347. The declaration of elimination.

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 5:11 p.m.]

Tim, who had been hit by was not in usage of 'Akusei', but following Codey who had fought Suzu, he seemed to have had no proper difficulties, as Suzu was known to be the weakest of the three.

Landing on top of a pillar, Codey crossed both of his arms once Suzu kicked into them, provoking an outrage of the wind, which forcibly pushed Codey to the very edge of the pillar, when he stop just in the nick of time.

However unlike he, who had to stop, Suzu had already prepared to strike him from the front and tried to aim for his head, but by ducking and sweeping his legs to the side, he hurried over to the side of the right edge, when seeing Suzu landing on the ground. When she quickly dragged her sword from her right scabbard and cut sideways by stepping in front of Codey, however in return to not get cut, Codey crouched, touched the floor with both of his palms when grabbing the top of the pillar's ground, harder.

By avoiding he was then put in advantage of a battle, in which moment he hurried forward with a punch into Suzu's stomach, once her body was caught by wind and blown over the pillars, flung away from any sort of platform and the moment he had made a step with his right foot, his body flickered and instantaneously appeared aboove Suzu's body when he front flipped and raised his right leg high above the top of his head, and swiped it down, when Suzu quickly sweeped the sword before her chest and blocked Codey's strike, but with it, she was flung back down through the sky, when she spun in the air and landed her both feet on the pillar and grabbing it with her left palm, as she was using it as support of stopping the fall, when her arm was being cut through the pillar, but right before she would hit the clouds, she unleashed a powerful force, that allowed her to bounce off the pillar's wall to the very top of the next pillar, when Codey pointed his palm and accurately prepared a blast, when the wind whirled and even blew the clouds aside.

The blue eyes that were gazing at Suzu were now tensed when Codey made out a few of the words. "Wind Blast." As the easiest and a very effective attack, he unleashed a thin blast of wind through the air like sonic boom and noticed that Suzu hurried onto defense, by using her sword as the wind blast swiftly exploded into a whirlwind at which it caused Suzu to be knocked backward.

Even though Codey released the blast, it simply made him unbalanced in midair, when he had to control his landing and managed to do so, then faced down to the lower pillar of where Suzu stood, then quickly exchanging his face to the side. ("Damn, as much as I don't struggle, Elliot and Tim are both having difficult time...") Codey gulped, stressed that something might go wrong, then exchanging look toward Elliot.

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 5:12 p.m.]

Elliot sweeped with his katana in which moment Nobu ducked and grabbed the ground, pulling his leg on the ground and slipping Elliot into a prepared face palm slam.

But right as Elliot was about to land on the floor and smash his face, Nobu appeared behind him and with his left leg raised, squeezed it into Elliot's back, once the full force of the attack, squashed Elliot into the pillar's ground, in which the pillar shook and Elliot was then forcibly grabbed by the neck and dragged on the ground and then flung up to the next pillar, when Nobu prepared his sword and unleashed yellow energy when Elliot spun his body and quickly caught air, landing on the upper pillar, sliding back.

But right in the moment of stopping, Nobu had already appeared in front of his stomach from out of nowhere and with a sweep past his chest from right, aimed it at Elliot, who quickly blocked, and came in contact with a voltaic explosion, which knocked him back through the sky.

Right on time, Nobu pointed his sword at Elliot when gathering yellow energy in which moment, he then quickly unleashed a yellow beam which flew through the air, by striding aside Elliot swooped the sword forward and reflected the attack to a pillar in the distance, when his body ejected yellow electricity and surrounded him. "Godspeed!" Elliot disappeared from the air in a thunder current when appearing in front of Nobu and quickly sweeping his sword, when Nobu raised the sword and pointed its tip upward, but even so, Elliot's attack was faster than anticipated and because of that, Nobu was cut through the arms and was caught in thunderous explosion, to which it managed to throw him backward, onto the bottom pillar, when Elliot landed on it and looked up, deactivating his 'Godspeed'.

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 5:13 p.m.]

Nana stood in front of Tim, looking at his mask, once he tensed his muscles, to hold the sword tighter. "That is supposed to be a 'Human'? By the end of today, you will end up lying on the floor and become a creature that is inhumane." But as much as he knew that those could be the risks of him losing, it made him confident.

"Is this really your way of progressing to victory?" Tim wondered, when his breathe swiftly and softly released steam. "It is not my way of receiving victory. It is my way of warning you about your own ability."

