343. Anti-Divine Weapon.

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Yasei Ruins - Sunday, 5:13 p.m.]

With the final blade extended and squirting out a powerful electricity, Elliot sweeped wit his left arm past his right hip when Momoe quickly raised her right arm in front, and in that moment, Elliot's thunder blade went sweeping in a crescent in front of him and striking Momoe into the right arm when a powerful blast of electricity ashed around and then instantaneously knocked Momoe into the wall, when she was kept and surrounded by his attack, when his body was forcibly hit backward and almost forced him to lose his midair balance, when his eyes shook once his hair and eyes returned to normal, once he landed on his bottom and felt kind of confused of what had happened.

And while sitting on the floor and seeing the electricity dispersing, he gulped.

[Heaven - Holy Archs - Sunday, 5:30 p.m.]

"Lass. Ayuka! We have received orders from Anzai, please if you visit him right away." The moment, Ayuka heard that from the Holy Warrior, she felt confused. "I understand." She stepped by.

[Heaven - Holy Archs - Sunday, 5:30 p.m.]

"Anzai... Why have you decided to plan her visit?" A woman wondered, standing next to him. "There have been some strange actions caught by 'Holy Warriors' which involved Kin and Ayuka, many of them say that there is some kind of a mistake with 'Kin's blood pressure, we would like her to introduce it to us, if she has spotted or heard any differences that we should not accept." That, made the woman surprised. ("Something wrong with the 'Blood Pressure'... But the tests were clear and set that Kin has the 'Holy Bloodline'. Nobody is able to change their Bloodline just whenever they wanted to, especially not to whenever it comes to the 'Holy Blood'... I do not like the idea...") Claimed the woman, lost within her thoughts.

[Heaven - Holy Archs - Sunday, 5:31 p.m.]

But as there was a chance for Ayuka's marriage to be cancled if she were to tell the truth, the unexpected happened, and she was stopped by Kin.

"What is it that you want now?" Ayuka wondered, who stood in front of Kin, leaning onto the wall, smiling. "Look at that, they actually figured it out themselves, now they just need your confirmation." Smiled Kin, when opening one of his eyes. "And I do not plan on lying, if they wish for me to confirm, then I will." Claimed Ayuka, when she passed him by, but right in that moment, Kin's mouth sighed, when he instantly grabbed Ayuka's arm and pulled him into his grip, when forcibly lifting his tongue and kissing Ayuka, when his ring on the finger, stabbed Ayuka into her hip, instantly Ayuka felt the next paralysis when her eyes opened widely.

"You'll listen to me, right now. You will decline their duty and confirm that I am fresh, understood. You'll continue the marriage, now be a good girl and tell them what it is not true." When he smiled, Ayuka's both irises blended in with her eyes, almost unseen when her purification was removed and at last, she only received the information that she could share, without any knowledge that she's been 'manipulated' into her mind, her emotionless and incorrect personality persuaded her body, once she confirmed, now having a fresh start of the memories that she should of have known.

[Planet Earth - Yasei Ruins - Sunday, 5:30 p.m.]

Codey was sitting on the rock when having pipes attached to his right arm, feeling a bit uneasy, there were many scientific advancements moving on the screen while his 'Bloodline' was being tested, and by the end, Manami became surprised, even provoking Codey. "W-what is it?! Have you figured something out?" Manami quickly looked at the syringe.

"Y-yeah... But, it's unexpected... Your 'Blood' is not relative to your father's, in fact it's a Bloodline I have never seen, recklessly to say, this blood does involve the capacity of the Demon Blood, but only a fraction of it..." That made Codey concerned. "What are you trying to say?!" Codey wondered, worried when his pipes were detached. "I mean to tell you, that your blood is at the same importance as the 'Holy Blood' but the opposite at the same time." That made Codey concerned. "Wait, opposite! I got a very important question! If what you're saying is true, does it have any inefficient informats?!"

The moment he spoke, Manami stepped toward the table and allowed Codey to stand up. "Based on the scenario, it appears that your bloodline has an undenied curse which blocks it from activating, which is bad but at the same time good." Claimed Manami, when Codey looked at her. "Explain!"

"I'll start with the bad meaning, if your bloodlines doesn't lose its curse, anyone who is connected to you will not be able to move, walk or communicate with their body, but on the bright side of the bloodline, you are blocked from going wild and losing control, if you won't mind it, since we don't have a proper name for it, I'd like to call it the 'Unholy Blood' as it represents the similar portions that the 'Holy Bloods' do." That made Codey, surprised.

"Wait, does that mean that Ena's body cannot be active, due to me?" He wondered, looking at his palm. "Depends. If she's your sister or not."

"That means, it's gotta be something because of my blood!" He claimed, stressed. "Not just yours, her as well, if you won't mind, would you let me to research further onto your blood with the one I managed to gain?" She questioned, just to be agreed by Codey.

