394. The evil master and his fervent dedication to a clash.


The story contains graphic depictions of violence, sexuality, strong language, and/or other mature themes.

[The Spiritual Core's warfare: Arc 19]

Once upon a time, on Planet Earth, a young girl was born; the story goes that her identity was never adequately clarified, but she was effectively known as the 'Holy Light.'

Her title depicted the real life of one's planet. Humankind did not know the Dimensions that had appeared alongside her birth, only of the Spirits that had been destroyed or disappeared.

The woman... The Holy Light, the heir of all the inhabitants, was not born alone. The arrival of the Demon God, whose name was Rez, caused anarchy, and humanity was on the brink of extinction.

Humans terrified him because of his recklessness and hunger for blood, and Demons started to manifest all over the Earth and The World of Zero, alongside alternate races such as The Inner Fiends, The Shades, Wraiths, and Spirits.

To combat the challenge, a new breed of people has awakened, the 'Spiritual Duelists' and 'Substitute-Duelists,' who have been dubbed the "First Army to Face Evil."

With their Legendary Weapons, the Ginken. This swarm of humans increased the world's cleanliness to the greatest extent possible, overwhelming the Demons of various grades and placing their survival at risk.

But, after several years of waiting, the 'Holy Light' gave birth to a human child, a girl of theoretically greater worth than Zero herself, but unlikely to become the next 'Holy Light,' their Goddess gave the girl to a friendly family, and since her mother needed to participate in protecting the divinity, the girl's memories were wiped.

But there is another royalty trapped within the shadows that have been concealed for millennia, even longer than the birth of a Demon...

The only one who has beaten the 'Holy Light's own is the Fiend Lord. Its lurkers will undoubtedly be wiped out, and the newfound foe will ready the battlefield...

- Hidomari City, Sunday, 1:25 pm -

The heroes, who had been suspicious of the army's eight warriors, came to a halt in front of a big structure, which they were silently hidden behind it.

"Is that some sort of hideaway? Or, more precisely, what is that intended to be?" Kylin wondered when she spotted smoke billowing from the top of the opened roof. "It doesn't appear to be a typical structure with a chimney... That smoke appears to be entirely different from what I'm used to..." By reminding others of the odd smoke that had been drifting in the air - Codey approached.

The door had opened as someone stepped from the exit, but Codey gasped as he realized who they were.

"Kin, Master! We've issued a number of threats to the employees. They have accelerated the process." The soldier explained. "I'm looking for the truth. Then get back inside before anyone notices us."

"Indeed, master." Codey was astonished as the door shut behind them. "Kin had been operating under Kreara's orders. This could only suggest that Tsuneo is nearby. If Kreara died as a result of sickness, and he gained control of her 'Time Shifting,' then we must be in the correct place to meet him." Everyone had been bewildered by Codey's statements, which Kanji had worded in an incomprehensible manner.

"What about Kreara? What have I forgotten? Wasn't she the one who was attempting to eliminate Ayuka and endangering the Holy Arches? At the very least, that's what you told us four years ago." Gulped Kanji, hoping that wasn't true. "Yeah, and if Tsuneo possesses her powers... He must be the next leader..." Eva confirmed after waiting for Codey to finish his statement.

"So, after that... What in the world are we expected to do? Should we go in and kill the threat while hoping not to get killed in the process, or should you wait for assistance and stand still?" Ume inquired, worried about their precarious situation.

"No, we charge in and try to infiltrate..." Added Codey, but straight away, others grew irritated. "... If you rush in, it indicates you're going to be loud, and if you sneak in, it indicates you're going to be quiet... Choose your favorite....." Jessica asserted after Codey returned her gaze. "I mean, I'd just charge in there and then-" However, disregarding his advice, he noticed how everyone else had already crept in.

"Hey! You idiots, I said charge in!"

- Hidomari City, Sunday, 1:28 pm -

Kin had been following the army that had been wandering leisurely. Codey felt ridiculous for sneaking in.

"... This is the most unimpressive approach to break in... Can't we move a little faster?" However, everyone turned down Codey's petition. "Would you mind settling down for a while? If we move faster, they'll notice us, and we won't be able to collect several statements." Codey was irritated once again as he was reminded of the potential tension that they would face.

"...I could just go in and kill them... it's as simple as that." But, for the second time, everyone had turned their backs on Codey.

"Are you going to quit ignoring me?"

- Hidomari City, Sunday, 1:30 pm -

"Kin, Master? Is it okay if we make a request?" One of the men wondered, but Kin muttered on the subject.

"What is it, you wusses?" Everyone had inhaled the aroma of his terror. "We'd just want to ask if those employees could just slow down a bit. If we keep pushing them, they'll die of exhaustion..." Kin whirled around and swung his arm, gripping the first man's neck and crushing him against the wall, as those behind him wailed in panic.

"Don't give me this nonsense! We need them to put up the effort! Who knows when someone may come and try to murder us and the employees!" And then, as if on cue, someone walked behind the wall.

"Leave him alone!" The men and Kin approached the voice with astonishment; it was evident that Codey had appeared from around the corner. "What a fascinating appearance... What the heck do you want?" But as he got outraged, he remembered the face.

