344. The portal to the 'Holy Arches'.

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Yasei Ruins - Sunday, 5:13 p.m.]

With the final blade extended and squirting out a powerful electricity, Elliot sweeped wit his left arm past his right hip when Momoe quickly raised her right arm in front, and in that moment, Elliot's thunder blade went sweeping in a crescent in front of him and striking Momoe into the right arm when a powerful blast of electricity ashed around and then instantaneously knocked Momoe into the wall, when she was kept and surrounded by his attack, when his body was forcibly hit backward and almost forced him to lose his midair balance, when his eyes shook once his hair and eyes returned to normal, once he landed on his bottom and felt kind of confused of what had happened.

And while sitting on the floor and seeing the electricity dispersing, he gulped.

[Planet Earth - Takai Mountain - Thursday, 8:10 p.m.]

Elliot slid on the floor when sweeping with his blade, in which moment, Codey quickly swung his boomerang and blocked, in which moment, Elliot quickly crouched beneath Codey and slip under his legs, when grabbing the snow and the floor and then making a hand-stand, turning his body backward and hitting Codey in the back in which moment, Elliot quickly spun in the air and unleashed his 'Augmented Godspeed' in which point he quick-swiped his leg and hit Codey's back when knocking him forward and then landing in the snow as the cold and the snowy weather at the mountain cycled.

Codey quickly landed and rolled on the snow when spinning around and swinging his right arm, throwing the boomerang at which point Elliot's body swooped in a flash and avoided the boomerang and then instantly appeared in front of Codey and kneeling him into the stomach, but in luck Codey blocked the attack, when quickly grabbing Elliot's arm and pulling him backward and throwing Elliot over the air ready to fall down the mountain, but with squiggly eyes, Elliot disappeared in a yellow current of thunder, when appearing behind Codey and outstretching his left leg, when kicking Codey backward and rolling him into a snowball, when Elliot landed on the floor and melting the ice to liquid.

Tim was sitting on the snowy boulder, feeling cold in his bottom. "Alright, I win!" Elliot spoke, standing straight up.

Codey came surfacing from the snow as the pile dropped down. "Hey! You only one because I can't keep up with your newly found 'Godspeed'!" Codey complained, when Tim felt unamused, leaning his jaw on his right palm. "No, I'm just better in close combat than you!" Laughed Elliot.

"That might be true! But not even Ayuka or Tim could keep up with that sign of speed!" Codey yelled, annoyed.

"Calm down, you always have the chance to win back. Besides, the snow was messing with your wind control as the weather is too hard for you to heavy to be controled by you." Tim spoke, while almost falling asleep.

"Hey! Shut up! Next time I'm winning!"

"The 'chicken' is cooked, would you two just take a bite?" Tim wondered, when Elliot and Codey looked at him, sparking. "Awesome! You better not disappoint us!" Both of them appeared on the boulder, covery by snow and grabbed the stick and the fresh meat that was cooked.

[Planet Earth - Takai Mountain - Thursday, 8:30 p.m.]

"Tomorrow, we should be able to reach the 'Holy Pendelum' but let's hope that the marriage has not happened yet..." Codey spoke, while inside of the tent, when Tim and Elliot looked at the scroll he was showing. "Can you read it?" Elliot wondered, looking at it. "I've been trying to learn it for a week, now almost... But I just can't seem to get the hang of it!" Spoke Codey, embarrassed and worried that he'll mess it up.

"Maybe we should consider finding somebody that could read..." But even once Elliot tried to calm down, Codey was unamused. "Hey! Are you saying that I can't read?!" With anger mark on his forehead, Codey pointed at him. "No! I just said you can't read the scroll, and if you don't know it by tomorrow morning, we'll be screwed..." By denying, Elliot felt worried.

"It's fine, we should get some sleep, for tonight."

[Planet Earth - Takai Mountain - Friday, 7:10 a.m.]

Tim, Codey and Elliot were going down the mountain the other side, when they suddenly heard someone scream.

"Please! Help me! They're attacking me!" With that, the three of them instantly hopped down and noticed that a girl was surrounded by wolves. "Wolves?! Are you kidding me?! Get off her!" Tim quickly pointed his right palm forward, when making the wind and fire whirl when bursting it forward toward the wolves, when the three of the wolves roared and cried, when running away.

"I have never seen these creatures!" The girl called, sitting on the floor when Tim looked at her and crouched. "H-Hey, you're all right now. But why are you here?" Tim wondered, but the moment the girl looked at him, she realized, when seeing white hair and blue eyes.

