348. The corrupted Godess.

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 5:15 p.m.]

Tim's body was once again floating in the 'Dimension'.

"... Again ... Being to reckless ... W-why did you even do that?" Tim questioned, with his eyes fade, as he was floating through the dimension. "Why, you ask? You've only seen elimination, but you know that was not the correct way!" Carissa spoke, floating in front of his 'Spiritual Mind'. "... Then what was I supposed to do...?" Tim wondered, when the black dimension rippled. "You realize, if you were to swing that moment, your sword would of have been destroyed instantaneously upon your foe's defense. If you were to do so, you would lose your only weapon that can be in any use, and you would of have been left with nothing but powerless 'Spiritual Force' which does not even activate without a weaponry... I forcibly forced your sword to swing pass her, or your path would of have ended right then in that singular moment."

Carissa sighed, looking down at him. "But what did we accomplish with this? Is there any way I can even return to the proper world, and not die?" Tim wondered, standing up, when feeling weak.

"White..." The moment she spoke, Tim noticed the 'Inner Fiend' standing in front. "Well, well! Look at this sticky situation, getting us killed for once and again! I really shouldn't of have trusted my powers to you! You'd just go in like an idiot and waste my effort!" Laughed White, when holding a similar weapon that Tim had.

"He will determine the result, manage to defeat him, he'll hand you his 'Akusei' again, but if you fail, he'll kill you..." Claimed, Carissa, when Tim became surprised. "Are you kidding me?! How am I supposed to beat him, without my weapon!" Tim called, raising his free arms, when Carissa sighed. The moment that had happened, Carissa's body changed into sparkles when floating into Tim's hand and instantly forming the 'Nensho' and gave him surprise. "W-what the?!" Tim wondered, in confusion.

"Now that you got the weapon! Tell me! What fun is it, if you don't kill an opponent! That's the thing I was strugglign to figure out! Don't you just love the blood erupting and piling down on the floor?" Laughed White, maniacally.

"Well, do forget! Focus on me!" With that, White disappeared when he slashed with his sword, forward, when Tim quickly dragged it forward, and defended.

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 5:16 p.m.]

"Come on, wake up!" Codey shouted, but it was impossible. "Damn it! Now I wish Zero was here!" Elliot called, holding his head. But right in that moment, Tim's mask began to liquify when all, Codey, Elliot and Shika backed away. "The hell's happening? Don't tell me that the 'Inner Fiend's' taking control again, after so many years! The last time that had happened was at the 'Spiritual Realm', fighting Isora!" Called Codey, when stressed. "You've seen him like that, before?!" Wondered Elliot, confused. "I didn't see... I heard it from Saraki, since he was around there!" Codey gulped. "The only time I saw him, was for the very first time in Tokyo City.... But then never again, apart from the moment when he became a proper shadow, killing Mai!"

As much as Elliot was confused, he didn't understand much of what was happening.

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 5:18 p.m.]

Ayuka and Kin were already moving toward the stairway, in front of Anzai and a woman. ("So, by the very end, they didn't even make it... What a bummer...") Grinned Kin, thinking when both Ayuka and Kin stepped in front of Anzai. "Lass. Ayuka, before beginning the ceremony, I would like of you to confirm that he has treated you properly, due to your Title." Wondered Anzai, when the 'Holy Knights' and the 'Holy Warriors' stood around them, with the 'Holy Guards' keeping a lookout in front of the crowning room.

"Yes, I have no objection..." The drug was still active when Kin smiled. "What about you, Master Kin? Has she?" Wondered Anzai, looking at him. "Here, no objections either." Spoke Kin. "Very well, due to the break in, we had to move the ceremony a few minutes earlier. Please, Master Kin, you know what you must do." Spoke Anzai, when Kin kneeled in front of him. "Lass. Ayuka, please allow Kin to accept your hand." And the moment, she had heard so, she reached with her left right hand forward.

Kin grabbed her arm, when softly kissing it. "With my love and acceptance, this is my proof of providing you with the love I have toward you." Spoke Kin. "Please, Master Kin, stay pront." With that, Kin agreed. "Please, bring the 'Holy Crowns'." With commands given, two of the women held a red pillow at where the two crowns were set up and brought them in front of Kin and Ayuka.

At last, Ayuka kneeled as well, once Anzai spoke. "This crown and tiara, are the responsibilities that you must keep safe, it is the proof that each of you have accepted each other's love, for when I put it on, Master Kin will have the chance of kissing the bride." And the moment he spoke so, the crown was grabbed and put onto Kin's head, when tiara was picked up, and was soon to be put on her head, but right in that moment, the door went opening.

