354. Is this a reunion?

[The Founding Flame: Arc 16]

A 'GINKEN' a weapon which consists itself out of 'Spirituality' and extend another human's power.

These weapons are created upon a Human's birth at which point they're then known as a warrior with a title of 'Spiritual Duelist'.

Over centuries over millions of 'GINKENS' have been born and over a consistent lifespam, these weapon have became known as a tradition that many people end up knowing, their existence requires a strong body, a strong mind and a well durable body and only if a human manages to reach these specific 'importances' the 'GINKEN' will reveal itself and connect upon another's wielder Aura, which is built out of 'Spiritual Force' or in simple ways 'Pressure'.

About 75% of the world's population remain alive with such weapon and 3% of them are known to have Demon Blood, the main source that embraces up a 'Half-Demon'.

In current timeline, a woman - a Godess and the enhancer of the first 'GINKEN' appearances named 'Zero' lurks around the World with 98% of the people unaware about her, and with it, people believe that the World's finally been cleared of Demons, however many of the early-arriving Demons are still standing among the World.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Guild (Hospital) - Saturday, 3:30 p.m.]

While Jun was watching over Tim's body, who has been near death due to his loss of 'Spiritual Symbolism' for over two months now, was kept within his mind, and all he could see were darkness and one singular point of view of a body, floating around him.

But due to his body being magnificently weaker than expected, he could barely even keep an eye opened and was close to closing them, it was almost guaranteed that in the next two and a half hours, he will not survive, not for as long as they don't receive an antidote to cleanse him of this 'poison'.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Saturday, 3:32 p.m.]

"This has went for long enough. How come he has lost his 'Spiritual Symbolism?" Ayame wondered, taking a photo of the city's restaurant. "Well, he's been asleep for an hour and thirty minutes. If we don't receive a decent portion of some kind of antidote, he won't make it or survive..." Claimed Kylin, when Ayame and her just began to walk to the 'Innerlight City's' primary school.

"So, why exactly have you called me?" Kylin wondered, while they entered the school. "Oh, it's about my son. Today I have some important tasks to do, so I would like of you to help me out by taking care of him." Due to what Kylin heard, her eyes became squiggly.

"B-But I never dealt with younger children before, especially not taking care of them." By embarrassement, Kylin noted as for Ayame, she only smiled. "Don't worry. For the future, when you'll have children, this will help out." Once Ayame claimed, Kylin felt overwhelmingly embarrassed. "Y-Yeah, s-sure... Why not." Kylin faced away, when making a terrified face. "Anyway, his name's Suzumu, he's 7 years old. Oh, and would you look at that, he's already here. Helllo Suzumu!" Ayame called, raising her hand.

"Mom?! Wait, w-who's she?" Suzumu wondered, looking at Kylin.

"Just a friend of mine. Suzumu, this is Kylin, remember? Today's the day that I have some very important tasks to do, so until later, she'll take care of you." Smiled Ayame, once reaching for Kylin's shoulder. "W-What? Don't tell me that you're actually going to put me under her care? I haven't even seen her before. What if she's a criminal!" Called out Suzumu.

"Now, then. Don't say that. As you can see, she's a 'Spiritual Duelist', you've heard of them before, have you not? People like her are there to keep the Humankind alive, besides I'm sure you wouldn't mind a cute girl to take care of you!" Ayame giggled, once Kylin looked at her.

"C-Cute? W-what?" But Suzumu crossed his arms, and looked away.

"Do I even have a choice?" Suzumu questioned, looking upset. "Not today at least... Now then, I promise you, she'll take good care of you, let's go to my car." Smiled Ayame, grabbing Suzumu's left hand. "I can walk on my own" As much as he was embarrassed, the three of them went down the stairs.

("She put 'dealing with children' as a three star difficulty? This woman's confusing...") Kylin sighed, quietly, hearing Suzumu and his mother, talking.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Guild (Hospital) - Saturday, 4:04 p.m.]

Codey opened the door, giving a severe look, and was clean of it to be worried.

"He's still not recovered? Can you really not do anything about his 'Spiritual Symbolism, Jun?" But once Jun picked up a syringe, he became surprised. "No... There's really nothing I can do. All I can do with him, is to keep his 'Blood Pressure' from overflowing. But this only extends his life for a few minutes, so if we can figure something out and then recover what's needed, it may be well done. Or it could just be a waste of time..." Jun claimed, when uncovering his left sleeve and stabbing the syringe into his hand vein.

"So w-what about the blood pressure, how long can it extend the limit?" Questioned Codey, facing at Jun. "Not much, only for another day, and we cannot stack it up, or it'll abuse his body too much and he'll die before the expectations..." Jun dropped the syringe to the side and then covered his hand again.

"... Why was I there? I completely forgot to mention it to Ayuka, and Tim, who was fully aware of it, didn't mention it either. Can he be so much careless about his own body and life, does he not understand that he should focus on his health first? That idiot..." Codey walked through the door and shut it, once Elliot peeked over the back of the sofa.

"Hey. What's gotten you heated up that much?" Elliot wondered, while vaulting on the sofa on the outside. "None of your buisness..." From there, Codey walked up the stairs when leaving Elliot behind.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Guild (Hospital) - Sunday, 1:20 a.m.]

