358. The 'Universal' team battle challenge!

[The Founding Flame: Arc 16]

Ginken is a weapon that is the main source of a person's strength.

They are controlled or wielded by 'Spiritual Symbolism', which brings with it additional functions that give the bearer an unknown fullness of power.

Ginken's weapon is thoroughly made within another person's birth (mostly in the 'Spiritual Realm' otherwise known as 'The World of Zero'), where the first personnel known as 'Godess' appeared within the 'Holy Arches' of only where the 'Gods' live.

However, due to the small population of people at that time on the Planet Earth, her appearance was somewhat unideal as she was not properly known, but it wasn't until a few centuries later that people started to believe in a legend about her existence and many of them were right.

She, the 'goddess of the sky, Planet Earth and other dimensions, besides being the creator of legendary weapons has survived for many more years and was now met with Shinkaku Tim, also known as the 'Substitute-Duelist', which had the unpredictable potential of becoming the next savior of mankind, as well as the first 'Substitute-Duelist' after hundreds of years.

With his journey and meeting of friends, he came across a human with a 'Demonical Blood' as well as a girl with 'Holy Blood' and with them he had already managed to keep civilization safe, but after the incident that had happened (of his friend realizing who she was in reality), he was now on a new path to obtain the ability known as 'The Founding Flame'.

[Underworld - Gateway - Tuesday, 5:10 p.m.]

The arrival of Tim and his friend in the 'underworld' was successful, with the four of them not noticing that they were being followed by the same couple that Ayuka and Tim had met earlier.

"This area is so dark, are we sure we'll reach our destination in time?" The four of them stormed off, but Tim was absolutely stressed.

"Yes, absolutely sure. Just trust me to be your guide. I promise you that this is the right direction we are going." Smiling, the four of them continued on, but Tim, sighing, had come to trust Codey.

"In any case, we should have enough time if by chance we don't arrive in time. It's not like we have other people down here ..." Elliot looked confident as he chuckled and jumped over the pitfall, landing and then hurrying on with the others.

[Underworld - Gateway - Tuesday, 5:10 p.m.]

"Tolvard, do we really need to get so deep into this action? What if we run into unknown enemies, we might run into difficult trouble..." Claimed Setsuko , who continued running beside Tolvard.

"If you're just here to complain, you might as well go back to the 'Overworld'. The 'Universal Flame' is mine and it will not be theirs, not as long as I have the chance or opportunity to obtain it. I'll be the one with the ability if it means killing them down here." Tolvard spoke, jumping once over the next rift, followed by Setsuko.

"Okay, I get it. But even if we get there. What are we going to do then? Are we really just going to brutally kill them? There has to be another solution, right?" However, with refusal, Tolvard claimed. "If they're not there, their deaths won't be necessary. But if they get in my way, I will wipe them out, one by one."

However, Setsuko immediately agreed and made no further comment.

[Underworld - Universal Monument, the Palace - Tuesday, 5:35 p.m.]

At last, the four of our heroes arrived, stood once before the palace of "Hell," while they gazed upon the gigantic edifice which stood but a few yards from them.

"I told you, this is the palace that the website was talking about. We need to go in there and find the 'Universal Monument' that will allow us to reach its main domain, and with that, we will get to the main source where the ability is known as 'The Universal Flame' lies. We don't know how difficult it will be to break through it - but I can tell you for certain that it won't be easy, no matter what we do or how we do it." Turning his gaze to Tim's expression, Codey explained and smiled.

"And you think that this will be an improvement on our power. Though I never agreed to be the one to wield it. I only came here to help." The moment Tim had said that the three of them froze and immediately pointed their fingers.

"Don't you dare deny it! We're here to improve your power, and this is the only efficient way we could get or find! So, no more comments and let's get this crap out of the way so we can get back to the 'overworld'." Yelled Codey, annoyed as he crossed his arms. "Oh, come on! Why do you want me to do this shit so bad? I just want to remove it so someone else doesn't have it." Claimed Tim, embarrassed, but extremely annoyed.

"No! You, my little friend, will go in there with us, accept our offer and our effort, and you will be the one to have it. It will be the salvation of the future for us! Of course, if you don't even try, I'll make sure you never get this wonderful feast from me, not by any chance!" Ordered Ayuka as Tim quickly came up behind her and shook her back and forth. "Come on! Why do you all have to be so nasty to me! I just want some time to myself! I kept my promise after all! So please, let me refuse just this once!" However, while Tim shook Ayuka, she rolled her eyes as she shouted loudly.

"Stop yelling at me like a child and get a grip! We're going in there no matter how hard you try if it takes us seven days! Got it!" shouted Ayuka as she nudged Tim's forehead, making him unamused.

"Man, she sure has changed since then..." Without elaborating, Elliot nodded and said. "Sure thing."

"Not through the millions of years will you get it! As long as I'm here, I'll be the one to run it, you bunch of idiotic existences." Hearing a voice caused everyone to turn around and face the top of the mountain. "It's that asshole again! Why the hell is you guys down here again!" Angered, Tim strode forward while everyone else listened.

