395. The ferocity of their enemies.


The story contains graphic depictions of violence, sexuality, strong language, and/or other mature themes.

[The Spiritual Core's warfare: Arc 19]

Once upon a time, on Planet Earth, a young girl was born; the story goes that her identity was never adequately clarified, but she was effectively known as the 'Holy Light.'

Her title depicted the real life of one's planet. Humankind did not know the Dimensions that had appeared alongside her birth, only of the Spirits that had been destroyed or disappeared.

The woman... The Holy Light, the heir of all the inhabitants, was not born alone. The arrival of the Demon God, whose name was Rez, caused anarchy, and humanity was on the brink of extinction.

Humans terrified him because of his recklessness and hunger for blood, and Demons started to manifest all over the Earth and The World of Zero, alongside alternate races such as The Inner Fiends, The Shades, Wraiths, and Spirits.

To combat the challenge, a new breed of people has awakened, the 'Spiritual Duelists' and 'Substitute-Duelists,' who have been dubbed the "First Army to Face Evil."

With their Legendary Weapons, the Ginken. This swarm of humans increased the world's cleanliness to the greatest extent possible, overwhelming the Demons of various grades and placing their survival at risk.

But, after several years of waiting, the 'Holy Light' gave birth to a human child, a girl of theoretically greater worth than Zero herself, but unlikely to become the next 'Holy Light,' their Goddess gave the girl to a friendly family, and since her mother needed to participate in protecting the divinity, the girl's memories were wiped.

But there is another royalty trapped within the shadows that have been concealed for millennia, even longer than the birth of a Demon...

The only one who has beaten the 'Holy Light's own is the Fiend Lord. Its lurkers will undoubtedly be wiped out, and the newfound foe will ready the battlefield...

- Hidomari City, Sunday, 1:33 pm -

Earlier, when Codey and his allies failed to sneak into the villainous structure's hideaway, Codey revealed himself and the others due to seeing one of the villainous comrades being crushed at the wall, and now - with only one boomerang attached to his aura - he must strike down Kin with brutal force, while his allies try to find Tsuneo, who is hidden somewhere in the same structure.

To complete the objective, Codey's first opponent looks to be the ruthless and unlovable Kin, the antagonist who nearly murdered Codey four years ago.

- Hidomari City, Sunday, 1:33 pm -

Both our hero and the villain have been trading glances, and Kin has begun to giggle.

"Why did you allow them to pass? I assumed you were come to kill each and every one of us." Codey was extremely careless with his rage issues, despite having several complaints about his adversary ignoring his pals.

"Why would I spend my time on those wretched low-ranks who couldn't even scratch me? I'll just let Tsuneo murder them since you're a far more intriguing opponent to deal with. It's as straightforward as it gets." Kin was filled with passion to slay Codey, the Half-Demon, and felt that he was as weak as four years before; nevertheless, it was unknown to him that he had been working hard at developing his talents, and one boomerang or two, his power exceeds the limitations of the youngster.

"First and foremost, I'd like you to explain why you're sucking that 'Silverton Oil.' What are you going to do with it?" Codey's eyes tightened in rage as he demanded a harsh response. "In actuality, I'd have no idea what to say to you. I'm sure Lord Tsuneo can put it to good use. Perhaps to empower his staff or to trigger the radioactive rush. Of course, it's also possible that it's to charge the generator. Remember, it serves as fuel, doesn't it?" Kin spread his arms and prepared for Codey's eager combat by gripping and then laughing.

"Generator? What's the point of charging that generator?" As he was reminded of the smoke coming from the top of the building he and Kin had been standing in, Codey's recollections were piecing together a picture.

"What about that generator? Oh, I'm sure you've seen the smoke coming out of the top of the roof? Correct, the 'Silverton Oil' is required to deliver an army of scary corpses. That generator you saw earlier and are now discussing is an implanted energy source as well as a pulsating device designed to turn the day's existence into a far more miserable one. We'd like to compensate individuals with boundless power, transforming them into manipulable adversaries." Codey's eyes had tightened once more after an explanation had been given aloud.

"Those are your puppets, and they're working too hard! Furthermore, influencing and dominating their minds for your own good and better is something that no one should watch! Those individuals are not here to be your working puppets; they are here to live. Do you ever feel compelled to adore or care for them? If you want to strengthen them, you should be destroyed immediately away, followed by Tsuneo, the lord that you name it, and yourself." Codey expressed dissatisfaction with further facts regarding the anxious mind.

"Are they puppets? That's a nickname I like to use. But please tell me! Do you believe people would want to work if they had such lovable power? They may just utilize their authority to break into banks and get wealthy. To overthrow the universe's rules and build a magnificent universe of useless opponents! You, Spiritual Duelists, who have communicated with Arcane Duelists, are nothing more than a horde of lunatics attempting to prevent such a beautiful world of pointless people! Aggression, irresponsible living, and unsatisfactory love! All of these feelings and acts must be expressed! There can't be any more individuals who work for a living!" Kin had been storming out ludicrous and loud chuckles, which Codey had been listening to.

