338. The 'young' child of the unpredictable communication.

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Skylane - City (Gale Tower - Floor 10) - Saturday, 6:10 p.m.]

Upon Codey and Tim defeating Ayano in under 3 minutes marker, they've managed to reach the 8th floor and easily climb up to the final floor, but right as they thought that another challenger awaits, they were interrupted by Zero.

[Planet Earth - Skylane - City (Gale Tower - Floor 10) - Saturday, 6:10 p.m.]

"What do you mean, that all of this was a lie?!" Tim shouted, when looking at Zero, heavily depressed onto her composition. "This draft you partook in, was absolute a challenge, but it was to improve your 'Spirituality' further than casually, it was the preparation before you two, together with Elliot, reach the 'Holy Archs'.

"So then, it was all just trick us, so why did these people say that a girl was in the same challenge as us? We only rushed up to find her, and see if it were Ayuka. But at the end of the day, it was merely a 'what'?" Tim wondered, embarrased in the same reason as annoyed. "I had asked the 'Gale Holders' to say so, as they are friends of mine, however there is another reason to why we came to the Skylane." In that moment, Tim and Codey looked at her.

"Huh, and what's that?" Wondered Codey, when looking at somebody that stepped behind Zero. "A-A bab?" Wondered Tim, in confusion. "She's not a random baby... She was found out in the wild and after testing her blood pressure, it happened to be of the same type as yours, her name is Ena, she is your sister." But right in that moment, Elliot froze on the spot when looking at her. "S-sister? But-"

"W-what do you mean. How is 'she' my... s-sister? My, mother died before I was even introduced about her..." Codey gulped, once feeling uncertain, as the baby girl slept quietly. "That is the reason to why we needed your assistance. We are not aware of how she could of have been connected to your blood type, or it could be that she has been taken care by another person, and put a curse on which does not allow her body to age, the third option, however.... is the least possible one, it could of have been that your mother has somehow been brought back to life." Instantly, Codey's eyes flashed before him, once he remembered how his mother had been killed. "But at the very end, it is possible as well, or something involving your connection between your mother and yourself... But since we have found that you cannot tell us, we would like to ask you. If she REALLY is your sister, I believe we should bring her back to the 'Innerlight'. That way, we can study on her, to how she had appeared and the possible outcomes, she could be important for your future's life, Codey... So, if you give us our allowance, I would like to escort this woman and your potential sister, to the 'Innerlight'. Is it possible for the three of you too continue alone, without my help?" Questioned Zero, when Codey looked at the child.

"My... sister..." But after shaking his head, he became serious. "If that's true, then you must take her back to the 'Innerlight', but in all odds, would you claim that she is actually not aging?" Wondered Codey, when having his arms softened.

"She has been here for a year and her appearance has not changed a tiny bit, we believe that she has a specific curse that is keeping her from aging, but if we are able to unbind that curse, I believe her consciousness will be returned, of course, the slumber of her seems to be the main reason to why she does not age, as if she was frozen in ice, but sleeping. And yet again, trying to wake her up is unavailable, whatever we tried, from loud noises, her eyes just would not open." Explained Zero, when Tim looked at Codey.

"It sounds like you, at the exam. You were able to move even asleep, resting your energy while moving, could it be that there is an unlockable chance that summons your power, at the same time?" Wondered Tim, consuming his own words. "Tim has a well told point..." But then Codey wondered. "So, did she somehow manage to communicate with you?" Wondered Codey, looking at the woman holding the child, called 'Ena'.

"I suppose telekinesis, but that had only happened once from her discovery. She titled unknown words to use that even I could not have understood, but we did count it as some sort of communication that she had been trying to do, while asleep." Claimed Zero, leaning her left arm below her chest, with her right elbow pressed on the arm with her hand, covering her jaw and mouth. "However, I can guarantee you that there is something involving a curse, that forcibly consumes her stamina and keeps her sleepy, but if we are able to unbind her curse, in any way or another, we might be given some answers by researching on her. But it would take more than just a day, it could potentially mean another six months, a year, or even another century." Claimed Zero, as she was aware that she is unable to die and the next century can come across.

"I understand, I want all the answers possible, so I ask of you to do the research, from bloodline, to her mind and other necessary parts. However, I will not accept any agression, just to try and wake her up." Codey added, once being serious. "I understand, and we would not dare to hit a child like that. But, can the three of you truly proceed without me. Codey, remember what I have told you, if you are able to read the scrolls perfectly, the sealed dimension will be unlockable to everybody who enters it." Claimed Zero, calm enough to feel confidence.