"Just shut up..." Tim stepped on the ground harder, crossing the marbled floor and ruining them on the spot, once dashing forward and sweeping with his sword, but right in that moment, his body stopped when his swing was abnormal, he missed on purposely as it seemed, which allowed Nana to take the moment and quickly stabbed forward, with her blade through his heart, once Tim's eyes opened widely, but right in the moment as he was vulnarable, Nana raised her palm in front of him.

"For the moment you can still hear me. Just remember to never enter the 'Holy Arches'. We will eliminate you again, if you somehow return here." But with the words said, Nana unleashed a yellow blast, once Tim's body was caught in it and blown back in the air, smashed at the palace's wall when a yellow explosion occured, forcing Elliot and Codey to cover their faces.

"Don't tell me!" Codey spoke when a sweat dripped down his forehead.

"You two, hurry up and eliminate them, we have a ceremony which must be done." Ordered Nana, once Suzu and Nobu both became serious, their eyes flashed when appearing before Codey and Elliot in sync.

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 5:13 p.m.]

- A few minutes earlier -

"Lord, Anzai! We have had an assault! Four of our troops were found dead, and there has been no accurate description of who caused their death, nor the time of their death. However, it was impossible for the four Duelists to kill them, as they are at the gateway to the palace, held back by the 'Holy Knights'. We would like to decline the marriage if possible, we can continue for whenever we eliminate our foes!" Explained a man.

"Where were they found dead?!" Anzai asked, standing up when angered. "They were found in the interior of the 'Holy Light's' corridor!"

"That is only a few feet away from the crowning room's enterance! That is no good!"

"Lord, should we stop the marr-" But before the man claimed, he was interrupted. "No! Call both, Lass. Zero and Kin to the interior of the crowning room, we will progress the marriage right now in five minutes! Hurry up and go!"

"But- Lord! We cannot just change the time from out of nowhere, they are not even ready to-" But again, he was stopped. "That does not matter anymore, they should just get ready in the crowning room and we shall prepare their marriage, in front of me! Now!"

"Yes, Lord! I-I understand!" The man ran through the gateway when passing Kin. "Master Kin! We have been given orders to begin the ceremony in five minutes! You must waiit here!" Called the man. "I understand, very well..." Kin who grinned, spoke.. "Just as to what I was hoping for." Kin giggled when waiting at the gateway.

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 5:15 p.m.]

- Present time -

The moment that both Elliot and Codey were about to be struck, somebody came running from the back of the room, the same man.

"Holy Knights! Stop fighting at once!" Once the man ordered, Nana looked at him as everyone stopped fighting. "We received a clear information. Lass. Ayuka's and Master Kin's ceremony will begin shortly in about 3 minutes from now!" Commanded the man. "What?! But we still have the intruders!" Shouted Nana, when looking at him. "I am sorry to prevent you from fighting, but the commands are our priority! Please, leave them alone and hurry up to the ceremony. You have already done enough, killing that boy!" Spoke the man.

"You've gotta be kidding me..." Sighed Nobu, when seeing Nana agreeing. "Very well. Nobu! Suzu! To the crowning room, immediately!"

"Yes, madam!" At once, the two of them disappeared and joined up with Nana, when preparing to enter the gateway. "Before you two think of entering the palace, I must warn you, any further steps in and you will be forcibly stopped!" With that the three of them entered.

Elliot and Codey both looked at Tim who was lying on the floor, bleeding and not moving. They jumped and looked at him. "Tim! Hey!" Codey was trying to wake him up, but as it looked as if he was dead, Elliot noticed that his sword was still in the same shape as well as his clothes, apart from the mask which was destroyed. "We can't continue, he has been pierced and there's no way of recovering his body here!" Codey called, worried.

"Are you kidding me?! We've come so far yet we achieved nothing?!" Elliot complained, looking at Codey. "What?! Do you just want him to die! He's barely holding on, he was pierced through the heart, we're on a time limit! You should be enough to get him to the guild with your 'Godspeed'! We need you Elliot!" Codey yelled, looking at them, when Shika came running. "I don't think there's anything we can do! The wound is too deep and we only have about a few of the seconds before he dies!" Called Shika. "Then what are we supposed to do?!"

"Look, Codey. Sure my 'Godspeed' is fast, but there's no way that even at max speed I would be able to get him to Jun! Plus I have a limited supply of the charged electricity. Even if I tried, I would only be able to go a few kilometers before running out of it, that's at max speed!" ELliot spoke, when Codey tried to do something. "We can't just let him die for the second time!"

But the moment Codey said that, they noticed a white liquid floating around Tim's face, as he slept on the floor.

To be continued...