"You're a disgusting scoundrel! What if people refuse to be your puppets or empowered beings? I don't recall seeing them referred to as people, but rather as artificial beings being pushed towards aggressive answers!" Kin affirmed once more with a laugh.

"Isn't that what we've been talking about for the last three minutes? Manipulation is our only choice for effectively progressing technology and improving our breeds! And after we've deceived and controlled these people, we'll finally be able to get rid of all the filthy Spiritual Duelists and Arcane Duelists that run this World! It will be so much fun that the world will fall into disarray! What a shambles! It will be important to me and Tsuneo! Just know that you're going to have to pray for this irritation!"

Finally, Codey recharged and disregarded the words when his anger roused the wrath, fiercely severing the bargain of a battle.

"You idiot... Keep my name in mind for when you die!"

- Hidomari City, Sunday, 1:34 pm -

Eva, along with the rest of her companions, has been making her way up the steps in an attempt to reach the very top of the catastrophic villain known as Tsuneo.

"I couldn't believe one of our once-trusted comrades had become such a despicable criminal! There is no explanation for why he opted to test his major limitations, and my understanding only serves to remind me that he might have been the villain the entire time. I'm sure Codey has a lot of remorse over not murdering him a few years ago." Ume was at a loss for what to do because of her shameful thoughts and hatred towards Tsuneo.

"We have to deal with a slew of foes. First and foremost, Kin... and Tsuneo. Previously, Kreara. Specifically, a few years ago. Is there a reasonable response to how we could begin an eradication campaign against such a monster?" Eva questioned them, attempting to get them to think more clearly.

"I wish I had an answer, but I don't." Kanji, on the other hand, had a vision of something different and chose to cease speaking. "... Isn't that...?" As he spotted the female, Kanji was reminded of the past. "... Ryoko??" Ryoko whirled around as soon as he yelled her name, giving Kanji a menacing expression.

When the remainder of his comrades came to a halt, his body was dragged across the corridor in an instant.

"Kanji!" Kylin and the others have been perplexed by their efforts to locate him and determine his bodily location. Kylin had been hitting the wall and the door with all her power in an attempt to call him, but no response had been returned.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about! What the hell happened?!" Ume was puzzled, having been informed that he had been kidnapped. "What am I meant to do?! He'd been dragged through this wall, but there's no frame or entryway to walk through, and smashing it doesn't appear to provide any answers!"

"We won't be able to approach him this way, therefore I urge continuing up. If we stay motionless and attempt to find him, we won't get a solid response on what to do. Let's get moving." Jessica, like with others, felt awful about leaving him behind, but fortunately, that was not the case of worry.

- Hidomari City, Sunday, 1:35 pm -

Kanji was crouched, his right hand on the ground, feeling a tremendous threat in front of him.

While glancing about in the chamber with the white floor, windows enabling the sun to stream through, he was insignificantly bewildered in his position.

"You appear to be the peril that we were warned about. My miscalculation in just luring you in, Kanji." Ryoko added, clutching a rich Ginken that was spouting gory energy. ".... Ryoko... Are you here as well? Don't tell me you've chosen the same direction as Tsuneo has?" Kanji was gifted the ability to battle with dust and fuzzy sensations.

"What does this imply? Surely I wouldn't choose a different path than he would? After all, he is my elder brother, and if it means slaughtering opponents like yourselves at his request and order, I will consider it." Kanji's regard for her was much diminished as a result of her explanation.

"Are you really that bad that you don't grasp what this world is about? It's not about bad guys who start crimes all over the world. It's all about life and nothing else. Ryoko, you've gone insane... You're most likely being duped in the same manner that those employees outside are." However, Ryoko's emotionless condition was her personality; once again, a similar sign was etched upon her forehead as well as the individuals on the outside.

"Does it make sense to inquire if you're still a fraud?" Significantly, this caused Kanji to be disturbed. "You're aggravating me! Ryoko, hurry up. Why did you allow your brother to do this to you?"

"Wasn't it him who had asked? I was prepared to do it myself..." Once Kanji noticed the bleeding crimson energy continually flowing out of the polearm, she aimed it forward.

- Hidomari City, Sunday, 1:34 pm -

While Ryoko had captured Kanji and his other companions, the war between Codey and Kin had already brought its will.

While emerging in front of Kin's gaze, Codey utilized his mobility to his advantage, sweeping his boomerang, and noted that Kin had executed a defensive swing and then moved backward.

By tightening his grasp on the boomerang, Codey twisted his wrist while also twisting his ankle and then crossed his left foot in a circle while swinging behind his own neck and then back to the front. Rather than risk injury, Kin dodged and instantly twisted his hand upward, crushing Codey's jaw and propelling him into the air.

Kin quickly curled his left leg behind his back and kicked it up, expecting to smash Codey's back, but wind swirled itself from Codey's body, complexing his body into a backflip when reaching his right arm and catching Kin's kneecap with the palm, then pulsing a cold wind that easily drove Kin back into the floor and knocked his own body back.

In the next second, Codey plummeted to the ground, clutching his boomerang. Seeing his opponent, who had been chuckling in front of him.

"Outstanding... A Half-Demon who was originally a pure weakling has learned various avoidance and defense methods... Your mobility has significantly improved..."

To be continued...