342. She's really the 'Godess of the Afterlife'?

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Yasei Ruins - Sunday, 5:13 p.m.]

With the final blade extended and squirting out a powerful electricity, Elliot sweeped wit his left arm past his right hip when Momoe quickly raised her right arm in front, and in that moment, Elliot's thunder blade went sweeping in a crescent in front of him and striking Momoe into the right arm when a powerful blast of electricity ashed around and then instantaneously knocked Momoe into the wall, when she was kept and surrounded by his attack, when his body was forcibly hit backward and almost forced him to lose his midair balance, when his eyes shook once his hair and eyes returned to normal, once he landed on his bottom and felt kind of confused of what had happened.

And while sitting on the floor and seeing the electricity dispersing, he gulped.

[Planet Earth - Yasei Ruins - Sunday, 5:13 p.m.]

With the rubble piling down on each other, Elliot supported his body to stand up, by his grip when he looked at the chaos he had done.

"... Whatever I did, it seemed as if I had been aware about it. But-" Right when he asked, however Momoe stood up, and sweeped the boulder to the side. "Still not done? How much can you take?!" Elliot asked, once he reached for his katana. "... These ruins have the receipt to uncovering the dominance of the 'Godess'. If we're able to find them, then the World's domination will be guaranteed in our favor." Momoe claimed, once stepping forward.

("Do they even realize, that even if they do kill this world's 'Holy Light', there's still Ayuka, and for as long as one of them lives, the World cannot be erased... That's why we've been trying to regain what is ours...") Wondered Elliot, in the stubborn position.

"She's the final reason to be even alive, so that we are able to dominate her and-" But in the moment, Momoe became surprised when somebody appeared before her. "Miss. Hitomi! W-what are you doing here?!" Wondered Momoe, stressed and afraid. "You're under my commands, and based on the end results. You seem to have been a waste of my effort..." She claimed, and stressing Momoe.

"No! What are you saying! I'm still up on my feet, I can take this guy out!" But while she tried to fight for her life, Hitomi looked back at her. "Just consider yourself as a useless failure, that's as far as it will go." Right with it, Momoe felt fear. Hitomi stepped toward Elliot, who then instantly drew his sword.

"Do you seriously plan on fighting? Don't you remember the past, you've been pinned to the ground like a rock, toward me. You have no chance of winning." Hitomi claimed.

"Oh? Maybe don't use your 'humiliating' Time Freeze abilities, then we'll see who will win!" Elliot shared his thoughts, but he knew he had no chance of winning. "I have only been trying to get rid of Zero and her sluty daughter."

"Slut?! You're being stupid!" Elliot yelled. "Then what is she? She's being married to a random human, truly a slut." With that Elliot's eyes glowed yellow alongside his hair. "Augmented Godspeed." ("That's it. I think I understand it...")

Elliot quickly leaned his body forward once lifting the back of his ankles and then stepping on his fingers, when the yellow electricity surrounded his body and with it, he instantly vanished and jumped forward when his body appeared in front of Hitomi, but right when he was about to cut, his body froze in the midair for a second and with it Hitomi stepped behind him, instantly the time began to move again, when Elliot slashed thin air, and felt surprised. "What!?" He turned around, but right in that moment, he saw sword sweeping behind his back in which moment he instantly reacted and sweeped his katana, in return defending her attack, but right upon the movement, he was knocked to the floor when he rolled in the air in which case he quickly caught himself holding the ground and push from a pushup into the air when the yellow electricity squirted past his eye.

He then pressed the back of his left foot on the wall and instantly launched himself toward Hitomi, who quickly touched the ground and instantly, Elliot's body was caught in a Time Bubble when the area turned white and black, and with his body time-frozen in the air, Hitomi disappeared in which moment, Elliot noticed a wall in front of him, he quickly spun in midair when landing on the floor and sliding right on the ground, slamming his back at the wall, as it cracked when Hitomi moved her right palm forward and began to summon a grey orb of light.

"Time Bombs."

Hitomu summoned several blasts above her head when she swung forward and unleashed them into Elliot who quickly slipped forward and summoned a yellow bolt from by his hip in which moment he slashed forward into the Time Bomb, but right when coming in contact, the bubble exploded when his eyes flashed, he was caught in a Time Breaker when feeling fully lost.

But while he gazed forward, he noticed how flashing grey bodies began to surround his body and with an echo sent through the 'dimension', he became surprised. "Chrono Dash." Instantly the bodies began to swing into him and began to hit him from every direction, and even as he tried to cut them, he was unable to use 'Godspeed' to his swinging advantage, when the bodies just devoted his speed to a lack, when his body was then smashed into the stomach, followed by the back of the head, and into the hip, when Hitomi suddenly appeared in front of him, when dragging out her sword, but when Elliot swung his sword and came in contact with her sword, a transperent time clock appeared, ticking in frotn when the 'dimension' changed into a deserted area, with his eyes feeling surprised.

From that moment, Hitomi appeared behind him, when slashing her blade, but right in the moment, Elliot crouched, turned on the spot and sweeped his sword behind, coming in contact again, when the Time Clock once again appeared, ticking further into the future, when his body has now appeared underwater, and he instantly had to hold breath.

