352. The next 'Holy Light'.

[The Godly Awakenings: Arc 15]

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 5:23 p.m.]

Codey jumped backward, when Kin pointed his right palm into his direction when unleashing a yellow blast, when Codey quickly moved his boomerang in front of his back and spun the large boomerang, as the blast was stopped, but right in that moment, Kin appeared behind him when grabbing Codey's right arm and making him surprised, once pulling it back and instantly breaking it, when Codey's eyes shook, hearing and feeling the bones cracking, when Kin grabbed Codey's back when laughing. "You're a weak fool, dealing with a proper God!" Laughed Kin, when instantly pierced Codey's chest with his left arm when his pupils faded away for a few seconds, as Kin rested his rigth foot onto Codey's back and pushed it forward, when knocking Codey into the distance, once he went slamming into the wall, once Kin disappeared from the air and appeared in front of Codey when Kin stomped on Codey's back, when beginning to stomp on him.

"How does it feel to be stomped and stomped all over again, does it taste like rubble, or trash, or marble! I guess none of the three, it tastes like stupidity!" Laughed Kin, when going wild. He then picked Codey up by the curly hair when opening his palm when Codey's eyes widely opened, instantly Kin became surprised when Codey smashed both of his feet into Kin's stomach when knocking him backward and then instantly landing on the floor when disapparing from the spot and then instantly dashing forward, once Kin didn't understand what just happened, when Codey appeared in front of him, caught Kin's face and dragged him over the air and hopped into a front flip when smashing Kin into the ground, when pressing his right palm into Kin's stomach and bouncing of it and flipping forward, when Codey landed on the floor and stretched his right arm, in which moment the boomerang flew back into his grip.

"What the hell?!" Shouted Kin, when quickly seeing Codey swinging his rigth arm forward and throwing the large boomerang, however just in that moment, Kin disappeared when several yellow lights appeared next to Codey who just let go of the boomerang, and instantly these flashes flew forward and began to cut Codey's body from every direction, from left, right, up and down, when Kin appeared behind Codey and quickly swinging his right leg when kneeling Codey into the back and knocking him forward, forcing him into a midair roll, when Codey twisted his body and landed on the floor, quickly hopping and catching his balance and stance, once opening his palm and pointing his left arm forward, unleashing a wind blast which Kin quickly cut through and stopped it, in which moment he dashed forward and smashed Codey into the stomach with his fist, when uppercutting him into the air and then aiming both of his palms.

He shot out blasts which pierced through Codey's stomach and began to hollow him out, when Kin stomped the ground and moved his sword backward, unleashing yellow aura once sweeping back into the air and unleashing a yellow beam in which moment Codey was forced to cross his arms and block, but in return he was smashed into the ceiling, when falling down, when Kin leaped and furiously smashed into Codey's stomach, when unleashing a yellow pulse through Codey's stomach and fully making a giant hole in his stomach, once kicking Codey to the very bottom of the ground as the dust rose and whirled around the area, when Codey's body was unable to be moving.

He stepped toward injured Codey, whose heart was beating and was able to be seen through. "Isn't it fun, dying and feeling as if you were a feather, that's getting teared and ripped off by a human? How does it feel, you ugly Demon." Laughed Kin, when opening his palm. "... I kind of like that beating heart, it may be very beautiful to pierce it and then feed it to the Demons! Tell me, what happens if another Demons eats another? Do they multiply, or what does it happen?" Wondered Kin, when looking down at him.

"... You... s-sick..... idiot..." Codey called, when his boomerang was laying aside. "Sick, am I? I believe the one who's sick is you. You're a human but is cursed by a 'Demonical Blood'. I think you're the one!" Laughed Kin. "And now, once I kill you and my lovely 'Holy Light' puts your friend at demise, we'll rule the 'Holy Arches' together with Kreara! But first, I'll stab your heart." The moment Kin said so, Codey's face was sweating when he was annoyed, but in that instant.

"Die you ugly Demon!" By grabbing the sword with both of his arms and shoving it down to Codey's heart, instantly something happened.

Codey's eyes shook when somebody's body flickered in front of him, when an orange and white hoodie, with black sleeves waved in front of him, with black trainers, once a yellow eye glowed in front of Kin's face, when a feminine's body stood in front of Codey when raising her left arm and sacrificed her arm, when the blood spouted outward, but when the girl pulled her injured arm aside, a white blade shot itself from the side, when it was maneuvered in her right arm, spinning when the girl made a heavy step forward, when Kin's right arm was cut into millions of pieces, once white hair waved above Codey's view.

"W-what?!" Shouted Kin, when seeing a familiar person in front of him. "Blue eye, a yellow eye?! W-wait! It's y-you!" Shouted Kin, when he was caught by fear, looking down at the girl, even though she was shorther than him, he was afraid of hear, when the white blade swooped Kin's own to the side.

Codey's view was foggy, but he soon knew who she was, when he was surprised. "A-Ayuka...? It- It's you-"

But when Ayuka looked back down at Codey, with her left eye, he soon believed that she was still corrupted. "Yeah, give me a second..." She nodded when faced back at Kin. "Wait! No! Lass. Ayuka! You don't understand, these people broke into our marriage, they must be eliminated, those were commands by Lord Anzai before his death! Please, you've gotta trust me!" Called Kin, trying to stop her.

