351. The corrupted Godess: The 'Memories' of reuniting - Part 3

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

Foretold tale arrived from no where.

By the Marriage successfully stopped, Codey, Tim and Elliot resuced the bride, however the outcome was insufficient, and in return the 'Godess' herself, and the bride of the supposedly expected husband has turned rogue.

With the drug still taking affect of her body, Ayuka forcibly attacked Tim and as soon that her name was called and expected realization, the corruption of her body, drastically changed.

To be unaware of how to resuce, the only chance of retrieving her knowledge is for Tim to defeat her, by trying to persuade her into stopping, or by killing her, the path that he must choose is at risk of the next 'Holy Light' and if he doesn't successfully comfort Ayuka, the only choice he'll have, is to kill her or survive until to drug wears off.

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 5:22 p.m.]

Still, stuck in the middle of the battle against his close friend, Ayuka that has now been corrupted and barely has any realization to who the real enemy is.

She stepped forward, causing the ground to crack when speeding forward in a glowing light, when instantly sweeping with her sword, in which moment Tim instantly jumped over her slice when benting both of his legs, when feeling uncomfortable, due to what he had need to do, he quickly swung his leg forward and kicked the side of Ayuka's head, who then quickly reacted and was noticed by Tim, how her eye flickered for a second.

Just, due to that, Tim quickly bent his body backward when landing on the floor with his back, seeing that Ayuka raised her heel above his body and stomped, but quickly turnning to the left and rolling to the left, Tim avoided the stomp after feeling the shockwave surfing through the ground, which then shattered into rubble and one of the sharpened marble flew into Tim's right eye, almost piercing it, but at the end of the attack, it only made a cut under his eye, when noticed Ayuka striking with her knee into his stomach, once again causing his breathing to lose it's consistency, and then knocked high up into the air, when the wind curled, instantly sighting Codey.

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 5:22 p.m.]

The enlarged boomerang flew above the ground, once Kin forced himself to jump forward into a front roll and avoided the boomerang, quickly standing up and dashing forward, in which Kin sweeped with his blade forward when unleashing yellow energy when Codey moved both of his arms in front and crossed them, absorbing the cut and then backing away.

But the pain and the wound that was coming and seen from the two arms, did not ponder, when Codey noticed that Kin had stepped forward, bent his right knee and then instantenously kicked Codey into his left arm, when Codey's sweat bounced off his body, and feeling how his body was flopped to the side, and just as soon as Codey dropped his left arm and tried to punch Kin back, the opponent quickly dispersed and avoided the attack, when reappearing behind Codey's back when stabbing forward with his blade, right through the back of his spine in which moment Codey's spine broke, and brutally forced his eyes to shake, when a yellow blast pierced Codey through the stomach and blasted him forward, once his body used his right arm as support to landing and rolling to the side, when Kin spun the blade and sweeped it behind his bottom.

"The first few attacks you delivered were just a trial to test my patience, in my perspective. Must I dare to say, that you have disappointed me from the point of current position." Kin licked the blood, delivering a grin and allowing Codey to stand up, when he could barely move after a broken spine, but right as he believed that he had been in a position of impossible victory, Codey's spine restored itself when he grabbed his face, while his eyes were losing their redness, once his mind represented dislocation of some sort of paralysis, when his eyes were being forced to transform back to red, once Codey's yellow aura forcibly changed to black and red, once he stood up and taking a refresher of his breathing.

Once he stretched his right arm backward and immediately retrieved his large boomerang, once he breathed out a cold breath. "Likely..." Once Codey claimed, Kin raised his eyebrow and smiled. "Hm? Does it mean that you're still here to be fighting?" Wondered Kin, raising the sword up and down and feeling bored. "Might it be."

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 5:23 p.m.]

"There's the exit!" Elliot pointed, followed by Shika and Nana, once everyone hopped out of the portal and suddenly landed on the 'Planet Earth' which caused the injured ones to lay back and relax.

"I will support them with as much possible aid as I can." Nana claimed, hurrying toward another 'Holy Guard'. "Give me your hand."

