359. The Golem and the Duelists?

[The Founding Flame: Arc 16]

Ginken is a weapon that is the main source of a person's strength.

They are controlled or wielded by 'Spiritual Symbolism', which brings with it additional functions that give the bearer an unknown fullness of power.

Ginken's weapon is thoroughly made within another person's birth (mostly in the 'Spiritual Realm' otherwise known as 'The World of Zero'), where the first personnel known as 'Godess' appeared within the 'Holy Arches' of only where the 'Gods' live.

However, due to the small population of people at that time on the Planet Earth, her appearance was somewhat unideal as she was not properly known, but it wasn't until a few centuries later that people started to believe in a legend about her existence and many of them were right.

She, the 'goddess of the sky, Planet Earth and other dimensions, besides being the creator of legendary weapons has survived for many more years and was now met with Shinkaku Tim, also known as the 'Substitute-Duelist', which had the unpredictable potential of becoming the next savior of mankind, as well as the first 'Substitute-Duelist' after hundreds of years.

With his journey and meeting of friends, he came across a human with a 'Demonical Blood' as well as a girl with 'Holy Blood' and with them he had already managed to keep civilization safe, but after the incident that had happened (of his friend realizing who she was in reality), he was now on a new path to obtain the ability known as 'The Founding Flame'.

[Underworld - Gateway - Tuesday, 5:40 p.m.]

What is the 'Universal Flame': Universal Flame - A white flame with the power of a star, the rarest flame there is, which can only be given by a god or the found monument in hell guarded by eternal creatures. The white flame is incredibly difficult to weaken or extinguish.

[Underworld - The Palace - Tuesday, 5:40 p.m.]

Tim and his group ran full speed through the stairwell, at that moment several demons appeared.

"Seems like this is their hideout, for now, let's get rid of these assholes!" Shouted Codey, stepped once on the top of the stairs and moved his right arm backward, then swung it forward as he cut the demon's neck, in which moment he quickly slid towards the wall, bounced off it, and swung the boomerang in his left arm, throwing it forward, in which it smashed straight into the demon's stomach, obliterating and hollowing it out.

On the opposite side and in the middle of the palace, Elliot's body electrified and emitted yellow electricity. "Godspeed!" Once, his body shot up at high speed and zigzagged through a group of climbing demons, cutting each of them into several pieces.

Right next to the door to the next area, Ayuka dashed forward, leaping by raising the back of her ankles, turning her body upside down as she spun and sliced through the demon's neck from above as she flipped her body forward and landed on the ground, at which moment the demon's body fell to the ground.

A few feet behind it Tim slid on the floor as he jumped up and saw the demon lunge with its left arm as he catapulted forward and lifted off the wall and with a swing cut through the demon, at which moment its feet landed on the demon's face and by stomping it on the floor and pinning it, the head exploded into bloody pieces, at which moment Tim immediately slid to the floor and joined the rest of his group.

"They're a bunch of fools trying to kill these demons. Actually, they could just pass by and avoid a fight, but if they plan on wasting their time, I can't be more pleased than to see them suffer!" Laughed Tolvard once he squatted down and hopped all the way up to the second floor, onto the inner balcony.

"Why is he so tempted to reach for the 'Founder's Flame'? I think the best solution for him would be to just give up and stay away. He might kill himself." Sighed Setsuko, grabbed her forehead, but joined him after the jump and continued jumping to the higher floors.

The four of our heroes quickly got to the next room and noticed that their two enemies had already climbed up.

"Damn, those two are just avoiding to fight, as much as it itches, I'm pretty annoyed that they aren't even really trying," Elliot spoke, scratching his itchy nose.

"If your nose itches, it means you're lying. So go fuck yourself." Codey smiled and lunged at Elliot. "Oh, come on. I was just trying to tell the truth. My nose itches on and off for days, you weirdo!" Elliot spoke, pointing accusingly at Codey.

"Shut the fuck up..."

"You two, could you hurry it up a bit? I know you two are going to have a nice fight, but those two are already way up there! Let's beat them and get this 'Eternal Flame' or whatever it's supposed to be." Tim spoke as he stood at the top of the first set of stairs. "Hey, I just came here for support, if you guys want to fight them, go ahead," Elliot spoke, but at the exact moment he did so, Codey hit him in the head, knocking him to the ground.

"I expected that ..."

Elliot added as his body twitched again. "Guys, we really need to get going! They're almost upstairs!" shouted Ayuka in surprise after she jumped up. "Right behind you!" Codey saluted and smiled.

"You forgot to add - 'Right behind your sweet ass!" When Elliot thought that was funny, Codey instantly stomped on the back of Elliot's own head, crushing his face into the ground so hard it cracked. "That's illegal! She's not even an adult!" yelled Codey and began stomping on his head again.

"Ouch, ouch! I got it! I got it! Now stop kicking me! It feels sexual!" But at that very moment, Codey stomped harder as the wind blew around the palace. "Shut up!!!" But as much as Ayuka tried to stop them, she grabbed her forehead and sighed. "The hardest part of this task is dealing with their differing opinions and arguments... Come on, Tim. Let's keep going upstairs." With a nod, Tim and Ayuka charged off, hopefully catching up to their enemies.

[Underworld - The Palace - Tuesday, 5:45 p.m.]

