345. True identity of a trickster.

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 4:50 p.m.]

"Lord Anzai!" A woman came bursting through the door immediately, when almost falling on the floor. "Miss. Nana, what is all the ruckus about?"

"I would like to ask for your permission to speak, Lord Anzai." Nana kneeled onto the floor when calm. "Go ahead."

"Thank you very much, sir. Twenty minutes ago, a group of humans broke in into the 'Holy Arches'. They were brought here by one of our 'warriors'. I believe it was Shika." The absurd name made Anzai upset. "What? For what kind of reason has she decided to go fetch them?" Anzai stood up, feeling a anger.

"I wish to tell you, but we do not have an official answer, nor have we been warned about them. However, these people seem to be unusual compared to the visitors we had in the past, each of them were able to equal, even overpower our mighty 'Holy Warriors'. I believe these foes are not like any ordinary humans, but 'Spiritual Duelists' who had improved in power more than we would envisage or conceptualize!" Anzai's white robe waved when his black hair reflected in Nana's weapon.

"Miss. Nana. Are you aware of where they are headed?"

"I believe by anticipating, their reason here is to breach our domain and result the marriage within a abort. I could be mistaken, but based on their expression, these duelists might be Lass. Ayuka's friends that she had met on Planet Earth." Explained Nana, when looking ahead.

"We cannot allow ourselves or them to call off the marriage, bring the three of your comrades and make sure to sabotage their path before reaching the gateway to the ceremony!" With commands given, Nana agreed. "Of course, sir! We will flee them off and result the marriage in success, we are thankful for your commands and cooperation!" Nana stood up, saluted a stance and turned around. "You 'Members of the Holy Guards'. Call Hiroto Riko and Taketa Yuji and order them to sabotage the path by making a blockade. Tell them that It was I who informed you, do you understand?" The two 'Holy Guards' stepped together, saluted. "Yes, of course, madam!" Without insisting further information, the two of them dashed for the two.

"Next command that you must make it possible is to send as many 'Holy Guards' and the 'Holy Warriors' in their way."

"Of course, sir! I will support you with my commands, however, what do we do about Lass. Ayuka and Kin?" She wondered, when Anzai told loudly.

"Bring them to me, we will keep them guarded in the crowning room, no more questions, hurry up and go!"

"I understand!"

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 4:51 p.m.]

"Would you look at that, they actually managed to arrive on time, however, to reach their lovely friend, there are obstacles that will be thrown into your directions. Not to worry, if you truly are as skilled as 'Lass. Kreare' spoke, then I believe these foolish bothers won't be much of a struggle for you to handle." Smiled Kin, leaned up against the wall door. "Master Kin. Why are you stalking on our warriors?" A man wondered, who stepped before him.

"Oh, me? I'm not stalking them, I just happen to pass by when the alarm was set off." Smiled Kin, when he stepped next to the man. "Oh, and by the way, Michio..."


"I recall you have been denying me as her husband, was I correct?" Kin smiled, holding his chin. "I am sorry, but I have spotted you act inpolitely toward Lass. Ayuka. She may be your engage, but with honest opinions, she should not have been put with you... It is only my hatred toward you." Spoke Kichio, when then Kin smiled.

"Huh, well then. Would you mind if you took a nap?"

"W-what do you mean?" But Kichio noticed that Kin had been staring at the corridor.

"Nothing, nothing. I have just been wondering, you seem quite 'tired' chick. Besides, you cannot speak to me that way, you're just a peasent that just has confidence of talking, but what will you do if you end up dead on the floor?" With that moment, Kichio reached for his weapon that he had been resting on the back and slashed it toward Kin, who had his arms in the pockets and with a giggle jumped backward, and slid on the marbel floor.

"Your title is nothing compared to Lass. Zero, you just happen to have been picked. But the 'Holy Warriors' can still dedicate their hearts to killing somebody like you, sure they may be imprisoned, but that way, scumbags like you wouldn't be needed to exist." Spoke Kichio, when grabbing his sword with both of his palms.

"Now, now. There's no need to be so dominating. Why don't we just take a seat and talk for a while, I'm sure you'll be invited to the ceremony. I'm sure you won't need to worry about that one, you'll see every little details, from kiss, to touching, I bet you're just jealous for not having such a perfect woman in your life, perfect enough for sensuality." And the words that he had spoke forcibly put Kichio at disgusting look.

"You're a a scumbag as a pervert, I won't allow that. I, the 'Holy Warrior' must indeed catch your demise, prepare for a battle!" Spoke Kichio when he prepared for combat. "Oh. I'm quite dull of you, but I must say, your position is as numb as I anticipated." But without any further interactions, Kichio and hurried into offense, when beginning to slash forwardly with his blade.

However, even on constant slashing and sweeping a sword, his wielding was unable to match Kin's as he successfully avoided every attack, even remaining calm while providing him with a smile.

Just before getting cut, Kin hopped backward, to the side and then noticed how the sword wielded sideways, when Kin ducked and slipped his right foot backward when standing up straight, never drawing his hands from the pockets.

