349. The corrupted Godess: The corruption's rule - Part 1

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

Foretold tale arrived from no where.

By the Marriage successfully stopped, Codey, Tim and Elliot resuced the bride, however the outcome was insufficient, and in return the 'Godess' herself, and the bride of the supposedly expected husband has turned rogue.

With the drug still taking affect of her body, Ayuka forcibly attacked Tim and as soon that her name was called and expected realization, the corruption of her body, drastically changed.

To be unaware of how to resuce, the only chance of retrieving her knowledge is for Tim to defeat her, by trying to persuade her into stopping, or by killing her, the path that he must choose is at risk of the next 'Holy Light' and if he doesn't successfully comfort Ayuka, the only choice he'll have, is to kill her or survive until to drug wears off.

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 5:20 p.m.]

Codey, Elliot both dashed toward the broken wall and gazed in the ruckus that was going on at the exterior of the palace.

"We have to help him! Ayuka's out of her focus and corrupted! There's no way he can take a God down himself!" Called Codey, when trying to step forward, but just to get stopped by Elliot. "You're not thinking straight, look at who we have to deal with!" Elliot pointed behind him, showing Kin who was letting out a laughter.

"... 'Holy Knights' ... take him down! We do not wish to hold this imposterous human!" By the orders, both Nobu and Suzu stepped besides her. "Our job is to deliver the most precise avengence and to eliminate the threat! Master Kin, you who had trespassed the 'Holy Arches', killed Lord Anzai and drugged Lass. Ayuka will be put on execution! No further details are necessary!" Ordered Nana, when Kin smiled - "So be said, I'll enjoy -" But right in that moment, Codey looked at them and hopped before them. "You three! You're not ready to face his threat, get back before you die!" Codey ordered, trying to calm them down.

"You are another trespasser! Proceed of evacuation! We will eliminate our enemy, now commands to you, drop back, now!" Nana ordered, however Codey declined.

"You don't understand! He isn't the real threat right now! My friend out there's trying to calm down Ayuka, he needs help, I can deal with him!" Codey spoke, when hearing them out.

"We do not care about your friend, either he dies or not, our only priority is to keep Lass. Ayuka as the next ruler of the 'Holy Arches'! Now, stand back or-" But in the instant that Nana spoke, blasts flew past Codey and her, when piercing through Nobu's and Suzu's forehead. "Suzu! Nobu!"

Upon seeing that, Codey instantly turned around. "You bastard!" No more wasted time, Codey's eyes turned red when his 'Abyssal Essence' growth arrived, his boomerangs were quickly transformed into a his 'Henshin', alongside his clothes.

"Oh? A friendly neighbour who advances in 'Demonical Bloodline'. I'm granted to eliminate you, for I dare to say." He picked the sword, pointing at Codey.

"The moment the lovely 'Holy Light' eliminates your friend, all by herself, you and the entire army will be the next, and from there, Kreara the Godess of the Afterlife, will finally receive what she'll want!" Smiled Kin, and in the instant that he had said it, somebody appeared before him, when a powerful bubble of time, beserked through the 'Holy Arches'.

Immediately, everybody froze in a time line, apart from Ayuka, Tim and Kin, who looked around. "Great job for losing the tiara. How do you expect for the marriage to happen now?" Wondered Kreara, when Kin smiled. "Oh, don't worry. Without further intentions, once they're eliminate, she'll be with me again, the drug won't lay of that easily, I inserted a massive portion of it, when I put on her tiara." He showed the ring, when Kreara listened.

"Is that correct, hm? Well then, I believe there's quite to many, if that lightning and-" But in the moment, Elliot's mouth shook, when unleashing a massive ejection of electricity, which shattered the time bubble and forcibly stopped it. "You damn bitch! I've had enough of you!" Elliot's hair turned yellow, next to his eyes as well as everybody was free of the time barrier.

"What?! How were you able to destroy the time barrier!" Without any interactions, Codey made a step and bolted forward, hopping when Kreara became surprised. He gathered intense charge of voltage, when sweeping with his katana in which moment, Kreara hurried and drew her sword, when blocking the raging thunder.

"Elliot! Get out of there! Now!" But not listening to him, Elliot noticed that he was struggling to Kreara from pushing back, but when she became serious, she spoke.

"Kin! Don't waste my time and eliminate them! I must gather enough energy to use my Time Shifting! Hurry up and kill them!" Kreara instantly pushhed Elliot backward, when he back flipped and from there he saww his enemy disappearing.

"Elliot!" Codey quickly looked at him, but in that instance, Elliot landed on the floor, caught his balance by grabbing the marbled floor, and slid backward, as he felt his palm burning, due to the speed that he had been sliding backward.

"Well, I suppose Kreara, the Godess of the Afterlife, has still not gathered enough energy, then we may as well hurry up and steal it from your friendly 'Holy Light'." Giggled Kin, when Codey prevented Nana from moving, but right in that instant, Kin sweeped with his arm forward and devastatingly unleashed a powerful energy, to which Codey, Elliot, Nana and Shika covered their faces, but the rest of the remaining clients of the 'Holy Arches' were easily put at near extinction, when crashing into the walls, in that moment, Kin raised his head when a black hole appeared and began to suck in all of the 'Holy Knights', 'Holy Warriors' and 'Holy Guards', when Codey and Elliot were holding the marble floor to hopefully not get trapped, or sucked in.