"I understand, you can count on me. I won't fail reading it, not even by a chance." With a smile, Zero finally gave into his trust. "Very well... take the scroll and hurry while you still got a time. You have 3 weeks remaining, I hope to you that everything will go according to plan, remember the path you must take, I have given you the coordinates to the pendelum, so whenever you reach it, please, make sure to remind me. If necessary, I will try to return, but I cannot promise you, as I am still unable to use teleportation to my advantage." Spoke Zero, once she silently stepped aside.

"Now, I bid you farewell, and good luck. I will be escorting this woman to the 'Innerlight', so before I leave... I entrust you, I hope you will not let me down, try everything you possibly can. If my daughter becomes the next 'Holy Light' at this age, her responsibility will be put at risk of something you never want to know about... And another warning, I believe that with my expectations, that there is somebody, someone who is an impostor to the 'Holy Archs', we must hope that the chosen man to be her marriage is not that one." While Zero and the woman walked through the door, Tim, Codey, Elliot, together became serious.

"Tim. I know you're upset about the madly trick that she had put on us, but we must continue, you do wish to retrieve Ayuka, don't you?" And with a sigh, slippering through Tim's mouth, he agreed.

"And not just that, now that you have combined the Aura with that flame spark, I believe we'll have a better chance of survival." Codey claimed, looking at him, once Tim upped his right arm, instantly a small spark circled on the very middle of his palm. "It's true, but it still is nowhere near the flame capacity I had with 'Spiritual Symbolism'... I am afraid this thing won't last for more than a month." Tim claimed, as the flame was evolving.

"Well, we'll just have to reach the 'Holy Archs' within the time limit of a month, who knows, something like that tiny could come in handy, especially if you are able to control it like aura." Codey explained, once Tim shut his palm with the smaller sparks hastening aside.

"Yeah, you're right."

[Planet Earth - Skylane Island - Saturday, 6:30 p.m.]

Tim, Codey and Elliot all had ran through the island, when they all swooped their legs and jumping down, as their clothes were havily rippling in the fall speed. "Our next destination to reach and go through is 'Yasei' Ruins! Once we're done there, we'll have to path ourselves through the catacombs of the 'Takei' Mountain, from there we'll be able to reac the 'Holy Ruins' and insert the scroll, and from that point onward, our breach through the 'Holy Archs' is bound, we have but a few weeks from this day onward, if we are able to come just in time, we'll be quick enough to stop their marriage, however if we fail, then the point of us going there has been countered and we'll have no sturdy position, we'll be sitting ducks, ready to be killed in any moment." Tim explained once his two companions nodded.

"Then let's not waste any more time! Let's rush up and rest for when we need to!" Codey agreed while the three of them began 'Air Stepping' and dashing over the air, to hopefully finally reach their destination, but behind them, Hitomi stood with her arms crossed. "You really think I'll make it that easy for you? If Kin manages to consume that woman's body to his own, we'll be bounty hunters, searching for the three of you. If we are able to absorb that girl's 'Holy Bloodline', then we will be the ones to have the rule over that stupid society.." Hitomi claimed, standing calmly when disappearing in thin air.

[Planet Earth - Yasei Ruins - Sunday, 4:20 p.m.]

Tim, Codey and Elliot had slid on the snow as it dripped down the edge, at last their sight viewing came in contact with gigantic ruins that had been standing there for over centuries, the area was rusty, piled by cobblestone, filled with frozen rivers and ruined platforms, in the distance stood the 'Takai Mountain' or in other words 'Takei Mountain', as it was foggy to be able to seen its sharpened colours and body.

"We're finally here. It took us a week to get here, now we only have remaining two." Codey claimed, when looking down the edge with his companions. "Yeah, and 'Takei Mountain' can be seen in the distance. That's our objective, we just gotta swing through these ruins and if we don't encounter any trouble, we'll be have more than enough time!" Elliot added, as the ruins seemed to have been mostly abandoned.

"Yeah, but we can't be for sure that another foe is lurking around, we're blinded and unaware of the possible arrivals, so without a doubt, we must get through here in less than a week itself, because to reach that mountain will probably take another 5 days, as it's further than we see it to be." Tim explained, but right as they hoped that that was their time limit, the words have been spoken.

[Heaven - Holy Archs - Sunday, 4:20 p.m.]

"Kirashito Ayuka, your marriage has been shortened to a week, there are, allowed not, of any objections."

To be continued...