"Don't be stupid. You're just a kid who doesn't know what life costs! You might as well die in the first days of your own life. Let me tell you, now get out of the way, only I am able to improve my balance of power. I have what it takes to become the bearer of this flame, and it won't matter how brutally my body is injured. So for the last time, get out of my way!" With that, Tim strained his eyes and made a speech.

"Not in the slightest. If you think I'm just going to let you have this stupid ability, you might as well burn in lava and live a sad life. Assholes like you don't deserve this ability, nor are you worthy enough to keep it for yourself! If you want it, you'll have to get past me." With a smirk, Tolvard raised an eyebrow.

"Is that so? Then why would someone like you try to fight me? I'm a 'Pro Duelist' after all. Sure, you might be the stupid 'Spiritual Duelist' or whatever, but I'm sure you or your girlfriend don't deserve that ability!" Laughed Tolvard.

"Stop calling her my girlfriend! Say another word and I'll make sure you never see us again!" shouted Tim as he reached back with his left arm and stretched it out.

But Ayuka was in no mood to rejoice. "Tim! Stop it, for once in your life! You need to focus on who you're trying to fight! Just stop, alright?" She asked, grabbing his left arm. "How many times are you going to stop me from doing what I want?! I'm not going to let this guy who almost killed a person have this stupid ability! If that's the case, there's another reason I don't want it. No one knows how evil this ability is, or how troublesome it can become!" With that, everyone around him became a little uneasy.

"Tim. You're meant to have this ability, can't you see that? Your priority is to fight with fire, and this 'Universal Flame' could be a new victory for us." said Codey after Tim exchanged glances.

"You think that I am not ready for this ability? Can you be more wrong, or can you be more stupid? Either one is fine with me." With that, Tim pulled his left arm as he pulled Ayuka forward, causing her to nearly slip.

"You son of a bitch!" Tim who has provoked again violently thrust himself into the air as he swept his left and right arm to the side of his left hip as he summoned his Ginken, at which moment a fiery explosion wrapped around his sword, at which moment his clothes rippled, but at that very moment Ayuka's eyes became angry as she disappeared.

"Wait! Ayuka! Wh-What are you doing!!!" But too late, her body flickered and instantly appeared in front of Tim as her sword came from the right side of her chest, Tim instantly stopped and slid in the air as the sword was pointed at his neck, making him feel uneasy. "This has been going on for way too long. Get a grip and stop this shit. I understand you're pissed at him, but this is not a proper way to end this argument. If you don't want to fight me, then back off, alright!" she shouted as Tim's mouth quivered.

"Could you both stop! Tim, you're losing your patience with this guy! He's trying to whip you into a rage so you can't take this power! Ayuka is right, for whatever reason, your personality has changed drastically when it comes to anger. Get a grip..." Codey shouted as Tim looked behind him, straight down at Codey.

"... damn it ..." Tim swept his sword behind his back as it was released, dropping it and spinning behind his back as he stopped. "Wow, you're quite the hothead, aren't you. I love playing with other people's minds, it's very pleasurable for my tastes." Giggled Tolvard, crossed his arms as Tim looked past Ayuka's shoulder.

"Damn it..." With that, Ayuka sighed, sweeping the sword to the right and making it disappear. "Look. You'll never be able to stop him if you fight with anger or hotheaded thinking, so calm down, alright? There's no need to be so reckless." Ayuka spoke once and then turned to Tolvard.

"Boy, Tim is really stupid right now." Elliot asserted, tapping his right foot on the floor with his arms crossed. "Oh, shut up, you fucking pervert."

"So, tell me. If you really think you're capable enough to have this power, do you think you can prove it to us?" Tolvard considered and reached into his pockets. "What the hell do you mean?"

"Perhaps we can play a little game. It is indeed a fun one. The first one to reach the end and then catch it will have the honor of keeping that ability. But no fighting will be allowed until we reach the monument, understood?" Smiled Tolvard, while leaning his left wrist forward. "To hell with that! You'd just be cheating at your 'game' and probably get to the finish line before we do!" Tim flipped his arm to the side. "And why would I do that? You seem like a strong duelist, don't you? I'm sure even if I were to cheat, you'd still have a decent advantage, of course, I won't deny that I'm stronger than you, but I'm sure this little game will help improve our friendship, and your lovely girlfriend's breast size." The moment Tolvard said that Tim took a step because of the way Tolvard's words were used.

"A single word about her, and I won't mind killing you!" Tim yelled out as Ayuka grabbed his chest and stopped him. "Calm down. Those are just his words after all. Besides, I don't really care about the bad words he uses. In any case, we accept." Ayuka spoke and crossed her arms.

"I never said that I-" but once again, Ayuka silenced him. "However, the challenge won't be that easy. I think the best way to prove who the better successor is, for this skill is to go in at the same time, I'm sure there will be enemies guarding it, so until then we won't fight each other as you said, but once we reach the end we'll try to avoid fighting as much as possible, understand?" Ayuka asked, giving him a gentle face.

"Sure, I wouldn't turn down a challenge, I guess it's just a race. I hope you're up for it, because we're going to have a blast!" Chuckled Tolvard.

To be continued...