"It's you... That Half-Demon who was rescued by that snobbish Goddess! I wouldn't count on you to turn up at the last minute... I suppose this way I'll have the satisfaction of finally murdering you!" When he threatened Codey, he chose to hurl the guard to the side against the wall, and the remaining group of Codey's supporters walked out from behind the corner.

"You're a moron! What on earth were you thinking?! We instructed you to come in quietly!" Eva retorted angrily, while Codey stared behind him with his right eye. "Oh, really? So, what exactly do you anticipate from me? Have I had enough of this? We used to be able to charge in most of the time, but today we couldn't? What else would I expect from losers like you?" Everyone grew enraged as Codey fiercely declared.

"Who are the losers? We've been attempting to gather as much information as possible without drawing their attention to ourselves. We might have just planned the assault more accurately! Don't be a knucklehead." Ume grumbled, feeling compelled to strike him.

"I was always accompanied by Tim, Ayuka, or Elliot. We rushed in without wasting any time. So why couldn't we do the same today?!" But the response was unexpected.

"You had a time restriction! We do not today!" When the boomerang formed from the aura and began to swirl, Codey spitted out and faced back front, bent his right arm to the side of his shoulder.

"Oh, really? What exactly is this? Only one boomerang and a gang of allies. I'm curious what happened to your previous buddies and your other boomerang. What fascinating information. You, fools, must immediately notify Tsuneo about the incursion. I'll take care of these brats! Now go to work and bring that moron to the hospital!"

"Affirmative, Master Kin!" With a run past Kin, the seven guards assisted the crushed guard in standing up and dashed for advancing.

"Then, in order not to waste time, I'll bring this to a close as soon as possible." Kin had drawn out the blade and confronted them, ready to murder them as quickly as possible.

"Dream for the rest of your life! This brings us to today... your last day." The wind was blowing about Codey's body, causing his hair to flail wildly, and his clothes were flapping as well.

"Because I'm going to murder you right now!"

- Yashikami City, Sunday, 1:32 pm -

Elliot quickly came to a halt after swinging his sword over Tim's front chest, and Tim moved back, squeezing the sword forward and striking Elliot's blade in defense.

Elliot landed on the right side of Tim's position, his left leg stretched, and to rapidly return to the assault, he hurled up the left ankle, twisted both of them, and then twisted the sword.

After throwing his body off the floor and jumping, Ayuka had immediately leaped from Tim's left side and swung her sword once Tim dodged and discovered that Ayuka had fallen on the floor, by holding the floor with her right foot and rapidly twisting her complete body.

Immediately, Elliot, who had been behind Tim, and Ayuka, who had been in front, leapt towards Tim, who was standing in the center and felt quite uneasy.

However, despite the fact that both of them rushed into a swing as well as a turned-up body, Tim managed to guard both blades by lifting the sword, while diving and noting that Ayuka and Elliot fell on the floor in sync, Elliot slipped, rotated the body about, and sliced obliquely.

Ayuka had stretched her right arm, twisted her body, and sliced backward in rhythm, and just as Tim believed he could protect, Ayuka performed a technique that traded places with Elliot and herself, and to Tim's amazement, Tim couldn't block when Ayuka and Elliot's blade had come to a standstill near to Tim's neck, with perspiration flowing down.

Fortunately, they weren't there to murder him, so they both backed up and leaned their swords to the side.

"You've been eroding your own strength. You would have been murdered on the spot if I and Elliot hadn't halted the swing. You've never felt so disoriented during combat. What's the story today?" Ayuka pondered, twirling the blade while rising and stretching her arm away, letting her weapon spread.

"She is correct... You've spent most of your time protecting and have rarely attempted to fight back. If the problem is that we are your friends, it simply means that you would be too weak to fight back if we turned out to be the villains..." Elliot tightened his fists and crossed his arms, his pen dangling around him.

"... Fighting individuals I care about isn't the same as fighting people I have to kill... It's nearly difficult; I'm scared I'll cut too quickly and be unable to stop, killing both of you..." Tim said, his jaw trembling.

"There is no doubt about that. Even the Seraphic Penetrate you used on me before was feeble enough to be sliced in half. Normally, your assault can cut through an entire structure, but the one before was only as strong as a regular cut..." Elliot remarked, moving his head to the side.

"Not only that, but Ayuka, who should be sleeping due to her pregnancy, is attempting to assist me. I'm aware that it's not quite as bad at first. But, in reality, I believe she should be concentrating on relaxation..." Tim expressed his displeasure with the scenario.

"It's not that bad after only three weeks of pregnancy; it doesn't seem difficult." She spoke, sighing once. "Just have a seat. This will be taken care of by me." Elliot chuckled as he gave Ayuka a sweet grin. "Just let me know if you need anything..." Tim added after she nodded and stepped away.

"Now, you're an idiot. Let's go back to work!" Elliot yelled his assertion.

- Yashikami City, Sunday, 1:33 pm -

Ayuka clutched her stomach and collapsed onto her knees, gasping with the perspiration streaming down her brow.

"... I did it... I'd been moving too much..." She reported that her eyesight grew fuzzy, but she was able to reach the bathroom.

To be continued...