355. The recognition among the friends.

[The Founding Flame: Arc 16]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Guild (Commission Area) - Sunday, 1:00 p.m.]

"Good afternoon, 'Spiritual Duelists' and civilians of the Innerlight City. This here is Miayaka Tomio and I am the agency's grandmaster. We've received information that was caused a month back about three of the 'Spiritual Duelists' have been seen to enter the 'Skylane' to reach a destination that you civilians should not yet be aware about, however.

Upon the demanding event, I would like to call out to every 'Spiritual Duelist' and inform them about what we have spotted. A very rare type of fountain. We're received multiple questions from civilians and would like to warn you about a potential threat.

The 'Underworld' the domain of the Demons have not yet been destroyed, nor has it been erased. However, the result of it not being erased was due to somebody among you having an unpredictable Bloodline and to warn you about it, we would like to say, that there's somebody with the same 'Bloodline' as the Demon God, that is currently roaming around the Innerlight City.

Whoever it is, I would like to send every 'Spiritual Duelist' from the city to hunt them down and eliminate them, may it be a child, may it be a baby, or may it be an adult or a teenager. We would like it to be erased, immediately!

Further questions must be processed through the agency's allowance, and whoever has found him will be rewarded sufficiently.

Thank you for the understanding and have a beautiful and joyful day, grandmaster out."

The moment Tomio claimed, most of the 'Spiritual Duelists' became terrified, while the ones at the Guild were somewhat calm. "Another 'Demon God'? B-But how's that even possible, we've eliminated the one, have we not?" Kylin questioned, directing her face at Codey.

{"Dear son! You could be the next 'Demon God'! Just-"} But as much as Codey was remembering, he didn't believe it. "Could it be because of me?" He grabbed his face, while the rest faced at him. "You're out of your damn mind... There's no way that you're that 'Demon God'. Besides, you're nowhere near the original's strength. It could be that there's another child, with the similar 'Bloodline' as the Demon God..." Elliot spoke, once remembering back.

"Y-You don't mean of Ena, are you?" Wondered Kylin, raising her head. "Huh? Ena? Are you kidding me? She's just a baby, she couldn't even take care of herself at this age..." Codey spoke, moving to face Kylin.

"Well, while we were at the 'Gale Tower', we were warned about a potential curse that's binding her from aging up. And besides that, she's of the same 'Bloodline', they've done several scenarios of testing her 'Blood Pressure' and all of them showed the same signs of her being identical to your blood.

And alongside that... She is your sister, after all." Kylin sat down, while looking at them. "Everything's going wrong. First, Tim's either dead or alive, but ran off again and now the next potential threat, that could be 'Ena' herself..." Codey held his forehead, once a sweat dropped onto the floor, splashing after.

"... There's not many answers we could provide ourselves with, nor the agency, but if Ena truly is your sister and potentially the next 'Demon Godess', then we might need to eliminate her..." Kanji spoke, looking at Codey, who instantly stood up. "Are you out of your damn mind?! If she is my sister, I don't plan on hurting her, not even by a little! Kanji, don't even try to screw with me! This has been all a constant live or die, this world's as cruel as it is troublesome! No way, I'd let somebody kill her, just because of her being the next 'Demon Godess'." Explained Codey, when dashed through the door.

"Codey, wait up!" But it was useless, he had already ran through the hallway.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Kaze Hill - Sunday , 1:00 p.m.]

The daylight was ruling over the city, when Tim stepped toward the edge of the hill and sat down. He was still confused of what happened to his body and why it was active, but without a sight, he looked at the 'Innerlight City's' Guild, while taking an inhale.

("I don't understand. Why do I suddenly feel so much better? Was it really the rest, or what was it?") Tim wondered, but right as he thought, he heard a step behind him, with white ponytail waving in the wind, alongside Tim's own hair, waving to the side.

"Tim." Instantly, he turned around once caught in surprise and shaken up eyes.

"I've decided..."

For seeing his friend and who he expected to never see again, he was speechless, until only a few seconds have passed. "Ayuka... W-What are you doing here, and... W-Were you the one who retrieved my 'Spiritual Symbolism'?" He questioned, when slowly standing up.

"Y-Yeah. Although, I was only allowed here to retrieve your 'Spiritual Symbolism', but luckily - my mother allowed me to stay here. I know this may seem a bit, out of context, but really... I just wanted to see you again." Ayuka spoke, moving her right hand on the back of her hair and looked aside, embarrassingly.

"B-But... W-What about the 'Holy Light', they need you, don't they?" Tim wondered, as the wind continued to blow pass. "It was expected, yeah... But, due to my mother still alive and holding the title of the 'Holy Light', I've been told to stay here on Planet Earth for as long as I want. Besides, I still haven't yet properly thank you and helping us out, nor have I properly apologized, but Tim, please, tell me! Why didn't you remind me of your 'Spiritual Symbolism', were you trying to get yourself killed?" She questioned, once Tim looked at the grass.

"Or, did you by any chance forget?"

"... I didn't forget ... Not even close to forgetting, I just didn't see the point of regaining it. The moment you've been put and supposed to become the next 'Holy Light', my job was done, pretty much. You were kept protected and alive, so even if I asked of you for the 'Spiritual Symbolism', there was no point of having it anymore. Besides, there's so many other 'Spiritual Duelists' that have begun populating the world, so if I was gone, there wouldn't be much of a problem...." As much as that made Ayuka somewhat upset, she still talked.