"Thank you very-" But in that moment, feet were heard once both Codey and Manami looked at the corridor, at last two bodies came stepping through the light. "Codey!" In that moment, he became surprised. "You guys? W-wait, how did you-" Wondered Codey, when Elliot looked at Manami.

"Are these your friends or enemies? Are they Half-Demons?" She questioned, while preparing herself for defense if needed. "N-no! Manami, don't worry, they're with me! I'm just surprised they managed to come here, due to the barrier blocking anyone who's uneffected by the 'Demon Blood'." While Codey explained, Tim and Elliot felt left out and confused.

"Who the hell is she? Has she doen anything to harm you?" Tim wondered, when preparing his sword, just to be declined. "No, no, no! Calm down, she's only researching on the disappeared Gods as well as their bloodlines and my own!" Called Codey, which made the two of his friends, confused.

[Planet Earth - Yasei Ruins - Sunday, 5:40 p.m.]

Tim was standing in front of Codey's legs who had been sitting on the rock and looking to the side of where Manami was. "Unholy Blood? Is that even in the mythology?" Tim wondere,d once his long sword was resting on his back.

"Correct, but there has never been a timeline of the 'Unholy Bloodline' alternatives, so there's not much that we are able to do, as it is still unknown..." She claimed. "But what does the 'Gods' bloodline have anything to do with their disappearance, whenever we came through these ruins, we came in contact with their statues, solid stone." Claimed, Elliot who was mostly confused.

"Researching on them and receiving the important notes will allow me to testify their disappearance by seeing how they were connected and if they were affected in sync or seperately. I'm also researching bloodlines so that I can get answers to how they work, the 'Holy Bloodline', the 'Alternative Bloodline', the 'Demon Bloodline' and now the 'Unholy Bloodline'. They have to do something with the disappearance of the Gods, which I cannot yet understand." Explained Manami, when sitting onto the table.

"These 'Bloodlines' react differently and are used as specific ingredients that must of have done something to these Gods..."

But Elliot, remembered the words that Kreara spoke. "We've encountered the remaining 'God'." That made Elliot and Manami surprised. "Kreara, the Godess of the Afterlife, she was the one who used 'Time Stone' to making the Gods a statue, what's strange about it, is that her power was no where near to the one we had expected, as much as we were unable to equal her power in any case, she still didn't have unlimits at the current prologue of her body. Maybe these Bloodlines had some kind of a major injury that put her at an disadvantage..." By explaining everything, Manami and Codey were being interested.

"That's right... Kreara, this was the only Godess who was missing as the statue, so now it makes sense, but why would she do something this universal?!" Wondered Manami, stressed and shocked that they actually came in contact with 'Kreara' who was earlier known as 'Hitomi'.

"She's trying to absorb 'Holy Light's' Symbolism, while at the same time erase the universe for some specific reason, she also mentioned Kin, the one who's supposedly trying to marry Ayuka." That made Codey annoyed, when he scratched his nose, looking at Tim. "A marriage?"

"Yes, and despite that, she mentioned that 'Kin' has no 'Holy Bloodline' so he's an impostor to the entire 'Holy Archs'. This means, that we have to hurry up." Elliot explained, sighing. "But how?! They testify those in the 'Holy Archs' to truly indentify their bloodline, if they don't have the 'Holy Bloodline' there's not a single chance they'd let him stay!" Surprisingly yelled Manami.

"I suppose they must of have done something to him, so that the tests showed wrong." Angrily said Tim, annoyed.

"So then, why are you wasting time here?! You three gotta hurry up and stop the marriage! I've got everything I needed for the time being! Not hurrying up could end up in chaos, worse than already is!" Spoke Manami, when Codey jumped off the bed and fixed his sleeve. "She's right, wasting time's the last thing we should be doing! Manami will let us know if she'll need something for the future, right now we gotta go!" Shouted Codey, when Tim and Elliot nodded.

"Who knows, if the impostor is actually there for bad purpose, who knows when the marriage will beging!"

"Just stay careful, alright." Manami pondered, as the three nodded, thanked and dashed for the mountain.

[Heaven - Holy Archs - Sunday, 5:40 p.m.]

Ayuka stepped before Anzai and was questioned, while still lost of her memories. "Lass. Ayuka, we have been interpret that your future husband, Kin has been lying to us, we would you you to confirm it for us, please if you do not lie." Anzai claimed, looking down at her.

"Now, has he said anything to you about his 'Bloodline'?" But right with it, Ayuka's words were let out.

"... No, he has not ..." But when she said it, Ayuka noticed a girl in in the door corner looking at her, when her eyes shook.

("W-what? But, I've heard it myself! Doesn't she know that if she were to tell the truth, that she'd been free of the marriage! Why would she be lying?") The girl thought, when worried of her, but the moment she looked at her eyes, she realized that she has been brainwashed.

("... Kin must of have done something to her, darn it.... I have to find her friends, that way we might even have a chance! I just wish that I would be able to know who!")

To be continued...