340. The 'Earthling' of the 'Ground's' Substance.

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Yasei Ruins - Sunday, 5:00 p.m.]

Codey was standing next to Manami, when she was turning pages. "But, have you even gained some kind of clues about it?" Codey wondered, kind of lost in return of being introduced to her papers. "No, but the easiest guess I had was that it something had to do with Kreara, the Godess of the Afterlife, there's no symbol of her and no body, but why would another 'God' do that to the rest?" Wondered Manami, when she quickly reached for the discoveries and walked toward the 'Ebus's' body, when writing down the details. "Wait, you can actually read those 'symbols'?" Codey confusingly asked, and wondered.

"Some of them, yes. It's the '13th Century' of the mythology 'Gods' writing." While Codey listened to Manami, he felt somewhat confused and followed her pathway with his view. "So, are you able to read what the writings say on the outdoors of this 'domain' of yours?" Codey wondered, confusingly.

"I was only able to make out a few symbols, one about 'Divinity' and the second were "Shall not grant." That's as much as I managed to read from there. Sorry, but studying their language is not as easy as you think. You don't even have the accessibility to learn by another, all of the words I read were learned by me as I was young, by my parents." Claimed Manami, putting a scientific liquid into the capsule.

"Wait, what the heck even is that 'liquid'?" Codey wondered, looking aroused. "It's a remaining client of the 'Demon God's blood that I managed to purge once in the past... I've been studying it ever since I was trapped down there."

But Codey still did not understand. "But, why go that far?"

"The reason... Because his blood is in similar form as the 'Holy Blood'. It's the best source that keeps on helping me out. If I learn every single detail about the 'Godly' blood of him, that could help me discover a new era of knowledge, and that could also provide me with the information I need to confirm my expectations." Explained Manami, but while she was trying to work on it, she had trouble. "I see...." But right in that moment, Manami realized something.

"Wait! You're his son and is bound to become the next 'Demon God'. Right!" But in that moment, Codey's eyes became squiggly. "Yeah, no." He claimed, unamused. "No need, but you still have his remains of the blood, do you think I test a few subjects on you?" With that, Codey backed away. "What! Are you joking?! I'm not going to just give you my blood!" He calld, afraid.

"You don't need to, you will only need to wear these pipes on your right or left arm, that will give you a vibration that will tell me the difference and the important details about the 'Blood Pressure'." Claimed Manami, calm, once Codey felt unamused and sighed. "I-I guess...."

[Planet Earth - Yasei Ruins - Sunday, 5:10 p.m.]

Elliot and Tim had been unlucky by finding an entrance, until then a shallow and a well hidden rock covered a hole, in which moment Tim uncovered some sort of trapdoor. "Hey. Elliot, over here." By calling his name, Elliot joined up with Tim who raised the trapdoor and with both of them seeing a shallow corridor leading underground. "Do we think that this is our strike?"

"I can't confirm, but only one way to find out." And as the two of them walked down into the corridor with torches lying on the walls and burning, they were put in a long corridor that was barely able to show an exit.

"If this corridor doesn't at least length to 500 meters, I'm probably stupid..." But while Elliot at loudly said,, the two just went ahead.

"So, we are planning to go through this entire corridor? But what if the barrier goes through the ground?" But Tim sighed. "I dont trust that the hidden trapdoor is coincidence, in literal knowledge, it was probably hidden for a reason." While the two passed a torch it slowly waved, when Tim noticed it burning out, going dark.

"The, fire, it was ashed out... That's some kind of spell if I ever saw one..." Elliot wondered, but right in the moment when a gentle wind blew through the corridor, Tim and Elliot stopped. "How's there wind down there? There's no air pressing down here, unless there's some kind of an opening in the distance. But even then, it shouldn't be this heavy..." But as Tim and Elliot covered their faces, the torches burnt out and Tim gently moved his left arm down toward his mouth to use his left eye to sense it, by using the 'Spiritual Sight' he was receiving some kind of unnatural currents of energy, which were following down through the corridor, right before them.

"That's very 'loud' must I say. This wind is not natural, do you think that there's somebody making it?" But even though Tim and Codey were both unsure, the two of them dashed through the dark and hollow. "I don't think this is utterly save, should we just go back up?" Elliot giggled, but he was proving his fear, outwardly, when the two entered a massive room before them, when both of them became confused. "A 'Time of Torching', a 'Time of Sorrow' and a 'Time of Wisdom'... Which of these is considered the 'most believable'..." A woman stood in the distance, when suddenly she sighed and turned behind her. "Oh, visitors... What brings you he-" But in the moment the woman turned around, her eyes became surprised, when she coughed. "So... It's you..." The moment that the woman spoke so, Tim and Elliot became confused.