"Ayuka!" Tim, Codey and Elliot came dashing in the middle of the room, when Ayuka's eyes flickered when she turned around. "T-Tim?" With that, Kin became surprised when Ayuka looked around. She turned forward when seeing the tiara in front of her. "HURRY! PUT THAT TIARA ON! NOW!" Kin shouted, when Anzai became surprised. Anzai quickly hopped up and grabbed the tiara when knocking Anzai aside. "Master Kin! That's not allowed!" Yelled Anzai when the tiara was about to be put on Ayuka's head as her eyes shook. "Damn it! Stop him! He's an impostor!" Tim yelled. Instantly, upon which the 'Holy Knights', the 'Holy Warriors' and Anzai saw, they instantly moved before the stairway, when Anzai felt surprised. "Quick! Somebody, get her away!" Shouted Nana with commands, when the two who held the pillow could't do much. But right in the moment, the crown had already touched Ayuka's head, when prepared to be put on. "You're not going to stop this!" But too late, a yellow blast flew from the people and over Ayuka's head when striking the crown from Anzai's grip into the air, when he tried to reach for it.

But right in that moment, Codey made a step when throwing the boomerang forward as it flew through the troops and over Ayuka's hair, luckily slamming into the tiara and shattering it, when a powerful wind blast, was casted. "No! You little!" But the moment, he was about to grab Ayuka, Tim quickly dashed through the troops, and saw how Ayuka made a step, but right when Kin was about to reach and grab her, Tim managed to appear in front of Ayuka, with his sword sweeping forward, when Kin quickly hardened his skin in which moment, the sword came in clash with it and shattering the ground, when Ayuka's body was almost knocked back, down the stairs, but by turning around, Tim reached for her hip when pulling her into him and disappearing from the spot, when both of them appeared in the middle of the 'Holy Knights' when Kin's eyes were in rage.

"You fool! You fool!!" Yelled Kin, when screaming due to the pain.

"Fine, then!" Everyone became surprised, even Tim who held Ayuka and tried to warn Anzai. "Get away!" But too late, Anzai already saw a blade, slicing at his neck, when his eyes shook, instantly the blood was seen, when Anzai's eyes became dead like fish.

"Lord Anzai!!!" Everyone shouted, but right in that moment, he has already been killed, when his Bloodline was erased. Elliot, Codey and Tim who noticed that were as stressed as everyone else, when, their Lord was killed. "Get Lass. Ayuka away from him, now!" Ordered but as Tim tried to dash for the exit, Ayuka's eyes became emotionless and with her irises bending in, she quickly struck Tim with her head, when surprising everyone, when she was let go and then turned around when kicking with her right leg, instantly Tim's right arm was squeezed up against his hip, when his body went flying through the exit and shattering the walls, once his body flew down into the outside of the palace, and began to roll on the marbled floor, followed up by bouncing upon landing, and getting flung into the pillar, when it exploded into rubble, which flew down the sky, when his body slammed into the marble floor.

"Lass. Ayuka! What are you doing?!" Yelled Nana, but right in that moment, Codey noticed that he was stabbed by the ring again. "She's been drugged again! Get away from her! Now!" Ordered Codey, however the moment, they tried to run, Ayuka raised her right arm when gathering white energy, when dropping the hand and smashing it into the ground, with her yellow eyes glowing, and acting differently than supposed to, upon touching the floor, a powerful shockwave was unleashed through the ground, at which moment the 'Holy Knights', 'Holy Warriors' and the 'Holy Guards' alongside, Codey and Elliot, got knocked into the walls of the crowning room, when the entire area collapsed, when Kin smiled.

"Yes! That's it! That's it! I didn't know this drug was so useful!" By a crazy laughter, Kin almost cried. "Ayuka! Stop for once! Get in control! You're drugged and you have no idea of what you're doing!" Codey shouted, however, by getting ignored, Ayuka disappeared from the spot, when appeared in front of Tim and grabbed his neck, raising him up, when beginning to choke him, looking at him with her yellow eyes.

While Tim was sweating on the face and looking into her eyes, he slowly reached with his arm forward. "Ayu- Ayuka..." The moment her name was called, her eyes opened widely and changed to blue when a tear dripped down from her left eye, dropping Tim when he fell on the floor, she began to back away in which moment, she grabbed her face and screamed, trying to fight the drug.

While Tim was holding his neck, and trying to calm down. "Ayuka..." But right when he spoke her name, she stopped when her face was covered, her voice laughed when he heard the difference, of her voice being corrupted.

As her eyes were once again yellow.

("She's trying to fight the drug, but her body is corrupted by it!") "Ayuka! You've gotta listen to me! I won't let it get to you! Do you even know who you are?!" Tim yelled, when reaching for his sword. "Well, aren't you foolish enough to go chasing after me... I do not know of the one, but I know...."

"... that the real enemy here, is you."

To be continued...

To be continued...