside, once Ayano quickly disappeared and reappeared behind Codey, when straightly stabbing from above her head, once Codey quickly spun on the spot and slammed his left boomerang past his hip, upwardly at the spear and pole's metal, hitting it back and with it even noticing that he had been caught in a striking zone, when Ayano struck her foot into Codey's face, pushing him backward.

"Hey... Zero, why's Tim not helping him?" Wondered Elliot, trying to understand the frontly seen situation. "Who knows. They had been strategizing from the floor one, so maybe they are on the same path, although I clearly understand what they are trying to do." The given smile made Elliot even more curios, but dedicated to understand the battle. ("Something, that I don't know, but she does... That's a rough decision to be kept through my mind... and hidden...")

But right in that moment, when Codey struck out another spark, he disappeared and made Ayano surprised when leaving the spark to squirt in front of her eyes, instantly Tim's body appeared in front of her view when his aura was unleashed, instantly he unlocked something that was unexpected, when his aura and the spark came in touch, instantly, when the spark was caught, it spread through Tim's aura in which point Tim's entire aura unlocked its veil of burning fire. "It's not using 'Kineticism' if it wasn't done by myself, which means..." Tim instantly swooped his right arm behind his back when Codey leaped right into the air, crossing his arms in front of his face in which moment, Tim twisted his left foot and straightened his palm, when roundly swinging his right arm behind his back and controling fire that was constructed by his aura coming in contact with fire, he opened the palm and then instantly reached with his palm in front of Ayano's chest when unleashing a pulse and burst of hot fire which surprised Ayano and even forced her into defense, when the flames surrounded her and exploded, knocking her backward as she was forcibly knocked over the ground and continued to crack the wooden floor, once the smoke spewed around her and she managed to stop right before hitting the outer line.

Without wasting Tim, Codey came flying from above her when having an outstretched leg and with that slammed it right into Ayano, causing her to lose her balance and be lifted, thrown through and behind the line when her body was pushed right through the wodden wall in which case, the parts of the wood squirted outward, Codey landed on the floor, before the line when the timer finally finished, at least their time limit was put only at 32 seconds, which means they managed to skip 4 of the floor and climb up to the 8th.

"Wait! Does that count as cheating?" Elliot wondered, pointing at Tim. "I did say they are not allowed to use 'Kineticism' but that attack was created purely from his aura, mixing it up with fire. And keep in mind, his 'Kineticism' cannot be released without his 'Spiritual Symbolism', so in the endless thoughts, he did not cheat and it was a pure victory of strategy." Smiled Zero, crossing her arms.

"But, how was he able to control it, without the 'Spiritual Symbolism'?"

"As I had said, Aura can be controled and because the main source was it... That meant the fire acted as aura..."

[Heaven - Holy Archs - Saturday, 4:30 p.m.]

For the second time of the day, Ayuka has been passing through the hallway to meet up with Anzai, for her to receive the contract for the marriage, but even after only 8 minutes had passed from their last meeting, she was stopped by Kin. "... You're here again ...? What is it that you want now?" She wondered, when Ayuka kept her distance.

"Remember earlier... They need the next child for the 'Holy Archs', so I believe that you know what time it is?" Kin spoke, slowly reaching for her zipper of the dress, but right before she was going to be undressed, she quickly hit the arm aside. "You can forget about that. I'll only consider doing that after the marriage, if necessary. But right now, I wish you'd go to Hell." Once Ayuka pushed him aside, her left arm was grabbed and pulled into Kin's body when he made a creepy smile, looking down at her. "So, you will just deny my pleassure? Then I'm more and more eager to connecting with you, that way, it'll truly be fun to have your power..." In that moment, Ayuka's eyes realized, when she backed away.

"Wait... You're not a member of the 'Holy Bloodline'. Are you actually?!" Wondered Ayuka, when she made distance. "Who? Me?"

"Have you forgotten, the 'Holy Light''s' child is able to be made by another bloodline, only one of them must have the 'Holy Bloodline', and that one is you, so to answer your question.... no, but who do you actually think I am? Do you really believe that I'm a 'Holy Warrior'? Try to take a better look into my eyes, maybe that will tell you the answer -"

"Just know this, for as long as you have agreed to the marriage, you're weak and you cannot change the predicament of the futuristic event, know this. As long as I am who they chose, they will listen to only me and deny your requests, you're this tiny compared to me, and that will be for the very end of our lives."

Unless, somebody manages to interfere the marriage, Ayuka was bound for the marriage to be put at beginning, and currently Kin, the unknown man stands in her path, who exactly is he...?

To be continued...