350. The corrupted Godess: The 'Wind's' fury - Part 2

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

Foretold tale arrived from no where.

By the Marriage successfully stopped, Codey, Tim and Elliot resuced the bride, however the outcome was insufficient, and in return the 'Godess' herself, and the bride of the supposedly expected husband has turned rogue.

With the drug still taking affect of her body, Ayuka forcibly attacked Tim and as soon that her name was called and expected realization, the corruption of her body, drastically changed.

To be unaware of how to resuce, the only chance of retrieving her knowledge is for Tim to defeat her, by trying to persuade her into stopping, or by killing her, the path that he must choose is at risk of the next 'Holy Light' and if he doesn't successfully comfort Ayuka, the only choice he'll have, is to kill her or survive until to drug wears off.

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 5:20 p.m.]

("Do I really have to fight her, just to get some sense into her? Come on, there's gotta be a different solution, can it?")

However, he could not be more correct, as Ayuka dashed forward with her sword pulled behind her back, once Tim instantly steadied his stance.

Ayuka's body appeared in front of him and just with her speed, his hair and clothes flew backward when instantly Ayuka spread her 'Spiritual Symbolism' and casted a spell in which second eight of the multiplied bodies appeared around Tim, next to him, behind him and even above him, when Tim became surprised, the eight copies instantly dahsed at him when Tim quickly stepped left and swung his sword from the front to the back when feeling Ayuka's copy striking into his own blade, in which moment a pulse was triggered and pushed him backward, when the seven remaining copies of her body dashed into him and through his body, feeling that his chest, back, shoulders and legs were being cut at once, when Ayuka reached with her right arm forward and grabbed Tim's face, when Tim's feet were lifted and then forced to be leaned backward when his body was smashed into the marble floor and with it the platforms shattered, once Ayuka sweeped with her hand upward, once sweeping Tim's body from behind her back forward, threw him with all her might, once his body went flying through midair, in which moment his back was squashed in the wall and from there his body was bounced forward once Ayuka flickered from the spot.

She appeared in midair in front of him once Tim tried to slash with his sword to defend, however being too slow, Ayuka's bent knee was rushed into his stomach which forced his throat to gulp out saliva, with his body being just durable enough to withstand her strength, none of the bones were cracked.

But even then, Tim's body, was stunned due to her might, when she grabbed the top of his hair and pulled it backward, throwing him behind her back and right down on the marble floor, as his body rolled into the stairway, the moment Ayuka noticed noticed the stair's rubble getting knocked from the covered dust, she quickly raised her right arm when firing a red blast right up in the air, once it covered the sky into red color at which it spread into hundreds of smaller bombs, which began to fly down, targeting Tim, when the dust was blown aside.

"Ayuka! I don't want to fight you! You've gotta remember me-" However, still without any reactions back, her opponent needed to prepare when he hopped to the side and began to run on the marble floor, as the falling blasts continued to land behind him, exploding when he lifted the back of his ankles and hopped up, when front flipping over the fallen blast, when landing and sliding from right to left, when he made a step and destroyed the marble floor, launching his body forward at high speed when Ayuka noticed his body to flicker and disappear from the spot when he appeared below her, on her right side of the view, with his sword held sideways, pointing the entrance to the palace, when he crouched and leaped back in the air, and with regrets, he sweeped with his blade, once Ayuka defended it with ease, forcibly awakening a powerful shockwave which flew above the marble floor.

"Come on! Get it together! Listen to me, you might not see me! But I know you can hear me..." While Tim continued to look into her face, he noticed that her eyes sharpened a little, when a sweat drop flowed down her face.

"Why do you constantly try to speak something that I do not even know! I already told you! You are an enemy to the 'Holy Arches', so shut up!" When her voice echoed, she pressed her body weight forward and triggered her sword to slam into Tim's when he was sent flying to the top of the pillar, back flipping and sliding on the air when he stopped himself by holding the invisible platform, when forcing his feet to knock him forward when he hopped high up in the air, circling his sword from the front to the side, when summoning a blue energy, creating a 'Seraphic Penetrate' when swinging it forward, through the midair and quickly shot it outward.

It flew at incredible speed and even left behind a heavy sonic boom, once Ayuka quickly crouched and outstretched her left arm, aside. She summoned a red and black energy, when it began to follow her blade's movements, and by doing so, she slashed forward, completely eliminating Tim's attack, when the blue energy skimmed past her body, when Tim fell down on top of her and grabbed her when her body was rubbed forward and knocked down to the marble, as they were forcibly rolled on the ground, when Ayuka's sword was dropped.

When finally stopping, Tim had both of his palms on each side of her head, grabbing the floor.

