361. The Fatal Rage of the Ablazed Phoenix!

[The Founding Flame: Arc 16]

Ginken is a weapon that is the main source of a person's vigor.

They are controlled or wielded by 'Spiritual Symbolism', which brings with it supplemental functions that give the bearer an unknown plenariness of puissance.

Ginken's weapon is exhaustively made within another person's birth (mostly in the 'Spiritual Realm' otherwise kenned as 'The World of Zero'), were the first personnel kenned as 'Godess' appeared within the 'Holy Arches' of only where the 'Deities' live.

However, due to the minute population of people at that time on the Planet Earth, her appearance was remotely unideal as she was not felicitously kenned, but it wasn't until a few centuries later that people commenced to believe in a legend about her subsistence and many of them were right.

She, the 'goddess of the firmament, Planet Earth and other dimensions, besides being the engenderer of legendary weapons has survived for many more years and was now met with Shinkaku Tim, additionally kenned as the 'Substitute-Duelist', which had the capricious potential of becoming the next savior of mankind, as well as the first 'Substitute-Duelist' after hundreds of years.

With his peregrination and meeting of friends, he came across a human with a 'Demonical Blood' as well as a girl with 'Holy Blood' and with them he had already managed to keep civilization safe, but after the incident that had transpired (of his friend realizing who she was in authenticity), he was now on an incipient path to obtain the facility kenned as 'The Founding Flame'.

[Underworld - The Palace - Tuesday, 6:04 p.m.]

The enemy stood directly in front of our heroes, known as the 'Eternal Demon,' of the ninth grade, with the heroes entering the battlefield sufficiently prepared for a team fight.

"We must not underestimate this man. If he's a grade nine demon, we're in for a surprise or two..." Elliot smiled as he prepared an ejection of electricity that twisted his sword in his grip.

"A fight as a group? Do you think it's fair to play four on one?" Codey smiled, but they each smiled the moment they exchanged looks.

Once their bodies were placed in a battle, their auras merged into one.

"I may demand my right to the afterlife if he dies..." When the others agreed, Tim spoke up by reaching back with his sword.

"Fairly and uniformly... Let's get this out of the way."

Mari realized he'd been challenged to a fierce battle when his dark blood aura began to drift. The enemies of our heroes were taken aback. "They're battling him? What cretins..." But, when the necessary battle awoke, he was forced to eat his own words.

"Then do you prepare..." Instantly, the battle rustled as Tim and Elliot flickered from the spot, in the moment of doing so, Tim had appeared in front of Mari, and by sweeping his sword overhead he struck out burning fire once Mari quickly raised the sword and hurried to block when Tim's body hopped to the side, at which instant Elliot dashed over and fled in a zigzag and with full speed ahead and acceleration advancing, Elliot came jumping within a thunder current when sweeping with his katana near Mari's neck, who fortunately blocked and staggered aside, at which stage Tim quickly rotated his feet on the floor and then followed up by spinning his torso, upper sweeping the sword whenever Mari ducked, at which phase Elliot quickly made a front flip and spun in mid-air whilst stretching his right leg and tossing it toward Mari.

But in addition, Mari had already backed away in speed, when Ayuka came striding in front of him with filler speed, releasing cold energies and quickly sweeping her weapon forward, summoning a flow of ice, while Mari quickly scurried and switched positions with Tim, slicing his sword and instantly forcing Elliot into protection, once Elliot pressed his body back and shielded, upon Codey compressed his body back and blocked, once Codey pressed his body back and blocked, once Codey came flipping overhead Mari's face in an upside pose and plunged the boomerang down at the ground with the hit of his arm, once Elliot dissolved in 'Godspeed' and easily accomplished distance.

Tim strode forward, unleashing a crescent of blue aura light, just as Mari whipped on the spot and swooped with his right arm, dusting out strong energy that detonated within Tim's own.

Ayuka rolled over Tim's body before stomping the earth and unleashing icy spikes, from when Codey spun his body in mid-air and twisted his ankles with full force before jumping on one of the ice spikes and bouncing back into the air, rotating his wrist and swiped it. Throwing the boomerang at high speed, Mari vanished in a flash of heat, and reappeared in front of Codey, who was caught off guard and with full force When Mari's sword sliced straight through his arm muscle, unleashing intense energy that knocked Codey back into the pillar, Elliot cruised on the floor and hopped, unleashing a powerful beam of yellow volts as it advanced deeper into the air, but Mari managed to turn around and land in mid-air when slashing down at the dirty threat.

Both sharp blades collided up at each other, until Codey emerged next to Elliot, jumped and crushed Mari with a fist, but Mari's body vanished when Codey's back was stabbed, quickly blown away and against the stone, once Elliot's eyes shook.

"You're a jerk!" Elliot swung his blade, but his right arm was caught and within seconds, his body was raised high above Mari's head as complexed to the side, when it was hurled at Ayuka's body when both of them went crashing against the wall, even cutting Ayuka's left shoulder from the remaining debris.

Ayuka grasped for her shoulder in agony, while Elliot's body rested on her groin. "Damn, I didn't notice that one..." When Tim glanced at the three wounded duelists, he reached out, shaken.

"Three of you! What happened to you?!" Ayuka, however, moved Elliot aside while bleeding. "We're... All right... Or— at least I am..." Tim's muscles tensed as he saw Tovlard and Setsuko laughing yet he was scared.

