388. The hallucinating competitor - As well as her dispersal.


The story contains graphic depictions of violence, sexuality, strong language, and/or other mature themes.

[The Fiend Lord: Arc 18]

Once upon a time, on Planet Earth, a young girl was born; the story goes that her identity was never adequately clarified, but she was effectively known as the 'Holy Light.'

Her title depicted the real life of one's planet. Humankind did not know the Dimensions that had appeared alongside her birth, only of the Spirits that had been destroyed or disappeared.

The woman... The Holy Light, the heir of all the inhabitants, was not born alone. The arrival of the Demon God, whose name was Rez, caused anarchy, and humanity was on the brink of extinction.

Humans terrified him because of his recklessness and hunger for blood, and Demons started to manifest all over the Earth and The World of Zero, alongside alternate races such as The Inner Fiends, The Shades, Wraiths, and Spirits.

To combat the challenge, a new breed of people has awakened, the 'Spiritual Duelists' and 'Substitute-Duelists,' who have been dubbed the "First Army to Face Evil."

With their Legendary Weapons, the Ginken. This swarm of humans increased the world's cleanliness to the greatest extent possible, overwhelming the Demons of various grades and placing their survival at risk.

But, after several years of waiting, the 'Holy Light' gave birth to a human child, a girl of theoretically greater worth than Zero herself, but unlikely to become the next 'Holy Light,' their Goddess gave the girl to a friendly family, and since her mother needed to participate in protecting the divinity, the girl's memories were wiped.

But there is another royalty trapped within the shadows that have been concealed for millennia, even longer than the birth of a Demon...

The only one who has beaten the 'Holy Light's own is the Fiend Lord. Its lurkers will undoubtedly be wiped out, and the newfound foe will ready the battlefield...

- Yashikami City, Thursday, 9:15 pm -

"What is your name? Are you Is he some sort of child?" The woman inquired, sharing glances with Elliot, who reached into his pocket and spun his pen in front of him.

"... Clearly visible. I am a Spiritual Duelist? And you? Attempting to shoot and kill the woman?" Elliot was questioned as she stepped up on the spot and reached into her jacket.

"Rai Ine, from the PFD." She asserted as she displayed a badge. "What's the deal? Police Force Department? So, if you're with them, why are you here and trying to kill the woman?" Elliot was angry and questioned confused.

"As previously said... The woman has been approved to maintain many inhumanely acquired offenses." With a serious expression, Ine explained. "What in the world do you mean? The woman was constantly present in the Guild, which has now been lost as a result of your actions!" Elliot reacted angrily, pointing his pen upward, as a sword stretched forward into the woman's throat.

"Are you, by any chance, intimidating a PFD member? You know that's not acceptable; the laws are the same as in every other Police Department... Threatening a police officer is a crime..." Elliot, on the other hand, frowned without saying anything.

"It won't matter... You were the one who mistook the woman for a criminal and misjudged her."

"We did not make a mistake in judging her... We've received a lot of information that has been authenticated." Explained Ine, at which point Elliot became incredibly irritated with her and took the sword.

"Stop talking..."

"Stop being an idiot and start dying before I slaughter you!" Ine had already leaped in the air once backflipping and spinning the pistols before quickly crossing her left arm over her other pistol and instantly pulled a trigger before the bullet went flying into Elliot - but, to avoid being killed on the spot, he instantly disappeared from the spot in an electrical current when he immediately appeared on the roof, sliding.

The bullet had crashed into the concrete roof and bounced off the wall before Elliot instantly swung the sword in front of his chest and vanished in another current of electricity with complete plans to attack.

To avoid being stabbed, the bullet was shot right forward and behind her, both of which missed; the one on the back, however, was blocked by Elliot's sword pen, at which point Ine quickly spun in midair and slammed Elliot into the left side of the shoulder, hitting him to the side and then spinning her body to point both pistols at Elliot once prying to unleash a barrage of bullets.

Those bullets were fired by the trigger as predicted, but Elliot had already released electricity, by which point those bullets were immobilized, and Elliot ran with full speed forward until Ine's body became distracted, she remembered how she had been running much slower as Elliot's body flickered multiple times behind her left side of the body.

When he did so, he instantly exchanged the illusion and spot with his actual body and crushed Ine into the back, sending her flying against the building, when the woman's co-helper immediately caught the sniper, pointed it at Elliot, and fired without hesitation.

Elliot's eyes flashed as the sniper's bullet was fired, which was echoed in the whole area.

("Oh, no! The Sniper Bullet travels at a much higher rate than a pistol! I don't think I'll be able to stop it in this situation! ")

Elliot had been dropping and he was uncertain how to escape the speeding bullet, which forced Elliot to fear death. ("The Sniper's bullet speed is about 940 feet per second! That's nearly as fast as my Godspeed!") Elliot couldn't take the movement and he couldn't stop it without landing.

However, though he could still see the bullet's speed, he quickly moved the sword forward and allowed his pen's blade to bounce the bullet forward, at which point the man became surprised, and with full speed ahead, the man quickly hopped to the side and rolled on the rooftop while quickly aiming at Elliot, who had just managed to escape.