"You're not even thinking straight, anymore. You were probably warned about the possible death for you to losing the 'Spiritual Symbolism'... Due to to 'Holy Arches' and the 'Planet Earth' being far split, there was no way of me coming back in time. And back then, I haven't been thinking straight either, all I saw was anger and hatred. For when I was about to become a 'Holy Light', I'd return it, but all of that massacre and all of those 'mind twisting', made me completely forget about it, we were lucky that we've even received the message about it." Ayuka, spoke stepping forward.

"... I already told you, if it means dying to protect others, especially somebody as important as you and the first person I've met, after becoming a 'Substitute-Duelist', I'll do that... I'll at least die with happiness." Tim spoke, when dropping his arm and hanging it down.

"... You don't understand a single thing, that I'm trying to tell you... You're important for the 'Planet Earth', to keep them safe, you're important to..." But by holding the last word, Ayuka finally added. "... me ... and, despite this, do you really think that just because there's so many 'Spiritual Duelists' that there won't be a time that your arrival would be necessary. Sure, there's Sakami, Kylin and the rest, but out of the 'Humankind' blood, your is the hottest of the rest, you don't just fight, because you want to, or to improve the world's balance. You fight for your friends, and the promises that you've made. You're needed for this Planet and there's nobody that could switch places with you. Now, please... If something similar, like this... ever happens again, could you not keep it for yourself and remind me by chance if I forget?" Ayuka wondered, once Tim was a bit suprised of what she spoke.

"I-I... Alright..." Tim smiled, when regaining a smile from Ayuka, and by the long time no seeing, a friendly hug was commenced, when Ayuka grabbed his shoulders and gently pushed him away, when smiling into his face.

"Now, try to think correctly and not only of protecting another. Remember, the one who you should protect in priority is youself, alright?" Tim nodded when seeing Ayuka, letting go of his shoulders.

"Hardly expected you to be the one to tell me that..." Tim claimed, once scratching the back of his neck. "Oh, come on! You did the same back in the past, didn't you." After she pokes Tim into the forehead, his eyes became squiggly.

"Guess, you're right..."

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Guild (Commission Area) - Sunday, 1:30 p.m.]

As expected, whenever Sakami was benting forward to pick up and Elliot peeking behind the edge of the sofa, looking at her bottom, the door opened when Elliot instantly slipped from peeking and smashed the back of his head at the floor. "Hm?" Sakami stood up straight and turned with her head to face the door.

"Hey, Sakami! Have you seen others? I brought someone" Tim wondered when Ayuka hopped behind his back and hung herself on his shoulders, when his face smiled, when Ayuka raised her hand and smiled. "Hi, seems like you've probably been doing well! Long time no see, huh?!" Ayuka called, giggling. "Tim, Ayuka? Both of you." Sakami made a smile, when Tim stood up straight, and gently knocked Ayuka off, on the floor.

"I'm so sorry!" Tim called, when looking down at her, while she was scratching the top of the hair. "Man, why do you have to be that tall, compared to me? I barely had the chance to see by, without using you as support." She claimed, when Tim felt embarrassed. "Guess, I grew up a little.." Tim smiled, when helping Ayuka to stand up.

"A little? I mean, it feels like 5 centimeters, almost..." She claimed, once standing up, with Tim's help. "Or, maybe you just got shorter..." But that made Ayuka, unamused. "I'm not getting old, just yet.." But the moment, she spoke Sakami came forward and gave Ayuka a hug. "Good to see you again, but I thought you would need to take the responsibility of becoming the next 'Holy Light'..." Sakami claimed, standing calmly, when Tim moved to the side.

"I know, but mother herself told me that I may live on Planet Earth, I'm just not allowed to use any methods of the 'Godly Spirituality'." She claimed, when still not liking that title. "Do I have to kneel before you, now?" Tim wondered, when Ayuka looked at him with her arms crossed. "Maybe you should kneel before yourself, not in front of me, you fool..." The moment, she spoke the same word, Tim made a gentle smile. "Wasn't called that for a while..."

"What about you, Sakami?" With a calm smile, Sakami nodded. "I'm doing well... Good to see you back."

"Ayuka! Come here! I've missed you so much!" Elliot shouted, when hopping and launching himself at her breasts, but before she would get caught, she stepped sideways. "Wah!" Elliot's body went flying past, through the window, when Ayuka took a sight. "He hasn't changed, huh. Not even at the 'Holy Arches'...." Ayuka spoke when Tim reached for his chin. "An easy answer, no." He claimed.

But the instant the three were talking, Codey, Kylin, Kanji and Ume walked forward, once Codey noticed blue jeans. "Are, those-" However, as Codey spoke so, they immediately made a smile, when Ayuka's right eye looked at them, when she saw all of them jumping at her. "Wait! Guys! I can't take all of you!" Tim and Ayuka's eyes became squiggly when instantly, the four of them grabbed both of them and dragged them with them as they jumped onto the floor, when grouping up on them, with Tim and Ayuka trying to calm them down.

"Hey! Let go of us! Come on!" Ayuka called, while she was being pinned at the floor. "We didn't come here to make drama, come on! I only wanted to bring Ayuka! Why are you hopping us over?!" Tim yelled.

"We've been all worried about both of you! It's almost unbelivable to see you again, after so many months, and Tim! You're alive! Thank god!" Codey yelled. "But weren't you supposed to take responsibility of the 'Holy Light'?!" Kanji called, as the four of them continued to yell at them, due to happiness.

"We'll tell you, just get off us, please!" Tim yelled, when everyone just didn't let go.

"Come on! Guys!!!"

To be continued...