360. The 'Eternal Demon'!

[The Founding Flame: Arc 16]

Ginken is a weapon that is the main source of a person's vigor.

They are controlled or wielded by 'Spiritual Symbolism', which brings with it supplemental functions that give the bearer an unknown plenariness of puissance.

Ginken's weapon is exhaustively made within another person's birth (mostly in the 'Spiritual Realm' otherwise kenned as 'The World of Zero'), were the first personnel kenned as 'Godess' appeared within the 'Holy Arches' of only where the 'Deities' live.

However, due to the minute population of people at that time on the Planet Earth, her appearance was remotely unideal as she was not felicitously kenned, but it wasn't until a few centuries later that people commenced to believe in a legend about her subsistence and many of them were right.

She, the 'goddess of the firmament, Planet Earth and other dimensions, besides being the engenderer of legendary weapons has survived for many more years and was now met with Shinkaku Tim, additionally kenned as the 'Substitute-Duelist', which had the capricious potential of becoming the next savior of mankind, as well as the first 'Substitute-Duelist' after hundreds of years.

With his peregrination and meeting of friends, he came across a human with a 'Demonical Blood' as well as a girl with 'Holy Blood' and with them he had already managed to keep civilization safe, but after the incident that had transpired (of his friend realizing who she was in authenticity), he was now on an incipient path to obtain the facility kenned as 'The Founding Flame'.

[Underworld - Gateway - Tuesday, 5:49 p.m.]

"She celebrates she's so damn perspicacious. Whatever, Setsuko let's get going afore I commence going wild!" By boosting up the stairs, our heroes were left behind.

"Huh, would you visually examine that? An incipient kind of people has commenced being upset only after I have killed one of their enemies..." Ayuka took a sigh and yawned. "Great job, didn't ken your skills were so efficacious on cement." Tim ran when gently bonking her into the right shoulder.

"Oh well, every time I can consider it be done." She giggled while they dashed with full speed forward. "Damn, she's sexually alluring and she's exclusive in battle! I optate, I would just be able to get in her resplendent breasts and prehend them. This would be the love made in heaven! Literally!" But with imbecilic incoherence that Elliot was elongating outwardly, Codey had already smashed its palm into his face and slapped him, uncarefully.

"Get a prehension or I'll devour you myself." With it, both of them dashed up behind Ayuka and Tim.

[Underworld - Gateway - Tuesday, 5:59 p.m.]

Setsuko and Tolvard had been now in front of a massive room, where they needed to jump across the pillars of rocks. "Well isn't this just great. Now we have to go up these uncomely pillars? I may as well consider dying!" Annoyingly called Tolvard, while Setsuko gave him a visual examination. "Hey, stop this. You're going all wild and all mad. If we don't keep our focus steady, we'll be left behind and culminate up losing what is ours." She verbalized when visually examining him, but right at that moment the four of our Heroes already came by.

"I don't recommend standing still and wasting your time. There are still four floors alongside this one, get expediting!" Tim shouted once the four of them all leaped up at the top of the first pillar.

"Damn these assholes! I'm going to burn them in the hell's lava! Let's go Setsuko, they're making me pissed as fuck!" Without any words remaining aroused, the two of them followed them, once they descried that Tim and Ayuka, alongside their friends, reached the third pillar already and with full speed ahead, commenced to jump among and between the walls.

"Now they're utilizing the walls?! Damn them! Do it as well, Setsuko!" They perpetuated to jump up, right, and left while following our heroes.

Tim and his team on the other hand conclusively managed to reach the very top in which moment they slid and dashed forward once descrying a slide, as they prepared and commenced to skate down the hard hill.

"This is not mundane! Why the hell are we going down in lieu of up?!" Elliot wondered while screaming like a girl. "Look! There's a jump we require to make! If we get enough haste, we'll be able to jump over it and perpetuate moving! Get yare, because we're about to come at high haste!" Tim shouted when the four of them prepared and when they reached the very edge, they all jumped over the massive opened gap, at which case they descried a shake on the floor.

"Guys, I don't cerebrate this is supposed to transpire!" Called Codey when looking down.

"Expeditious, dodge back!"

At the moment of the scream, four of them whirled their bodies back when a fire creature blasted itself from among the lava when the rest looked back. "Guys! We're not going to make it! We have to do something about it!" Shouted Codey, when looking down at the fall.

"Codey! Wind! Ayuka! Frozen dihydrogen monoxide! We can coalesce it!" Tim yelled which instantly activated their entelechy. "Got it!" Ayuka instantly pointed her left palm forward once unleashing a very gelid wind when Codey followed her up and with full potential cast a potent wind, which mixed itself with her very gelid wind and with its spreading, a massive frozen dihydrogen monoxide path, and slide appeared when the four heroes landed while sliding down it onto the antithesis side of the gap.

But unlike everyone else, Elliot was having the worse balance and could marginally keep an opportune stance. "Why is this so arduous!" He yelled, flapping with his arms up and down.

At that moment, Tim convoluted his ankles and turned around when pointing his right arm forward.

"Duck!" The creature that flew forward at them was now caught in the middle of a fiery blast when it was forcibly repelled and stunned in mid-air.

"Elliot, hurry up!" Just catching his balance, Elliot expeditiously reached for his left hip when evoking a potent bolt of electricity.