Elliot faced ahead as he saw the trigger being pulled, and he spoke at that time. "Hyperdrive..." says the narrator. The bullet that had been fired whizzed by in seconds, and Elliot's body lagged on the spot when it vanished.

Elliot faced ahead as he saw the trigger being pulled, and he spoke at that time. "Hyperdrive..." says the narrator. The bullet that had been fired whizzed by in seconds, and Elliot's body lagged on the spot when it vanished.

Once upon a moment, the man became perplexed. "What the heck is going on?" Immediately, he started to see hallucinations of Elliot's body zooming around the region and vanishing because he couldn't figure out which was right.

But then a body flickered behind the man's body, and he turned around, swinging the sniper until Elliot emerged from a thunder bubble, ducked and dodged the swinging sniper, and then immediately rubbed forward and swung his pen.

However, the man quickly vaulted backward and avoided Elliot's thunderous squirt which pulsed forward at high speed, and by crossing the sniper, the man blocked the upcoming attack once feeling how the left out explosion forcibly launched him through the air and over the gap of the rooftop, and the moment Elliot bent forward and prepared a dash, he heard something shoot in which moment a pistol bullet went flying right from the side at which moment Elliot had quickly slid on the floor and became shocked.

("Crap! She took me by surprise! No, no! ") Elliot then changed his posture and turned to face the bullet while swinging his sword.

But even though he was covering the bullet, Ine emerged behind him and fired the bullet with a locked on the pistol, at which point Elliot's eyes twisted as he instinctively ducked and watched the bullet sail over his body into the wall, at which point - Ine quickly fell down and crushed her foot attempting to hit Elliot.

However, just at the time of doing so. When Ine rapidly crossed the two pistols to cover, he rolled out of the way and set his spot by swinging his right arm and tossing the pen.

However, Elliot dashed over after grabbing the pen and swept his body behind Ine's, at which point he stabbed obliquely until Ine immediately exchanged her pistols and defended, then hurried over by bashing Elliot's stomach with her knee and driving him backward, when the guy spun the sniper and quickly scoped on him, unleashing the bullet until Elliot's eyes rattled.

As he saw the bullet flying across his stomach while smashing his back on the ground and saw the woman quickly aiming her pistol down at him, shooting as he quickly rolled to the side and then, though leaned into his right arm and elbow, quickly swooped with his right leg into her kneecap while slipping her forward once the man shot a snipe, he instantly bent his body up.

Elliot then grabbed the floor and sprang to his feet as the bullet flew under his bent back, squirting his clothes when he landed, then instantly swept with his right arm, unleashing a bolt that the man felt squirting and with brutal force, Elliot appeared in front of the man, spinning in mid-air and then smashing his ankle in the man's cheek when knocking him away, through the building's glassy window and with it, rolled.

"I'm not done yet..." When Ine got irritated, Elliot extended his right arm and unleashed a yellow fury of electricity.

"You are aware. You're crazy... Demand a battle to the death." Ine said this while turning both of her guns and planning for the forthcoming events.

- Yashikami City, Thursday, 9:40 pm -

Ayuka and Tim were standing outside as the destroyed guild devolved into anarchy.

"This is ridiculous... The guild that had been formed has been crushed..." Tim said as he gazed at the raging flames, at which point the firefighters rushed to his rescue.

"We were fortunate not to have been killed..." But, just then, a paramedic jumped in front of Ayuka and Tim.

"Please excuse us. You were the one who requested firefighter assistance and an ambulance, correct?" The guy was perplexed. "Y-Yeah... She was puzzled. "We'd just like to ask a few questions." Ayuka nodded as Tim listened, but he was covering something behind his back while the pracademic was speaking.

"Has anybody been hurt in return?" The guy was perplexed, but the paramedic nodded in disbelief. "What about you? You - seem to have a bandage on your chest? Why is this so?" The paramedic stared at Tim, puzzled.

"It was just a minor injury I sustained a few weeks ago. It's still showing signs of injury..." Tim sighed as he spoke.

"Would you like us to examine you?" The paramedic was perplexed, but he realized Tim had refuted it once again. "That's all I'm doing. I'm all right..." He shifted his gaze to the left, while the paramedic turned to face Ayuka.

"Another question. Aren't you the woman who was known to have committed several crimes?" As the paramedic pondered, Ayuka grew perplexed. "... I swear to you... I haven't committed any of the offenses..." Ayuka frowned as she looked at the paramedic.

"However, in order to do so..." The paramedic stretched out with his right arm, shocking Ayuka and Tim. A gun was pointed at Ayuka's forehead, and the trigger was pulled.

"Since you haven't picked me to love, I might as well repay you..." Through it, the bullet pierced Ayuka's forehead, causing her blood to squirt outward and simply, with her eyes wide open.

As Tim felt her body slipping onto his chest and his eyes were unable to blink, he reached out with both arms, her pupils dispersing and her hair waving forward, and then her body falling backward.

He'd noticed Ayuka's eyes were open, once seeing the fear that he had been worried about..


To be continued...