"You! You must be her sibling!" The girl called, when Tim became confused. "W-wait! What are you talking about?!" Tim wondered. "I'm from the 'Holy Archs'!" In that instabt, the three of them instantly fell into shock when Tim quickly undressed his coat and wrapped it around the girl, preparing the fire.

[Planet Earth - Takai Mountain - Friday, 7:15 a.m.]

"You said you're from 'Holy Archs'! This must mean you have to know where Ayuka is! Right!" Tim shouted, when preparing a confidental look. "That's exactly why I came here for! But I wanted to find her friends, not a sibling!" But that made Tim unamused. "I'm not her sibling, we just happen to look similar! In any case, please, tell us everything you can! We're trying to stop the marriage!" Tim called, while sitting at the dug in cave at aside of the mountain.

"... Then you're the perfect people I managed to come across. Ayuka. I mean- Should I say, Lass. Ayuka's marriage has been put down a week and will have to get married today, at evening! That has to be prevented, I've managed to spot her 'husband' to be playing with her mind! She's been brainwashed by a drug and now she has no idea of what she's saying! At first, before Anzai and her meeting, she was just fine and was probably going to tell the truth about him! But then, her emotionless state and brainwashed position made her deny that he had been lying! He's manipulating her and using her! Somebody has to stop it, but I don't have the title to do so! I'm sure if you interrupt, the marriage will be put on hold for as long as you're there, so please, could you help me out. We can't lose the next 'Holy Light'!" Called the girl, when Tim's mouth shook.

"What's your name?" The girl became surprised. "I'm sorry! I haven't introduced yet! I'm Kato Shika, another human with the 'Holy Bloodline'." Shika explained, when Tim stood up.

"Alright... We're going right away, but, can you read the 'Gods' language?" Tim wondered, when Codey and Elliot looked up at him. "W-what?"

"To enter the 'Holy Archs' we gotta use that scroll and read it out loud, but none of us know how to properly read it, if you really wish to help her, I ask of you to read it instead of us, to opening the portal to the 'Holy Archs'." Explained Tim, when showing hte scroll. "Yeah, I can read it."

"Great, then, please, let's hurry, we'll explain everything on the way." Tim added, when finally finding somebody who could help them with reading a scroll. "I-I understand, of course!"

[Planet Earth - Holy Ruins - Friday, 4:30 p.m.]

"That's gotta be it!" Tim called, pointing at ruins when the three of them quickly came by, instantly they noticed six pillars surrounding a pendelum in which had a hole of where the scroll should be put.

"Damn it, we wasted too much time due to the bad weather! We didn't manage to come here in less than 10 hours! We gotta hurry up!" Codey claimed, when Shika felt a bit worried. "All you have to do is read the 35 words scroll and then we can expect for it to open a portal." Claimed Tim, when looking down at Shika, who stepped forward toward the pendelum and looked at the scroll.

But at last, Shika began to read the language out loudly when the sparkles began to be summoned at the top of the six pillars, the three boys were looking around when the words of the divinian language continued to be flying around them.

With hopes that there won't be a failure, after the 35 words have been read, at last the six sparks created six colours of the currents that flew at the middle and began to emit out a powerful portal, when the scroll was inserted into the pendelum to speed up the process, Shika backed away when seeing how the white and heavenly sky began to appear, in the next thirty seconds, the portal was fully made and with it, strange noises came growling from the divinian place.

"It worked!" Called Elliot, smiling. "It-It's open, it'll take us a few hours to reach the place, but we should arrive there before six past morning, on her marriage, that's if we don't get blocked by the 'Holy Warriors'." Claimed Shika, looking up at Tim, when he looked concerned.

"Holy Warriors, huh? It doesn't matter, if we gotta fight through them, we may as well rush in and do it as soon as possible. I'm not just going to let her get married to an evil doer, Shika, whenever you're ready we'll go and from there, you'll have to lead us through the 'Arches'. I hope you know your way around. Because we have no knowledge about the setup." And without denial, Shika became serious and nodded when finally the four of them entered, they came in front of a long white path that was leading into the distance.

"Boy, I never thought I'd be as high up as the sky... Nor to see this crazy position of these pillars!" Codey gulped, when Elliot looked around.

"This looks like 'Divinian' for sure. Shika, how long should we expect for us to get to the marriage?" Wondered Elliot, looking down at the young girl. "... 3 hours to the very minum, that's if we don't get blocked." That made Elliot stressed more than earlier.

"Stop purging with words, we're here to reach the 'Marriage Place'. Let's hurry up and retrieve her, it doesn't matter if she doesn't remember us... We just have to get her out of here!" The commands by Tim were clear yet simple. "Yeah. You're right..." Codey smiled, when Elliot and Shika nodded.

"Good, this is our next step! Let's get going."

To be continued...