341. An Augmentation of the Godspeed.

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Yasei Ruins - Sunday, 5:10 p.m.]

"What an interesting fella. You're not that bad in the slightest, but then, of course... we did just began, so, I believe you're not that impressive... And your Kineticism can barely equal mine, in fact it cannot." Smiled, Momoe when sitting down on a rocky bench that she had constructed.

But on the opposite side of where Elliot had been exchanging his looks, he couldn't have understood much of how to fight his way out.

("Right now, his help would be really appreciated...")

[Planet Earth - Yasei Ruins - Sunday, 5:10 p.m.]

By Tim being knocked out with a mysterious spell, Elliot's been left alonge on the battlefield, in danger zone of fighting Momoe, who delivered a very dull information about her goal.

"I understand the meaning of 'researching' on the 'Holy Light's' blood, but what are you planning to do with it?" Right when Elliot covered Tim's fallen body with him holding his weapon, Momoe dedicated a smile.

"If we're able to receive many information about her 'Holy Blood', we are guaranteed to find a solution of getting rid of her 'control'. There's no other options than to remove her from existence, with her alive, I don't think the world's a fortune. This is why, I the 'Substitute-Duelist' will study her well and clear, just to strike her down from the ruler's title." Explained Momoe, once sweeping her ponytail to the side, and feeling important.

Elliot gave a look down at Tim with a sweat dripping down slowly. ("... I haven't fought a 'Substitute-Duelist', especially because most of them were our allies, and by the end, only Tim remained alive. The thoughts that Ayuka and Kylin were as well a Substitute-Duelist, they were mistaken by us, but I'm still concerned to why did it affect Kylin, when Ayuka was harmed back in 'Innerlight City'... Was it because of Ayuka's 'Holy Bloodline', which affects several of the 'Duelists', but yet again. Not me, nor Tim were affected by that. And if this girl's a 'Substitute-Duelist' it's gotta be that she's one of the last, that remain on Earth, alongside Tim... Damn it, this is difficult to get a proper answer? Alternative Bloodlines don't even use any drawbacks or effects, but based on what Tim had told us, that it affects all of the 'Substitute-Duelists' once they are harmed, deeply or heavily, there's a higher percentage of them to feel an interior bleeding, just what Kylin had to go through, Nobuyuku and the rest.... There's still so many questions that we need to discover...")

But finally Elliot focused his steady body onto Momoe, who had been smiling.

"We're lost in thoughts. Which kind? Bad or good? In any case..." Momoe raised her right leg and bent the knee when instantly stomped it down on the floor and instantly, brown spikes grew forward in a crescent once Elliot quickly crouched and grabbed Tim's body when leaning it on the back and hopping up back to a wall when using the electricity as a magnet to stand on the wall when the spikes nearely struck him, but just in time, Elliot body went ejecting another set of electricity when he swooped up toward the top of a wall which was hanging out a platform and crouched, when seeing the spieks crashing into the wall, but right as he had been crouching he noticed a manuever in Momoe's left arm, when she twisted her wrist and pointed her palm up and then swung when summoning a rectangular stone which grew toward Elliot's platform but just before hitting, Elliot bounced over and noticed that the platform piled down, by that Elliot then landed on the floor, raising his look.

("She's got amazing control over the area with her 'Terra' Kineticism, and due to her 'Kineticism' being so rough and destructive, I just can't leave Tim lying on the floor, but if I don't fight her, we'll never get out of here... What am I even supposed to do?!") Wondered Elliot, while the sweat dropped down, seeing the next maneuver in Momoe's left arm, when she stomped on the ground and elevated a cube of the earth, when she quickly kicked forward and send the massive rock flying toward Elliot, in which case he instantaneously boosted to the side with his voltage rising and noticing that the cube went slamming into the wall, when Elliot crouched and hopped through the cave's corridor.

"Why don't you stop running, that way you'll at least have a chance of trying to beat me, but right in that moment, Elliot slid on the floor when slid behind the corridor's corner and then sensing that Momoe manuevered her right arm and followed by the left when he slid to stop and noticed how a wall grew up in front of him, as soon as he tried to back away, the next one grew and he was stuck between the two when Momoe crossed both of her arms in front of her and sweeping the the walls, as Elliot hurried up and jumped, when avoiding just in the nick of time, and at last the two walls smashed together, when Elliot landed on the top of them and then quickly hopped down when trying to find a way of dropping Tim to where the danger zone wouldn't be available.

But the moment he landed, he heard a quake in the ground, once sweeping both of his legs backward and hopping from the ground spike that grew and then circled the right foot on the floor and bouncing himself backward from the front when the next ground spike grew and just as he landed he needed to raise his left leg when turning his body, stepping back and seeing the next spike growing, but right in that moment, he sensed a shake at the near wall, when he instantly had to back away as a spike grew through the wall and luckily injured noone.