"I'm not your enemy! You don't understand a thing! You've been brainwashed and right now, you see the wrong enemy! I came here with Codey and Elliot to stop the marriage! Have you forgotten, my name, or theirs?!" But while Tim was looking at her, her eyes shook for a second, but sharpened again with the sweat flowing down again. "Get off me and stop lying!" She bent her left leg and kicked Tim into the stomach, knocking him high up into the air when she quickly stretched her right arm and allowed the sword to fly into her grip, when she quickly jumped on her feet and jumped after Tim, in which moment he quickly raised the sword high above his head and attached blue energy to it, which extended and with full might slashed downward, when Ayuka and his sword both clashed into each other, with the metalic sound heard, another sonic pulse flew spread itself past them.

"I'm not stopping! Not until you realize, who you are or who am I!" But right as he spoke, he began to pull into her sword, and due to her confused mind, her strength was dropping every second, when Tim quickly smashed Ayuka with his own forehead, when she closed her eyes and heard again.

He kicked forward, but right in that moment a yellow energy sweeped at his right arm, when cutting him, then caused him to lose focus on Ayuka when she hopped further up and allowing Tim to cut past her stomach, after positioning her stomach to face Tim when she quickly bent her left leg and sweeped it forward, kicking him into the head and knocking him through the air into the pillar, which exploded up on his body landing in it.

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 5:21 p.m.]

"... Tim's fighting somebody who can equal Zero's level, can we even do something to stop it ...? I know it's Ayuka, but - if it ends in Tim's death, what can I do, by the end I'll have to face both of them, then there's no way I'll be able to beat them..." Thinking and trying to figure out a perfect plan of winning, he forgot about Kin who stepped from the destroyed wall.

"You haven't forgot about me, now, have you?" Hearing the loud voice from Kin, Codey himself turned around and tried to provide a solid peace, by staying calm and quiet. "I couldn't forget about an opponent like you, not even by a chance..." At last, Codey caught the two boomerangs and hoped that Tim, alongside Ayuka herself will make it through the battle without any major injuries, but less to worry about Ayuka, Codey's own mind, he became stressful, due to knowing just the different in Tim's strenght and Ayuka's.

But at last, Codey and Kin were both put on attacks.

Kin slashed with his sword, the moment Codey ducked, swooped his right to the side and slid to the side, once seeing the blade being twisted and target Codey' to which moment he needed to avoid by adding his left foot near his other and hurried over by disappearing in a flickering body.

Just to appear behind Kin, Codey twisted his wrist and grabbed his boomerang by the blade, careful about not getting injured, once slicing right behind Kin's neck, who, however turned around and stepped together and slashed his sword right at Codey's boomerang, activating a powerful impulse, which split both of them aside, letting Codey to land, when he quickly crouched when outstretching his right arm outward and allowing a gather of wind to spin around his right arm, creating a whirlwind, in the interior of the palace.

And because of its heaviness and sharpened whirls, the interior was being destroyed by every second, once Codey sweeped his arm behind the back and created a full spin on the spot, when throwing the boomerang like a frisbee before his chest, which syced up a powerful terrain and summoned the wind, which pushed even Codey's own body backward.

Kin held the sword aside, buut hurried over by sweeping forward and catching the boomerang on the spot in midair, blocking it while he felt as if his body was about to get cut or pierced.

However, Codey landed with his right foot, and quickly sweeped with his other arm, throwing the second boomerang, once he dashed right toward Kin and dashed behind him, seeing that Kin had avoided, but right in that time, when Codey appeared behind him and landed on the floor, he caught the boomerang which dragged him back, with it.

However, by forcing his body to fix itself, Codey has now been sliding back when he inserted his left arm into the middle of the boomerang's handle, when the earlier thrown boomerang dispersed into sparkles, however in return, the one he held immediately grew in size, even receiving two additional blades, once he outstretched his left arm and grabbed the handle, catching Kin in surprise, as he turned.

By tensing his muscles in his left arm and then making a heavy stomp forward with his left foot, he sweeped the entire mass of the boomerang forward, which flew through the top of the marble floor, creating a bizzare wind and with it, causing Kin to act immediately.

And by swiping his sword forward, Kin blocked the enlarged boomerang, once getting pushed backward, through the floor as his feet continued to dig through the floor.

("So now he's able to widen his weapon, and make them heavier? What is this 'filthy' Half-Demon even made out of?) However, when Kin's back was smashed at the wall, he saw how the boomerang just never stopped spinning, and making sparks due to two metals colliding, and the heavy boomerang was pushing closer and closer, as Kin could barely hold it back, but right in that instant Codey's body appeared and reflickered in front of Kin's who then created a fist and pulled the arm behind his back and with muscles tensing, Codey smashed the fist into Kin, which easily knocked him through the wall and flung backward down the pathway, once Codey landed and inserted his right arm through the large boomerang's hole, as it stopped spinning.

"You seem kind of weak compared to what I've been expecting, but I'll entertain myself for a while..." Codey spoke, calmly once moving his arm behind his back, and allowing the boomerang to begin spinning again, alongside him standing and facing at Kin.

To be continued...