"Damn you, you dirty scumbag..." Tim's hands started to bleed as his eyes lit up blue and glowed in the darkness as his body straightened and the annoyance compelled him to use his powers.

"We're expected to get the potential with such a threat! Only to get our asses nuked! Damn it, you cruel Demon..." Tim's hair started to twitch as his eyes focused on his adversary, and his blade immediately became smaller and shorter.

"It makes me feel dissatisfied! I'm going to obliterate you, whoever you are!" Tim's blade blazed into blue flames as he took a heavy step forward, and his robe of the 'Henshin' emerged, while the floor rattled and cracked as he took a simple step.

As Mari readied his weapon, Tim's body vanished from the spot, but just when he thought he'd have a good time, Tim appeared in front of him and swept his sword, which Mari barely managed to block, but on contact, two swords clashed in rivalry as Tim vanished and appeared behind him, forcing his sword to hopefully cut the needed neck, but right at it, Mari ducked when he quickly lifted his sword and pushed it upward, at which point Tim jumped and outsped the dangerous enemy, when he sliced into Mari's stomach, when he spun and slammed Mari's face with an extended left leg when he was sent backward.

When Tim's body multiplied due to his speed and all of them overwhelmed Mari and hurled themselves at high power and speed, Mari immediately began to defend attacks, before the correct body emerged from atop and slashed downward with sharpened energy blazing out of Tim's blade when Mari's feet were smashed at the floor and with it Tim bounced his attackers' swords once backflipping behind Mari's back before landing while rapidly drawing his sword and injuring Mari's back, at which point Mari quickly vanished and reappeared behind Tim slashing right at his head, but on impact, Tim avoided by ducking under him and raising his left arm while feeling the stabbing blade slice into his wrist and arm.

He quickly twisted his right foot when swiping his injured arm out of the way and tackled Mari with his right shoulder, once the Demon flew through the air, directly at the top of the wall in which Elliot and Ayuka were trapped, when it fell, Ayuka had to hop out of the way, rolling on his injured wound, when Tim made a fist and lifted it to his neck as the burning flames.

But his eyes shook as Mari rushed out of the wall.

When Tim's left eye erupted a raging fire, his body stood in front of it, activating burning fire from its sword.

"Die... So, go to Hell!!!" Tim's right arm was pulled upward as the raging fire burned endlessly behind his back.

"The Fatal Flame of the Phoenix!" While shouting, the sword instantly created a massive spirit of the burning body with long wings when it shone upon the area, by which point Tim's sleeves had already turned to ash, when a phoenix awoke from the flames, with its back body, head, and wings purging out at full speed as it extended and created a fantastic scene as the sparks of fire began to whirl around Tim's sleeves.

"Go to true Hell!" Tim slashed the sword in a full draft when his companions covered their faces, at which point Tim's sword struck the floor when the burning phoenix accelerated through and through his body as Mari tried to defend himself, but the walls collapsed as the bird fully struck Mari's body and inherited it, at which point the phoenix raged.

Ayuka snatched Elliot and ran out of the way, at which point Codey hugged the wall to avoid being trapped in the assault.

But, finally, when Mari's scream was heard, a massive explosion draughted, forcibly eliminating the walls and floor, alongside ceiling as some of the people's clothes were burnt, whilst Mari's body was completely melted and overflown by Tim's rageful attack, and with it, the area around the palace on the outside, cramped and cracked as the rage was released. When the explosion twisted and rose into the air into a massive tornado of stormed fire, spreading itself through the air and dissipating.

As the lava poured from the enclosed floor as the scenario primed countless sparks, Tim's mouth became heavier and louder, when his sword shook as instantly, it got bruised.

All were worried about what had just happened as Codey crept out from behind the wall like a coward.

"Is it finished?" When he saw Tim, he gulped. "Are you going to kill us, dude?" Elliot raged as his body shook and a finger was pointing at him, and when Tim's eyes started glowing, at which point he became confused.

"Wait a minute, what happened?" All were perplexed as Ayuka continued to treat her wound while smiling. "Oh, Ayuka! Will you-" But when Tim raced for her, with Codey close behind, she grinned. "Don't be concerned. I'll be able to heal the wound in a few seconds because it's not that deep. What are you, how are you doing?" Still, with no other options, Tim sighed and nodded.

"What in the world was that? When did you find out about that attack? Have you given it a name?" As Elliot lifted his finger, Codey was perplexed. "His sentences were as follows: the Fatal Flame of the Phoenix, or Phoenix's Fatal Flame! It's the only rational solution..." Elliot claimed him, gigglish.

"So, let's call it the 'Phoenix's Fatal Flame'!"

But, unlike them, their adversaries, or opponents, were afraid and on the verge of panic. "What the heck... You've got to be kidding me, right? With this sucker on the lose, there's no chance I'm going to get that ability! Screw it all, you should have it! But never return to me! Good-by!" Without further ado, Tolvard bolted, leaving Setsuko behind.

"Of course, by the end of the day, we've accomplished little..." Setsuko spoke, while the others remained silent. "Yes, indeed! You'd better flee, coward!" Codey yelled, raising his fist over his head.

"... Guess we're stuck alone once more..." Ayuka spoke up, giggling as she healed her wound so completely.

"Now, let's get to the final floor..."

To be continued...