Elliot on the other hand, stepped in front of the portal. "You! Where are you going?" Wondered Nana, when looking back at her. "Back in... My friends are fighting for survival in there, plus, I came here to help out, not to sit back and hope that they are going to be able and retrieve Ayuka's brainwashed mind. Clear them off those injuries, and we'll be back shortly." And without any more time wasted, Elliot hopped it, instantly using his 'Godspeed'.

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 5:24 p.m.]

Ayuka turned her right wrist then stretching it to the side, a yellow light sparked within her grip, by circulating it in front of herself she had unleashed the currents of the yellow light, which flew through the air within few seconds.

With the crouch already prepared, Tim pressed his feet up against the 'Holy Pillar' when the parts began to fall. By launching his body forward to reach Ayuka closer, he firstly turned his body when the currents flew past his body, by stretching his left arm he had now landed on the pillar when noticing the next maneuver in Ayuka's hand, once Tim approached both of his legs to the very edge of the pillar and instantaneously bounced in the air, when spinning in the midair manuevering and then bent his left knee, quickly sweeping it from the back to the front, when kicking the current and triggering a hit back, when he instantly had his arms stretched behind his back and swooped through the middle of the flying currents, when he quickly flipped and slashed with his blade over his head to the front, while leaning his upper body forward, and released black energy which came in contact with the yellow current.*

He began to cut through the current, advancing with his black flow and then quickly hit the current to strike the floor, upon hitting the floor, exploding, when Tim quickly noticed the third maneuever in Ayuka's hand and noticed white rays flying toward him, once he landed his right foot on the first one, then ran down the ray, while the next barrage of the rays mixed into a singular point, and waved intensified, when he slid and crouched his left knee, when jumping in the air and avoiding the rays, spinning in midair and then prepared for landing, but another ray came waving with force right at him, once he quickly outstretched his right arm and touched the ray, when pulling his body into a hand-stand, following in by a bounce in the air, when another combination of the rays came at his, in the middle.

To defend, he grabbed the sword with both palms and slashed downward, when cutting through the combined rays and spreading them into a whirlwind which forced him to lose his control in midair, however, by landing on the floor and running down the ray, he quickly noticed a combination of the rays coming from his right hip, when he instantly lifted his ankles and hopped in the air, when the ray blazed beneath his back, which was bent and by continuing into a backflip he dropped toward the pillar, when landing in a three-step landing, then quickly unleashed burning force from the tip of his palm and again when launching his body into the air, front flipping when stretching both of his legs, landed on the lower pillar when he noticed the combination of rays flying from all of his sides.

This forced him into a trap zone, however by jumping high up into the air and destroying the pillar, the rays went slamming into the floor, when his body began to fall down from the air and reaching with his left arm behind his back, turning the sword sideways when forcing his body to spin, at which moment Ayuka's palm opened and gripped onto her sword's handle.

By hopping the sword into her left arm, she sweeped obliquely and defended the cut from Tim's spin momentum, when both of the swords clashed and summoned out a rivalry of energies, that pulsed through the air and swiping into the pillars, when shattering into rubble, which fell down the platform and began to pile on.

"Ayuka! Please, listen to my voice! Have you forgotten about the promise!" In that instant, when Ayuka was holding him back, her eyes flickered back to blue, when her irises returned, but due to that happening, her body became weak and was sent backward, once Tim's eyes became surprised as her body slipped off the marble floor's edge.

"No!" Instantly, he jumped forward, threw himself on the floor when stretching his right arm and grabbing Ayuka, who looked up at him. "I-I know-" But in that moment, another headache appeared once Ayuka grabbed her face again, constantly forcing her eyes to flicker, from yellow and blue, screaming.

"Fight it! I know you can break the drug! Have you forgotten the reason to why you were meant to become the next 'Holy Light'!" And while he was holding her, he heard her scream out. "Shut up! Quit messing with my mind!" Lastly, Ayuka opened her palm and faced it into Tim's chest once his eyes shook, a yellow blast struck him into the chest, blowing him backward, once Ayuka fell, but grabbed by the edge of the marble floor and pulled herself up.

"Stop it! Stop it! Why won't you stop hurting him?!" Ayuka's legs were weak when Tim's body fell dow when Ayuka dropped her armss, when her right eye glowed yellow.