"A black hole?! Can we even do something to stop it?!" Yelled Elliot, thinking when Nana was unable to hold on any longer and her body was lifted. "No! Nana!" Instantly, Codey reached with his right arm and caught her. "W-what are you doing?!" She surprisingly asked, while her body was held, before getting sucked.

"Isn't it clear! I'm trying to prevent you from being sucked!" Codey yelled. "Why would you do that?! I barely know you!" She angrily called. "I couldn't care less, just hold on!" But while Codey's left hand was barely hold down, his back body was being lifted. "Just let go, already!" But even though Codey ignored her, he was losing his patience. "No!" But the moment that the black hole became stronger, his fingers were getting bruised on the marble, when Elliot grabbed by the pole, trying to not get sucked in.

"What a drama! You three really think that you'll be able to hold on for that long?" But laughing again, Codey's eyes flickered red, when he pulled Nana forward and knocked her on the floor, rolling her as his hands let go, but right in that moment, Codey pointed his arm forward when unleashing a powerful blast of wind, which curled into the black hole and a powerful hurricane appeared, which filled the black hole with wind and by force he managed to blow it away, when his body went flying through the top wall, when he fell onto the pillar.

"That little bastard!" Angrily shouted Kin, when upset of what had happened. "I'll just make another one!" But right in the moment that Kin was about to use his ring to his advantage, yellow current of electricity zapped forward in front of him, when seeing how his ring was split in half, getting cut by Elliot's katana and was then destroyed.

"My ring!!!" With anger, Kin noticed how Elliot was unable to control his flight or movement, due to his increased speed and noticed him, how he rolled on the ground, smashing into the palace wall. Right in that moment, Codey came leaping high up in the air, spreading both of his arms.

Codey moved his right arm behind, when sucking the air into the boomerang in which moment, he instantly threw it forward at high speed, right at Kin, who reflected the boomerang and blocked it, bouncing it back at Codey, who spun in the air, caught the boomerang and threw both of them at once, when Kin instantly jumped from the spot trying to grab the destroyed ring, however, beofre Kin could even blink, a yellow electricity went boosting over his body, hitting him in the head when seeing that the ring was caught.

Elliot spun in the air, flipped and pressed his feet on the wall, sliding down when bouncing forward and having the ring. Right then, the two boomerangs went cutting into Kin and forcibly pushed him back, through the throne and the wall, when Codey landed in front of Nana and caught both of the boomerangs.

"Elliot! You have the ring! Hurry up and evacuate everyone who's been injured or left behind! Nana! Please, help him out while me and Tim deal with these two! Hurry up!" But as much as Nana hated to listen to another's commands of not higher title, she agreed.

"Fine! But I am only doing it for helping me out earlier." Codey smiled and nodded.

"Everyone! I know you have been injured but please, go to the 'Holy Arches' portal! I'll treat you there, when we have free space, now! Use the path that goes around, we do not plan on interrupting the path of where Lass. Ayuka is!"

"Yes madam!" The woman who was Anzai's helper, picked him up and ran with them.

"Please, I beg of you too return Lass. Ayuka's senses! I promise you that for whenever we get out of here, I will treat Lord, Anzai immediately!" Claimed the woman, gazing at Codey, who nodded.

"We will, don't worry, now go!"

At last, the group, alongside Elliot, Shika and Nana ran for the exit, when passing through the opposite path.

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 5:21 p.m.]

Ayuka stepped forward, stopping when moving both of her arms to face the floor, when instantly red and black electricity squirted outward, her bottom edges of the dress, waved sideway and extended a little, when a black portal appeared behind her, waving forward, as the weather changed drastically and even began to forcibly push Tim backward on the floor, while he was covering his face.

As much as the sweat slowly slipped down his forehead, Ayuka moved her right arm behind, stretching it when a white sword came spinning through the portal and caught by her hand, when giving Tim a unknown expression.

Tim slowly dropped his hand to equal the height of his nose and looked at her, seeing the white hair waving behind Ayuka's back.

Tim scoped his eyes when letting go of the arms and stomped on the blade's handle as it bounced next to his chest, spun and got caught when making a step with his left arm forward and moving the sword behind his back.

"... You're a completely different person, as much as I know it's impossible for me to defeat you, I'll still get you back, trust me Ayuka. You may seem cruel right now, but your body cannot fix itself, not until you fight away the drug, and even if that won't work, I still have made you a promise, and it doesn't matter how you see it, just know it, that it's not going to be broken, not until you return back to normal." Even if Tim had said it loud and clearly, Ayuka's fade eyes were still unable to realize what she has been doing, and soon Tim's toughest battle was about to unfold.

"Of course, if I don't succeed of doing that. Then you may have the chance to kill me."

To be continued...