Elliot put himself at crouching once seeing Momoe stepping between her created spikes when stopping and tensing her fist, instantly Elliot realized that Momoe was about to strike the ground with full force and without wasting time, he prepared to back off when the fist was smashed beneath her legs and casted out a massive earthquake that knocked the ground in the air and line when the crack thoroughtly began to move through the ground toward Elliot in which moment he instanly ejected his electricity, using his 'Godspeed' when dashing backward through the hallway and then bounced back just for a mere second when seeing the cracked ground, rise into spikes right toward him, without wasting time, Elliot pointed his right palm forward, supported by his left, when he charged up a powerful voltage that was being gathered in the tip of his palms.

"Roar of Thunder!" With the yellow flash gathered in his palms, he instantly unleashed a boosting wave of electricity which roared through the corridor at high speed, forcibly pushing his own arms back and then catching his balance with his right foot, after stepping behind when the charged up beam flew through the corridor into the spikes and due to it having a magnificent force, it destroyed the spikes with ease when the piles flew up and around, falling down, but the moment the massive dust screen had covered Momoe's field of view, she had to cover her eyes, while feeling annoyed.

But while the 'thundering' attack obliterated the walls aside, upon the dust dispersed, Momoe was unaware of where her foe escaped.

"Damn you. Running away like a todler..."

[Planet Earth - Yasei Ruins - Sunday, 5:12 p.m.]

Elliot was hidden away in the corridor when he leaned Tim's body at the wall. "Of course, there're two reasons to why we had to stop.

One of them Codey and now I've been stopped by this crazy 'bull'... Of course there just can't be anything be right!" Elliot peeked behind the corner of the corridor while trying to seek her opponent. "What am I supposed to do. Do I just leave him here alone and try to keep her busy for while he's out, or should I stay with him, to keep him safe... But then again, I can't be sure of when he'll wake up, and if he'll wake up before we're scooted over.... Think, what do I decide to do..." But when Elliot kept on muttering a decision, he noticed that Momoe stood down at the corridor, seeing from the top of the platform.

"Come on you coward! Stop being so idiotic and show yourself! We don't need to be doing a hide'n'seek!" But while she was looking around, she tried to sense him. "Damn, where is he? He must of have lowered his 'Spiritual Symbolism' so that I cannot sense even a hint of his 'pressure'...." Momoe stepped into the middle of the circled corridor, when Elliot slightly backed away, when crouching. ("Damn it... This area's actually well hidden enough, and she hasn't noticed it yet, so I got a chance to run, but if I use my 'Godspeed' she'll sense it immediately... And Tim's still out..." Claimed Elliot, while leaning his fingers down onto his chin, thinking.

But right in that moment, Elliot exhaled when he stood up straight and slowly reached with his left palm near his right hip, once creating a small current of electricity which was squirting outward, and right in the moment, his electricity began to flash, yellow, blue and purple, once his hair waved upward and his eyes immediately turned yellow, alongside his hair turning golden in which moment, he began to step up the platform, in which moment his sleeves ripped apart and Momoe instantly sensed the wholesome pressure, climaxing at the top of the platform and sturdied her ground, once Elliot stepped to the very edge of the platform and gaze down at Momoe, when the ground began to crack.

"Augmented 'Godspeed'." Instantly Elliot's body disappeared in a yellow flash when the yellow currents of electricity raged around the corridor when Momoe began to catch multiple currents of electricity around her, in which moment, a thunderous body began to ride the currents in which moment Momoe prepared, but right in that moment, Elliot appeared in front of her in a jump when swinging her left leg behind his back and then to the front, when kicking her to the side and then flashed down in front of her stomach when stretching his right arm and uppercutting with it into Momoe's jaw in which moment, he quickly spun and surrounded his body with ejecting electricity and then sweeped with his left leg in a circle.

After spinning and then pushed her to the side, when he instantly disappeared and noticed when Momoe prepared a hand maneuver, but in the moment he had noticed that, he instantly dashed forward in a yellow flash, once knocking her into the stomach and pushing her back, in which moment he reinforced his position by flipping backward and then appeared on the side of Momoe's right shoulder in which moment, she raised her eye and became surprised, seeing the yellow colors before her, in which moment Elliot moved both of his arms to cover his right hip, when a yellow blade of electricity awoke from mere aura and then, extended it into a longer blade, created by aura in which moment Elliot's yellow electricity continued to rise drastically around the corridor, even cracking the walls aside.

"Cannonade Extension!"

With the final blade extended and squirting out a powerful electricity, Elliot sweeped wit his left arm past his right hip when Momoe quickly raised her right arm in front, and in that moment, Elliot's thunder blade went sweeping in a crescent in front of him and striking Momoe into the right arm when a powerful blast of electricity ashed around and then instantaneously knocked Momoe into the wall, when she was kept and surrounded by his attack, when his body was forcibly hit backward and almost forced him to lose his midair balance, when his eyes shook once his hair and eyes returned to normal, once he landed on his bottom and felt kind of confused of what had happened.

And while sitting on the floor and seeing the electricity dispersing, he gulped.

"W-What was that?"