Tim was in dangerous pain, and possible fatal if he was unable to defend himself, when Ayuka launched herself forward and instantly grabbed his face, when flying into the pillar, smashing him into it, when the blood squirted outward, and when it splattered onto her cheek, once again her eye flickered to blue, with a tear, when quickly letting go, stepping backward.

"Just stop! Just stop!" Tim's forehead was bleeding but, when he gathered enough stamina, he tighetened his body and stepped forward. once Ayuka looked at him, once he fell onto his knees, trying to talk.

"I understand... The drug is what messed you- I-I'm not your enemy, I... I only came here to s-stop the marriage, to pull the imposter away..." Tim stood up when slowly walking toward her. "B-But you have to fight it, break thr-through the drug..."

While he spoke, and began to slowly walk toward her, she raised her eyes, once covering her right eye, as she wasn't trying to show it being yellow. "Stay back! Just get away from me!" Ayuka had her left arm pointed at him, when unleashed a yellow blast, however instead of avoiding it, Tim allowed it to explode on the contact of his arm, forcibly injuring his right arm.

However, unable to care about the pain, as much as he had been injured, his arms wiggled, due to them being weak, and continued to walk closer. "What are you doing?! Stay back, already! I'll keep pushing you back! Just stop!" However, once another blast was shot and Ayuka's tears were being shown, Tim allowed the blast to explode on contact again, burning his right sleeve, partially.

"... Stay back or fight back! It's a command!" But, unlikely for Tim to listen to her, he breathed out his breath, when the blood from his forehead gently dripped down his jaw and splashed on the marble floor.

"I u-understand... Y-you wanted... you wanted to protect the Planet Earth... by becoming... the next 'Holy Light'... A-And you can still do it... B-But you have to puzzle your memories together...." Hearing his voice, was softly weakening her state, when she shot the blast again when Tim's face was caught by it, exploding and hitting him an inch back, but when he turned back at her, he stepped closer, as he saw her backing away.

"Ayuka, you can still be the 'Holy Light' and give birth to a child, but it has to be another one with the 'Holy Bloodline'.... T-That's what I've been told at least... S-So, fight it, stop seeing me as an enemy, or the real imposter... S-Sure, I breached through the 'Holy Arches', but it... it was only to stop the marriage of the current choice..."

"I said, to stay back! Stop lying to me! I don't know you!" She began to constantly release blasts, however, still seeing that Tim had not been trying to fight back, or defend the attacks, but kept on pushing closer to her, she crawled to the very edge, once Tim's body was smoking, with his injuries fully seen, once he stepped in front of her.

"Last warning! Back off! I beg of you! If you truly are a friend, then please listen to me!" However, the moment she spoke so, Tim instantly reached with his arms forward, once her eyes shook and closed, but instead of being put into an injury, Tim's body kneeled in front of her and rubbed her into his own body, proceeding with a warm hug, once her arms became soft and her eyes opened widely, when her eyes furiously flickered from blue to yellow, but ended of her base color, when she couldn't fight back.

"... Do you remember ...? This? It was similar back in the Underworld, you said you'd never forget who I am. Remember? I entrusted you that, but now... look at you, you had almost fallen into forgetting me...." Once his voice was heard from on Ayuka's left side of the ear, her eyes saddened when the transperent drop of water, began to flow down her eyes.

"... Do you remember?"

"... I ..."

"... Don't worry, I won't get mad, nor would I ever dare to do so... Just, please... Confirm..." He spoke, when Ayuka's eyes were stuck in blue, once she opened her mouth, and spoke. "... I ... I'm so sorry... How could I ever have forgotten.... that...." She rubbed her face into Tim's left shoulder, once her sword dispersed, when the tears were felt by Tim, as they flowed down his shoulder...

"From today on... Promise me that you'll never do something like that ever again... But even if you do... I'll always come and find you, keeping my promise is truly what I desire..."

And while Ayuka was feeling weak, she raised her head. "I promise, I promise! I promise..." She cried out, once extremely annoyed of her actions.

Tim made a smile, once his eyes faded into darkness when his arms dropped and his consciousness was lost.

To be continued...