The night was clear and the moon had been shining through the hospital's window, once a calm wind passed by, when a feminine leg vaulted over the window and stepped down, when breathing out the cold.

"... Hey ... Long time no see ..." Claimed the girl, when stepping forward and reaching with her palm forward onto his chest, once instantly, spreading the absorbed aura from her body into Tim's own, once instantly in Tim's mind a bright light appeared when his eyes shook.

"... But, I must leave, again ..."

And just while he was looking around within the pitch blackness, his eyes slowly opened and Ayuka became surprised, when Tim quietly spoke. "Is... that... you... Ayuka?" But the moment he blinked for the second time, he woke up and without any traces, he sat on the bed, looking forward.

Tim reached for his chest, when sweating due to hard time he had in the sleep, once he looked out of the window and noticed the moon shining inside, when he instantly stood up and walked toward the window, looking around but seeing only a few cars driving by.

"W-was I dreaming?" Tim wondered, when he looked away and restred his left palm on the window's shelf, looking at his palms. "I'm so stupid... What was I thinking, of course it wasn't her..." His mouth shook and stepped forward, as in distance Ayuka stood on the roof and looking through the window, standing in front of the moon.

"... I only came to retrieve your 'Spiritual Symbolism'... B-But, this is the last time we'll ever meet, thank you so much for everything..." Ayuka spoke, when putting her right hand on her heart.

But right in that moment, of her saying, somebody stepped behind her and grabbed her shoulders. "Mother?" She confusingly wondered.

"Come on now. Don't be so depressed, I never said you're not allowed to stay on Planet Earth..." Claimed Zero, once Ayuka looked at her. "B-But w-what do you mean?" Questioned Ayuka, looking at her.

"I'm talking about you, that you still got much to learn, you haven't yet seen much of the Earth, have you? I'm sure you'd rather be with your friends, here at the Planet Earth, than dealing with such responsibilty at your age." Claimed Zero, when trying to calm her down.

"Y-Yes, b-but if I have to train to reach that responsibility, then I should do that. I'm sure they understand..." Ayuka claimed, once feeling to much work.

"Come on, now. You've already done a lot in this one month. Just remember, if you will stay on Planet Earth, you will have to keep your 'power' hidden to the humanity, the same way as I have..." Zero giggled, when poking Ayuka on the forehead, when she looked down at the rooftop.

"Y-Yeah, I'm aware..."

"Then, w-what are you waiting for? Go live with the man you love." The moment, Zero spoke Ayuka became embarrassed. "I-It's not like that!" Ayuka called, warm in her cheeks. But with the final giggle.

"Who knows, you might get lucky." But after, hearing it again, Ayuka blushed. "Mother! Stop with that!" Ayuka spoke, when Zero smiled and hugged her. "Just make sure to never get upset on him, ever again. After all, he wasn't trying to hide your identity, they were commands from me, that the 'Captains' received and then they passed it over to him, can you do that?" Zero spoke, when Ayuka smiled, and claimed. "Of course, never again..." She spoke, when Zero let go.

"Then, make sure you feed yourself well, drink well and-" But before Zero finished, Ayuka became unamused. "Y-Yeah, I know. So would you please not talk to me as if I was a kid." Ayuka spoke, when Zero touched her own lips, making a thinking face. "Aw, you actually see her as mature, that's cute."

"That's not what I said!"

"I know, I know. Then, have fun and enjoy your time for as long as you'll stay down here, just remember. For the future, if you'll ever have a family, don't leave them alone, now that my powers have been recovered, I'll be just fine and take good care of the 'Holy Arches'. Alright?" Wondered Zero, once Ayuka smiled and nodded.

"Alright, I won't." By nodding and smiling, Zero spoke. "Good, then good bye, and hopefully we'll see each other soon again." But after Zero nodded, Ayuka agreed as well. "Thank you! I'll see you, mom!" Without any time wasted, Ayuka jumped down the rooftop when Zero followed her movements with a smile.

("From now on... the 'Holy Arches' new rule will not be as strict... If the next 'Holy Light' falls in love with somebody, it will be their decision to make. If it is a human, if it is a 'Demon', whoever, the 'Holy Light' will never be forced into someone they do not love. Ayuka, take good care and live your human days.")

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Guild (Hospital) - Sunday , 1:00 p.m.]

Codey, Elliot, Kylin, Sakami, Ume and Kanji all ran toward the door to reach the hospital, once Codey bursted through the door. "Jun! How's Tim!?" But in the second that Codey came running, he froze alongside the others.

Jun looked at them. "He's gone..." Claimed Jun spoke, once the six of them have felt terrifed. "D-Don't tell me that he-" But there was no proper answer to what had happened to Tim.

"No, it can't be... Has he really-" But Sakami, was too shocked to finish the sentence.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Kaze Hill - Sunday , 1:00 p.m.]

The daylight was ruling over the city, when Tim stepped toward the edge of the hill and sat down. He was still confused of what happened to his body and why it was active, but without a sight, he looked at the 'Innerlight City's' Guild, while taking an inhale.

("I don't understand. Why do I suddenly feel so much better? Was it really the rest, or what was it?") Tim wondered, but right as he thought, he heard a step behind him, with white ponytail waving in the wind, alongside Tim's own hair, waving to the side.

"Tim." Instantly, he turned around once caught in surprise and shaken up eyes.

"I've decided..."

To be continued...