But while underwater, Hitomi's bodies reappeared, when began to circulare around him like sharks and in an instant, all of them dashed at him, once Elliot slashed through the water in a spin, when striking the bodies, but on that moment, he now appeared back in the corridor, in which moment, Hitomi sweeped with her blade, when his eyes shook.

Due to pressure and force, Elliot's body went flying through the corridor into the back, when a silver energy continued to circulate around Hitomi's sword, when she looked at him, and as soon as Elliot jumped from the dust, he then noticed another 'Time Freeze' when he had no chance of doing anything.

And while he was frozen in mid air, Hitomi raised her right arm and snapped with her fingers, when the bodies reappeared in a line, one after another, and soon each of them dashed at him when his body was hit in a Timeline, hitting him heavily, and once she snapped with her fingers, Elliot's eyes opened widely when he felt sudden injuries in his body that came from nowhere, for that his body fell onto the ground, when his left broken arm was barely operative, right while he was sweating, and lying on the floor, Hitomi dropped her right arm.

"I'm sorry, but were you really trying to use 'speed' to try and defeat me?" Wondered, Hitomi, while taking a sigh. "How many times do I have to tell you. Noone is able to defeat me, not even somebody who can move at the Speed of Sound." Sighed Hitomi, when pointing her sword right at Elliot, who was lying on the floor and lost his 'yellow' colors.

"... Tsch... You think... T-that y-you'll be able to survive to the very e-end? You make me laught!" Elliot spoke, showing his annoyance toward her. "It is granted that you cannot beat me, not even if the three of you had fought me together. I was able to strike all of you down, and there was more than 10 of you at the Beach. You have no chance of defeating me, so my only chance is to erase you." The moment, she spoke so, Elliot's eyes came to a conclusion.

"Hold on! You're not actually the person I see before me?! Who even are you?!" Codey wondered, when Hitomi sighed. "Who am I? Correct, my name is really not the one I introduce myself with... But what if I told you, that my name was Kreara." In the instance, Elliot's eyes came to a next conclusion.

"K-Kreara?! You don't meant to tell me that - That you're the 'Godess of the Afterlife'?!" But the moment, Elliot spoke, his eyes were caught by fear. "Huh, look at you, figuring it out, even thought you're the dumbest among the other two... But may I say, you're heavily correct." Explained Kreara.

"Don't tell me... That you killed all of the remaining Gods apart from our 'Holy Light'!" Elliot spoke, with his mouth shaking in anger. "Correct, I have turned them into 'Time Stones', the only one I have yet to catch is the stupid 'Holy Light'. She's the only one that can rival me, but for the bunch of you children, you're hopeless and the only remains that I'd like to see is for you to die. the next 'Holy Light' that female friend of yours is the only way to where I can receive what I want. For that I had to bring 'Kin' to the 'Holy Archs' to hide my identity, as they believe I too, have been killed... I suppose Zero has chose the incorrect folks to be dealing with this responsibility, because of that, you're bound to end up dead." As soon as Kreara pointed her palm over Elliot, he became stressed.

"Even if you do erase me, this won't stop us from stopping your plans! Maybe me, but the others are still alive, and they can come at you whenever!" Shouted Elliot, when a sweat dripped down his forehead.

But right in that moment, a shadow hopped over Kreara's head, when orange flames swiftly flew above the air, when instantly Kreara's eyes shook, she looked high above her head when seeing a bone mask, creeping a stare down at her, when the black clothes rippled and instantly fell down.

Tim's arms for raised high above his head, when the black energy swiftly flowed through his thin sword's tip, acting like current and while he fell, he slashed his sword with full speed and force when she instantly, sweeped with her left arm and slashed with her sword.

At last, once Tim's body fell above Kreara, the two swords clashed and Tim's black aura continued to wave around his sword and body, when the ground beneath Kreara cracked when a pulse of force circled through the corridor and pressed up against the walls when Tim's mask ruled over his face, but due to unable of gathering enough strength and speed, Kreara's left arm was unable to hold on any longer.

"Damn you. I thought you'd be asleep for more than 5 minutes!" Called Kreara, when Momoe felt guilty. "I'll be leaving!" With Tim's eyes facing, her body disappeared, alongside Momoe, when Tim slashed backward and unleashed a black energy into the floor instead, when landing on the floor and causing a quick quake, when Elliot's eyes shook.

Tim's mask disappeared, while his clothes of 'Henshin' rippled. "Not again! Damn it!" Tim shouted, but soon turning toward Elliot, and realizing that he could use some help, so by stepping toward him and helping him to stand up, Elliot felt unamused.

"Are you all right, can you move?" Tim wondered, once Elliot felt annoyed. "I'm fine... I couldn't have even strike her once..." Elliot spoke, sitting at the corner.

"That's not our priority right now. We gotta find Codey and then continue to the Mountain, we can still reach Ayuka in time, even if we have been blocked! Let's get moving, right now we need to find Codey."

At it, the two of them ran through the corridor.

To be continued...