346. The 'Holy Knights' - assemble!

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 5:09 p.m.]

"Shika! How much further to reach the ceremonial room?" Tim wondered when the three of them ran up the circling stairs. "We should be getting there in less than 30 minutes!" Explaind Shika, when Tim was worried and stressed.

"30 minutes? Why is are the 'Holy Arches' so long? It's almost impossible to find your way through it, how does anyone know which direction to go?" Codey just turned a corner when the four of them reached the 'Holy Pillars'.

"These must be the first signs of the 'Holy Pillars'..." Elliot claimed, and with it the pillars had white structure and golden additions around them, each of them were different sizes and were spread across every eight meters. "People say that these pillars the the main reason to why 'Heaven' is successfully held in the sky, they say it's the main source, correct?" Tim questioned, looking down toward Shika.

"That is true, but if 90% of them get destroyed, there's no way for Heaven to be still suitable to live for the Gods, nor the Spirits that come up here..."

"Is there any way to use them as a shorcut or something?" Elliot wondered, looking at her. "No, these are just the supports, they are not allowed to be walked on, or the 'Gods' will be forced to eliminate the doer of such crime." However, while they spoke, they were then soon blocked by a group of trio.

"Great, those must be the 'Holy Warriors' the ones they sent at us!" Elliot added, looking up.

"Those are the commanders to the 'Holy Warriors', they are far more skilled than the ones you have been fighting." Explained Shika, stressed once seeing gazes to seek her.

"Shika, why have you brought these imposters to the 'Holy Arches', are you here to seek your demise as well?" Nana wondered, looking at her. "No. Madam, Nana! You don't understand. These people are here to help, they are only fighting because you're constantly sending troops!" Called Shika, when trying to talk her way out.

"The commands aren't ours to choose, it's Lord. Anzai's and furthermore, they are still 'Humankind' which do not belong in this world." Spoke Nana, having her arms crossed. "No! You've gotta listen, they're here to help our society as well as stop the imposterous marriage! Please, let them through!" Shika claimed, but no use.

"We are afraid that we are not allowed to do so. Besides, Lass. Ayuka has already confirmed that 'Master Kin' has never showed genocide. We have confirmed that he is free of will or imprisonment."

"No! She's been used, she was put on a drug, which brainwashes her entire brain and she only listens to what Kin commands her to do!" Shouted Shika, swinging with her arm. "You or her have no proof, now, leave at once or we will be forced to eliminate your existence." She spoke.

"I swear to the God's hell! If you don't step away from that doorframe I'll use brute force to cut your jugular! Where's Ayuka! Right now, bring us to her!" Tim shouted, stepping forward. "Hey! Tim! Stop! That's not our best solution to communicate! You have to relax!" Codey called, trying to calm him down.

"Shut up! If you're here just to communicate with these ignorant people, you may as well leave!"

"Tim! I mean it, you can't act that way! They can put you on an execution, if you have gone too far!" Codey said, holding Tim's left arm. "I couldn't care less. I'm only here to stop the marriage and kill that imposter! If that means killing 'Holy Warriors'!" Shouted Tim, loudly.

"That cannot be done! And, however, we are the 'Holy Knights'. Not 'Warriors' there are three stages of the 'Holy' troops.

- Holy Guards, the mere bottom of the guard duty

- Holy Warriors, the mere middle of the execution duty


- Holy Knights, the top, as well as the main assault team, we are bound to eliminate intruders like you if ordered." Shika spoke, when commanding loudly. "Shut the hell up! Who cares about your stupid 'troops'. If necessary, I'll bring the demise to you, instead of us!" Tim shouted, when he moved his sword to the side.

"Tim! Stop!" Codey yelled, trying to calm him down.

"Shut up!" Tim swung his arm behind, when his pupils forcingly changed to black with only her iris remaining yellow, when Codey, Elliot and Shika backed away, they were seeing a transperent face of the 'Inner Fiend'.

"Tim! Stop right now, do you even see what the hell's happening! Going wild will force you back into that 'dark' state! You don't want to end up like, that!" Shouted Codey, when his eyes were shaking, when Tim's shook as well, that made him to regain focus, Tim turned around with his natural eye colour when grabbing his sword. "Even so, I'm not going to just allow them to keep a blockade!" Tim spoke, looking forward at them.