"Augmented Godspeed!" With a loud call, he vanished from the spot leaving abaft a massive pile of electricity, which squirted upward when his body vanished within an electrical current as the flopping 'Demon' became shocked, when a bolt came cutting through its neck, forcibly making it scream and cry when Elliot expeditiously spun in mid-air and ejecting a circle of electricity around him, from that point onward his hair and ocular perceivers transmuted back to mundane when he fell down.

"Guys! A little help!" Without wasted time, Ayuka stepped forward when evoking hard frozen dihydrogen monoxide ground which flew forward right beneath Elliot's fall, but due to haste, he was sliding toward the edge, when Codey crossed both of his arms and instantly swept them when a whirl of wind fixated Elliot's position, which expeditiously made him bounce in the middle of them while smashing into the wall.

"Hurry, melt it!" Codey shouted, when Tim pointed his palm and physically contacted the frozen dihydrogen monoxide, as the sultry fire plenarily circumvented it and the frozen dihydrogen monoxide liquified as it flowed down to the very bottom, and just in the nick of time, Torvald and Setsuko arrived.

"You damn assholes! I'll make you pay! Cryo's Spell: The Cast of the Frozen!" By calling it out, he evoked a potent frozen path that curled down the path and commenced to elongate and reach for the other. "Hurry, get moving!" Tim injunctively authorized when all of the four dashed, while Elliot felt impuissant on the floor and optically showed question marks, once Tim prehended the back of his clothes and pulled him through the gateway, conclusively they've reached the third floor.

[Underworld - Gateway - Tuesday, 6:03 p.m.]

"The hell's that?" Tim wondered while looking forward at a massive gateway. "What would you think, when you aurally perceived the word 'hound' does it make you believe that it authentically subsists?" Gulped Codey, as he scratched the top of his head.

"Are you earnestly cerebrating that this gateway is in fact a damn 'hound' or something?"

"More likely affirmative... But I betokened, 'hellhound' those are the worse, literally..." Codey verbalized while holding his boomerangs. "Why the hell would there be a hellhound in this incoherent era?" Tim queried, optically canvassing him. "It's probably a Beast Demon that has been infused by many others, denoting that it is much more durable, much more hazardous, and much more liable to assail than anything else..." Expounded Codey, with fear and worry.

"I wouldn't lie if I verbalized it couldn't be possible. But it's a possibility that this thing has been living here for so many years." Gulped Elliot, worried. "Okay, come on, who would put a hellhound down here at this minute-" But afore Tim could finish, a massive roar and growl were auricularly discerned, when he became unamused. "Never mind..." Tim reached on his back, preparing the sword when the rest positioned themselves.

"So, tell me. What does it mean? Will we be forced to flee or will we be able to subjugate it?" Codey queried while looking forward, but right at that moment, they descried that they could simply just climb up to the top and enter the gateway.

"How about that? We could get up there?" Tim wondered, perplexed. "It's possible, but how will that help us in battle?"

"I didn't mention that it will help us, maybe we don't even require to fight it," Tim verbalized when suddenly something stood at the top. A woman with burning hair, white apparel, and chains affixed to her arms, chest, and hips.

"Who're you?!" Tim queried looking up at her.

"But without any answers received, the woman threw them some kind of mirrors that were able to be opened. "Proceed to the next floor once you're done with the one." By leaving them behind, the woman stepped away.

"Now we have to do this nonsense with our hands and this thing?" Tim inquired, as the others seemed to be dissatisfied.

"Who can say... Perhaps it's some sort of tool that will help us in combat. If you get what I'm saying!" Codey laughed as he stretched his left arm, but Tolvard and Setsuko appeared behind them just as he finished speaking. "There you go, annoyances!" Tolvard screamed.

"When we look at it, it almost seems like a trap which might threaten us with the future of this palace..." Codey talked and tried to start an idea. "Just relax. We still have to see the enemy, so I am sure that soon we will have an idea or an answer." And the moment came when Ayuka spoke.

When someone stepped from the interior of the gateway, facing them, the gateway opened. "Who in the world are you?" Elliot asked, pointing to the man. "What exactly am I? Yes, but who am I? My name is Funai Mari, and I have no idea who or what I am." When everyone became concerned, the man stepped forward and reached for his back, dragging and drawing out a sword.

"To me, he appears to be a natural 'Half-Demon.'" Codey spoke while scratching the top of his head and looking around. "Don't play around with it. He could be a lot stronger than we think..." Tim, who was well-prepared, added. "Yeah, I'm aware."

"Oh, this bitch is impeding my progress! Become disoriented! Dendro's Spell: The Futile Leaf Storm!" With full speed aside, the four of our heroes backed away when the opponent, in this case, Tolvard, swooped with his right arm and unleashed the storm of the leaves, in which scenario their opponent only swooped with their right blade forward, in which moment the leaves were cut into ash, forcing everyone into shock.

"That is not acceptable! Who does such insignificant nonsense in battle?!" Tolvard pondered as he swung the grimoire behind his back.

"This does not appear to be a typical Demon, nor one of the eight grades... Please provide your name and contact information!" Ayuka spoke up as a drop of sweat ran down her brow.

"I suppose I am known as the 'Eternal Creature,' also known as the 'Eternal Demon,' and we are in the ninth grade, that's all I can say... But believe us when we say that we don't keep a low profile in the Underworld.

To be continued...