"And I'm glad they did and, the lies you've just said, I believe they're as stupid as your bad kissing, just know this. Whoever dares to play around with my mind, and force people that I care about, into such a chaos, must be eliminated." She spoke. "No! Lass. Ayuka! What have they done to you! I'm supposed to be your groom!" He called, when he was shaking.

"Tsch... Never by any chance..." Instantly Ayuka's blade reflected the light when Kin managed to see his fac, reflected in it, when seeing the sword being slashed into him and instantly cut into his chest, once the blood erupted, and instantly, Ayuka twisted her foot on the ground, when ice spikes grew from the ground, furiously stabbing and growing into Kin's body, when instantly piercing him and with it, white glowing copies of her body appeared around him, once bashing themselves forward, and cutting Kin through every directions when Codey's eyes shook.

"Stop it! Stop it! It hurts! It hurts!" Yelled Kin, however, in that instant, Ayuka moved her left hand beneath her held sword and unleashed a white blast which flew into Kin's body and was triggered into a massive explosion, once his body was almost vaporized, but was knocked onto the floor when his clothes were fully burnt, with only his pants remaining, when several cuts were dugged into his skin.

Kin's eyes were almost as dead as fish, when he struggled to stand up. "Y-You'll regret... everything.... you just watch! Kreara, Kreara the Godess of the Afterlife will avenge me! You're all sick and ignorant!" Yelled Kin once he screeched into the air and instantly a time bubble appeared on the palace, Codey's body was frozen on the spot as the grey light continued to rage around, but Ayuka's expression was serious, when she stood still, looking at Kreara once she appeared, next to Kin.

However, lucky for Ayuka having the barrier of the 'Holy Bloodline', her body was free to move. "... I cannot believe I only hire failures... He is not even capable enough to marry a reckless woman..." Claimed Kreara, looking at Ayuka.

"Look who showed up..." Ayuka spoke, looking at her. "Oh, do not worry. I will take great care of your 'groom', it will be fun. Truly, I do not need you anymore, in fact the only reason I have decided to show up, is to take this fool out of here, before he dies to a slut..." Claimed Kreara, looking at Ayuka.

"... If I am a Slut, and we're of the same Bloodline.... Then what are you supposed to be?" That instantly embarrassed Kreara, when she felt annoyed. "Oh... You are playing the tricky game? Disrespectful by a Godess!" Ordered Kreara, when Ayuka spun the blade and sweeped it behind her back.

"A 'Godess'...? Now why would I need to take that role, if my mother is still alive? For as long as she is alive, you can consider me as a human." Ayuka spoke, which made Kreara pissed. "...." Without words, Kreara disappeared with Kin. "Just know this, I will be back." The time bubble disappeared, once Ayuka faced at Codey and crouched. "Stay calm, it'll take a while, but I'll be able to fix you back up together." Ayuka spoke, when she began to heal Codey's hollowed body.

"T-thanks.... Ayuka..." He claimed, when falling into unconsciousness.

In that moment, Elliot appeared. "Hey! Codey!" But the moment he came, he was terrified when seeing Codey unable to move or talk. "Ayuka?! W-wait, if you're healing him... D-Does that mean, that-"

"Elliot... Would you go pick up Tim, he's on the exterior. Please, bring him to me, he's healed but still unconscious..." And without wasting time, Elliot confirmed when ran down for Tim.

[Heaven - Holy Arches - Friday, 9:00 p.m.]

Luckily, Zero arrived before then, once took the spot instead of Anzai, who was killed a few hours ago.

'Holy Knight' Nana... With the 'Holy Guards' and the 'Holy Warriors' gathered around the ceremonial room, with Tim, Codey, Shika and Elliot kneeling behind Ayuka, were somewhat happy by the end of the day.

"Can't believe she's actually getting crowned." Giggled Codey, who was healed by Ayuka.

"Young Ayuka, this tiara is the presentation of you becoming the next 'Holy Light'. Once you accept it, you will be put on a monthly training and studying of what will be necessary for you to become the 'Holy Light'. Although this 'tiara' is the first step to titling you a 'Holy Light', for what you will decide it is your own choice, listen to your mind and make sure to decide before the month's training. Now, will you accept this tiara?" Wondered Zero, looking down at Ayuka, who smiled and closed her eyes, nodding.

"I will..." Without any further words, Zero finally put the tiara on her head, when Zero called out. "Please, bring the young 'Holy Light's' dress." With a smile, the 'Holy Guards' brought it once stepping between the troops and our three heroes, when stepping up the stairs, and kneeling before Ayuka, showing her a dress.

"This dress is for you." But Ayuka smiled. "Thank you. But, I won't need it. Keep it for the future, until I decide." Spoke Ayuka, softly moving it away. "Oh? But it is necessary for you to wear it..." Zero spoke, confused. "I-I know, but please, save it for the future. I still have yet to decide." Ayuka spoke.

And by exhaling, Zero smiled. "Very well, we will save it for the future. But with that, everyone, please meet your future's possible next 'Holy Light'. Kirashito Ayuka!" Called Zero, when the troops screeched her name, happy.

"So. How did it feel getting touched by such a pretty girl, Codey?" Elliot made fun of Codey, when bonking him into the shoulder. "Shut up! She only did it to heal me! You pervert!" Codey yelled, when Tim's eyes became unamused and a sweat dripped down his forehead. "There they go..." But with that, Tim faced at Ayuka, as she exchanged looks with her, finally smiling.

("It'll be hard to see you go, but don't let us down. You ARE the next 'Holy Light', Ayuka.") Tim thought.

("Thank you, Tim...")

To be continued...