"Come on, put a little 'gas' into your fighting, at the end I might end up absorbing your energy as well, just because it's weak." However, in anger, Kichio moved his sword to the side when a yellow light continued to flow outward.

"Divine Cut." Kichio extended a yellow blade of energy from his sword, when sweeping it forward and even causing the marble floor to feel heat, when Kin whistled and quickly leaped back high in the air, seeing the white energy form a cyclone of light which then brightened the area and even blinded Kin for a few seconds, when he smiled and landed on the floor.

"How interesting, a technique that uses 'Holy Kineticism' to its blindness ability, I'm intrigued, should I dare to say." But once Kichio noticed a grin on his foe's face, he soon spoke. "You're rather confident for your eyes being blinded!" But in the moment, Kin giggled.

("You wouldn't understand a thing. Blindness is really not something I would worry about, after all, I always have my limbs attached to me.") Kin raised his palm, and faced at it, even though his eyes were shut.

"May as well decapitate your limbs, then." Kichio jumped forward when hopping in front of Kin and circling his sword over the head, down at the top of Kin's own, who quickly touched the ground and began to heat up the floor with his aura, in which moment Kichio finished the cut, but right in that moment, Kin's body flickered, forcing Kichio in shock as it disappeared and right on time, Kichio felt how Kin appeared behind him, with his left hand in the pocket and with his right hand, grabbing the back of Kin's head, in which moment, Kichio got smashed his face into the heated up marble and the wind force flew through the corridor in which case, Kin leaned his stomach on Kichio's back and moved his lips toward his ear, whispering.

"Try not to make the marble red, or it'll make Lord. Anzai very mad. Alright, you poor little boy?" With a giggle, Kin noticed Kichio speak. "You'll regret those words! You just wait for the time! Whenever they find out, they'll make sure you never see the 'Holy Light' ever again!" But with the finished, giggle, Kin sighed and with full force struck Kichio's body into the marbled floor, in which point the blood splattered on the white floor and forcibly killing Kichio when Kin stood up, turning around when seeing a woman of the 'Holy Warriors' behind him.

She was terrified, but she was ready to set off an alarm, but right in that moment, Kin stepped toward her, giving her a creepy smile. "Oh, my... A lovely lady, how about we play around with your body and then we can see how gorgeous you are without clothes."

"S-Stay back, I'm not afraid to call the alarm!" However, just in that moment Kin jumped at her, when a girlish scream flowed through the entire 'Holy Arch'.

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 4:55 p.m.]

'Holy Guards' came gathering at the scream when they were shocked, they saw Kichio's body struck on the floor and the woman's body undressed to bare skin, when her mouth were bleeding. "W-what the hell?! W-what happened?! Don't tell me there was a sensual activity!" Called the guard in the middle of fear, when both of them stepped forward, but right in that moment, they froze. "Don't worry, she was only undressed, for now." Kin grabbed the two men's head and squashed them up into each other, when the erupting blood was heard scattered and then the helmets were flung to the side, when Kin crouched in front of the woman and reached for her forehead, gently patting her. "Don't worry. You just won't be able to have children for the future, now that you've fallen asleep. You gorgeous beauty, sleep well." Kin softly kissed the woman on her mouth, when Ayuka came behind him, her irises were flickering when she felt pain in the head.

"W-what the hell, what's even happening? Or where am I-" But the moment Ayuka looked forward, and saw Kin walking toward her, with four dead bodies, she looked at his grin, when her irises once again bended with her pupils.

"Oh, look, the drug's almost wearing off, how about we have the second round?" The moment he reached for Ayuka's arm, her irises once again felt paralysis, but this time, she quickly backed away and pulled the arm away, when she looked at him with a sweat.

"What did you do to me? Answer me? Why am I feeling this effect every now and then?!" She questioned, when Kin was amazed. "Hush, now... It's only a relative drug that brainwashes you for a few hours, it had to be done every day, you see, when you were asleep I managed to stab you with this ring, so that you wouldn't spoil much." Smiled Kin, showing her the ring as the tiny blade purged out when a purple liquid slowly flowed down it and splashed on the ground.

"Don't even try to come near me again." But the moment Ayuka tried to draw her sword, Kin appeared behind her and grabbed the back of her neck, when pinning her down onto the ground, squeezing her breasts in the floor when laying onto her back.

"Hey, now. No need to be so picky, I'm the only man you'll ever have the honor of marrying, and don't worry, I'll take very well of you, alongside your body. Oh, you're just turning me on, with every single limb of your body, you hear..." Kin reached slowly for her left breast, when almost touching it.

"Get off me you creep! Stop rubbing against me!" She angrily called, while trying to knock him off, but due to her being pinned, she was unable. "Calm down, it's just a little cut, have the next taste of the drug." The blade reflected once again when he reached for her breast. "No, get that thing away from me! You're sick, do you hear me?!" However, when he squeezed her tighter on the ground, she could barely talk when her left breast was cut and given a marker of the drug and injury, when a tiny cut was seen on her dress, when revealing a tiny amoung of her skin on the chest, but with it her eyes returned back to what it was before.

"There now, was that delightful, or was it not?" Kin giggled, when licking Ayuka's cheek.

To be continued...