Nana rested her arms on her chest when closing her eyes for a few seconds. "You shall not pass this gate, and you shall not breach the ceremonial area! As the three commanders and the 'Holy Knights' we are bound to eliminate you for you of not backing off! Nobu and Suzu, take on each, I will take the one in the middle." Nana spoke, stepping down the stairs. "Yes, madam!" The two of them disappeared in flickering light when Tim felt wind passing by, instantly he noticed that both Elliot and Codey were forced to be dragged into battle, away from him, when they spread over the pillars.

When he turned around, a sweat dripped down his face and faced back at Nana. "For once in my life, I have the will of fighting imposters... This will be a short deal, 'Substitute-Duelist'!" She flipped the sword, threw it up and caught it in a rapier position, pointing at Tim, who reached with his both arms to the side, and grabbed his sword.

"Just dream!" Tim called, when saying. "Henshin!" Instantly his hair waved upward as a blue aura surrounded his body and bursted high up into the air, covering him and sending out a powerful energy, when Nana prepared her sword, once the aura disappeared and triggered itself into a pulse, Tim's clothes tightened and changed, alongside his sword when his eyes glowed blue for mere second.

"Of course. 'Henshin', I was aware of it, it is like your main reliability, but is it really that impressive? I will be glad to find out." Nana spoke when both of them exchanged looks.

"Then, stand up and prepare for the upcoming defeat, Spiritual Duelist." Without any more time wasted, Shika called. "Tim! You shouldn't fight her! She's out of your league!" Called Shika, worried. "Don't care, she's the one who's blocking my path, now stand back and don't get involved, we don't want to lose you." Tim shouted, when his body flickered and disappeared,

The black robe circled from aside when he sweeped with is sword right at Nana, who quickly moved her sword up and blocked. Tim quickly disappeared in flickering body, when appearing from the other side and slashing toward Nana, who crouched, turned her body to face Tim's direction and then slashed upward.

But with flickering body, Tim disappeared again and came hopping from behind Nana and slashed his sword downward, who he held with both hands, but right then, Nana raised her sword above her head and blocked his attack, when Tim disappeared and began to appear around Nana, making her halucinate of seeing multiple bodies, due ot his speed, when Tim slashed and cut, just to be blocked by Nana's sword, when she quickly hit his sword backward and then hopped backward when slashing her swod obliquely and releasing a dominating energy which Tim quickly blocked by slashing his sword extremely quick and blew it away like feather, at which moment he then came sliding before her and tried of stabbing her, but by vanishing she appeared behind Tim and kicked with her right leg, but right in that moment he rolled on the ground, sweeped a distance and grabbed the floor with his left palm, using it to twist his body and face Nana, when he unleashed force and knocked himself into flight, when Nana made a step and moved her sword past her right chest down to her left hip, when summoning out a divine energy at which point she hurled it forward by slicing.

But to not be caught in it, Tim landed on the pillar and quickly leaped, when the energy flew into the pillar, shattering it, at which moment, he landed on the path and slid forward, when quickly moving his both arms past his right shoulder, pointing the sword backward and then summoning out blue energy, when slashing forward.

"Seraphic Penetrate!" By sweeping in a crescent and releasing a blue crescent, which sonic boomed through the air at high speed, Nana quickly leaped high up into a front flip when the crescent obliterated the doorframe and the stairway behind her back, in which moment she dropped down and slashed at Tim, who needed to block, however, instead of blocking, he vanished and Nana quickly slashed her sword past her left shoulder behind her back, when unleashing the next divine cut, at which point Tim quickly raised his sword in front of his face, supported it with his free hand and then took the hit dead on, as it was held back and was pulverizing past his body like heat, but while he held it back and noticed that his sword and the attack casted small sparks of electricity, he pushed further when attaching the 'Seraphic Penetrate' onto his blade and began to rub the energy into the other, when both of them were waving powerfully and with it, the 'Seraphic Penetrate' was unleashed when Tim made a step and vanished.

Nana vanished and avoided his attack, once moving up behind him and stepping sideways, when sweeping with her left arm, pulling the sword over the top of Tim's back, and cutting his skin, in which moment he bled and tried to cut backward.

But before he managed, Nana already kicked him into the hip and forcibly blasted him over the marble pathway and then prepared, when Tim's body went flying into a pillar.


Shouted Shika, when turning behind, but right in that moment, she felt an enpowerment from his direction.

Tim's body went dashing through the cloud of dust, when a white mask was now covering his face, and due to that, Nana was caught in surprise, when Tim slashed upward, when this time, his blue aura, drastically changed to black, when he struck forward, but even as Nana blocked and tried to keep him back, his enpower forcibly knocked her toward the broken stairway, when Tim landed on the floor and held his sword, with a black aura rippling out.


To be continued...