"What do you mean?" But right with it, the woman spoke. "You're the one with the power of the 'Inner Fiend'. What a cruel power to have been held by a mere mortal, and a body that cannot even equal a 'God's'.... Just the mortality alone, is crucial enough to be piloted by you..." The woman spoke, fixing her tie. "Based on just how much you know about me, I believe you're aware of me. But how come that I am not?" Tim wondered, with Elliot steady on his ground.

"Of course I am. Everybody on the Planet Earth, is aware of you, or at least the 20% of them, the majority of them have been kept from your reality, and your 'Half-Demon's' progress at defeating the major threat toward the humanity, Demon God. I for once, must I introduce myself. Nakano Momoe..." And upon her introduction, they've both felt that this woman was bringing trouble. ("This woman has been down here for what purpose, and on what has she been trying to progress...?") But in the moment of Tim's thinking, ELliot decided to dare an ask. "Tell me, what exactly to those symbols represent?"

"The symbols? It's just a 'Godly' language, and their names are written right up on the wall. Simple, isn't it?" The woman wondered, once she claimed. Tim on the other moment noticed a brown ring and a Terra symbol, which made him surprised and looked at him. "You're another 'Substitude-Duelist'! Aren't you!" Tim called, when he looked at her and made her surprised. "I indeed am..." She smiled, when stretching her arms, and then putting one of her hands on her hip.

"Were you the one who pulled Codey in here?" Tim wondered in confusion, once Momoe sighed. "Sorry, but I don't sing or humble to boys like those, and on the other hand, I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just trying to do some important notes about the 'Holy Light'." Claimed Momoe, waving her hand front and back

"What the hell do you want to do with our 'Holy Light'?" Tim questioned, giving a step forward when raising his head. "What I want? Hm, what do I want? Nothing, really, I'm just a 'Substitude-Duelist', that's as much as I am, but if we went into further and more detailed informartion, I'm trying to study her survivability. We could not know just how has she managed to survive for over hundred of centuries, and more. She's an impressive being, will I dare to say." Smiled Momoe, once she picked up an object, when stepping a few steps forward, and right now..." Momoe instantly appeared in front of Tim, when he tried to quick-draw his sword, but in the moment, his body was hit by the object and instantly, his eyes turned dead like fish, his body fell forward, but in the moment, Momoe smiled when Elliot quickly swung his katana, when an electricity flash blew over at Momoe. However, instantly Momoe avoided and opened her palm, when swinging her right arm and summoning a chain of rocks growing from the ground right at Elliot, who bursted his sword in frotn and blocked, but even at then, he was pushed backward due to the force and heaviness, when Momoe smiled and readied her left hand, smiling, when Elliot's steam from the mouth slowly dissipated, and by absorbing his energy to cool off, he prepared his weapon.

"Damn you!" Elliot raised a greater voltage once his hair raised and spiked, he sped forward, but right in the blink of the movement, Momoe smiled and instantly her body disappeared when Elliot's body got hit by unnatural event, his body has already fell onto the knees, once he held his stomach, but right in that moment, Elliot raised his right eye and quickly drew his katana, when unleashing a thunderous assault which blew through the area toward Momoe, who quickly had to avoid by leaping into the air and avoid, and by it, and by flipping, she instantly moved her arm high above her head, bent her wrist when Elliot felt a shake below his stomach once quickly falling for a reaction, while leaping high into the air and then noticing how a powerful stone pillar grew up to the ceiling and slammed into it, when Elliot landed on the floor, sliding his feet and leaving the reacted electricity, ejected.

("This girl's main manipulation is the ground? So, I understand, she's relatively related to Tim's bloodline as the 'Substitude-Duelist'.... This means, she too has higher limits than a normal 'Duelist'... Gotta be some way of defeating her... But Tim's body was just knocked down for what? All she did was hit him with that object...") Wondered Elliot, while gazing over his shoulder, behind.

"What an interesting fella. You're not that bad in the slightest, but then, of course... we did just began, so, I believe you're not that impressive... And your Kineticism can barely equal mine, in fact it cannot." Smiled, Momoe when sitting down on a rocky bench that she had constructed.

But on the opposite side of where Elliot had been exchanging his looks, he couldn't have understood much of how to fight his way out.

("Right now, his help would be really appreciated...")

To be continued...