Eventually, Tolvard and Setsuko ended up on the upper balcony as they walked through the corridor, but just as they did they entered a very wildly open area, once they saw a set of stairs leading up in a circuit, but directly in front of them was a cemented titan with his body resting on the floor.

"Is this supposed to be one of the 'Eternal Creatures'?" she asked, "He doesn't look like a creature of the demons," Setsuko spoke and walked forward. "Maybe it is, who knows. But if it's going to get in our way, we might as well prepare to kill it." Without wasting any time, Tolvard swung his right arm to the side, at which moment a grimoire appeared as the sides flipped, sending a green wind around his body.

The moment the cement titan had sensed the threat, he activated as the debris began to fall as he stood up powerfully and stretched, reaching at least eight feet into the air.

"This is bigger than I expected..." Gulped Setsuko, as she reached for her sword. The "Golem's" red eyes lit up, startling the surroundings as Tim and the rest just reached the top.

"W-What in God's name is that supposed to be!" asked Codey in horror, trying to keep himself calm. "Looks like the first guard of this huge palace. Keep in mind that this is only the second floor of it, so there are six more." Ayuka spoke as the others confirmed that.

"What is that, a Ginken? But a book?" Elliot believed. "No. It's actually a grimoire, the users with this type of Ginken are able to release multiple elements as they act like spells. However, they have to learn them to use them properly, and then write them into their mindscape." Ayuka explained as Tim looked ahead.

"I've never seen this kind of Ginken before. I guess there are a lot more forms than I ever imagined you could have ..." Tim reached for his sword on his back in preparation for a possible fight.

"Look at you, you've arrived? But what good will it do? I can eliminate this bastard all by myself, just adore my strength!"

Torvald smiled, and as his left arm swung forward, his back moved up, slapped against the pages of the book. "Aero's Spell: Conducted Spirit!" By calling, a green wind instantaneously shot out from his body as it cyclone around his right arm and began to emit itself outwardly in a furious rage of a green tornado, when the area began to shake in tremor.

"Die you ugly ass!" The crazy laugh raged out when the green wind burst forward in a shape of a tornado and a beam, when the Golem had already prepared a defensive stance, in which the wind hadn't had a singular effect, it only flew around and blew. "W-What the hell?! No damn effect?! That thing is stupid!" Shouted Tolvard, when switching the page.

"Fine then! Let's see you try to defend this! Pyro's Spell: The Burning Liquid!" Tolvard swooped up with his right arm, when pillars of fire begin to emit themselves from the ground, one after another when the Golem moved its massive arm behind his back and then punched the ground, at which a massive stone appeared and blocked the burning pillars when it crushed it by impacting through it, right in the moment of doing so, Tolvard made a step back.

"This thing is unkillable! Urgh! Fine! Electro's Spell: The Forth Ejection!" Tolvard, reached with his left arm high in the air when a thunderbolt struck from the book into his fist as it was charged, then by force, he smashed into the floor as a field of electricity spread itself across the floor. Due to such effect, four of our heroes had to jump up on the walls and hang on them, when the Golem's body was unaffected by electricity at all. "Damn this ass! What are you made out of?!" Shouted Tolvard, embarrassed. "Talking big, but now he can't even hurt it..." Sighed Codey, when slapping his own forehead.

"Damn, this idiot just won't get a grip... Kind of stupid if you ask me!" Ayuka instantly dropped down on the floor when moving her right arm behind as a sword came flying behind her and was caught by her in her grip.

With an instantaneous dash forward, Ayuka knocked both Tolvard and Setsuko aside, within which moment she sped through the ice skating floor, once her sword's metal reflected the golem's body within it, once she quickly noticed it smashing with its arm forward.

To protect herself from getting hit, she swept with her sword forward from right to left and then instantaneously unleashed raging ice spikes which came growing from the ground and hard enough to even defend the golem's attack, once she quickly jumped forward with an intimidating look and upper kicked the golem's head, as it was stunned for a couple of seconds, in which moment Ayuka quickly spun her body in midair and then swept her right leg back into the golem's head, as it was forced aside.

She quickly landed on its shoulder once hopping over its head with a front flip and slashed in the middle of it, once cutting its cemented neck, which forcibly stunned it from attacking or moving.

From that point onward, Ayuka dropped down past its right body when cutting through it with speed and force, as she landed and completely obliterated its massive arm into piles of cement.

With that done, Ayuka quickly turned her body by moving her left leg to the side and instantaneously curled to the front when pointing her sword backward, and with it, she instantly lifted her ankles and jumped high in the air, when cutting the golem's stomach and head, as she landed with her feet on the golem's face and bounced off it into a backflip when sliding on her remaining ice, and skated aside when seeing how the spikes grew from the golem and sabotaged its movement.

That forcibly stunned it on the place when she grabbed the sword with both of her gripping hands and without more times wasted, she dashed afront with full speed and power, when slicing the golem's neck within seconds even evolving ice from the golem's entire head, when it fully froze.

Due to her force and reaction speed, Ayuka hopped backward, landed on the floor in front of both her opponents, and grabbed the sword's handle between two fingers, spinning it and throwing it up in the air as it disappeared.

"Funny, a girl receives better results than two idiotic adults." Ayuka put one of her arms on the hip and smiled, as her companions dropped down on the floor.

"Damn this bitch... Think she's so smart, eh? I'll make sure that she regrets those words..."

To be continued...