409. The sorrow and excruciation of the beloved sister.


The story contains graphic depictions of violence, sexuality, strong language, and/or other mature themes.

[The Spiritual Core's warfare: Arc 19]

Once upon a time, on Planet Earth, a young girl was born; the story goes that her identity was never adequately clarified, but she was effectively known as the 'Holy Light.'

Her title depicted the real life of one's planet. Humankind did not know the Dimensions that had appeared alongside her birth, only of the Spirits that had been destroyed or disappeared.

The woman... The Holy Light, the heir of all the inhabitants, was not born alone. The arrival of the Demon God, whose name was Rez, caused anarchy, and humanity was on the brink of extinction.

Humans terrified him because of his recklessness and hunger for blood, and Demons started to manifest all over the Earth and The World of Zero, alongside alternate races such as The Inner Fiends, The Shades, Wraiths, and Spirits.

To combat the challenge, a new breed of people has awakened, the 'Spiritual Duelists' and 'Substitute-Duelists,' who have been dubbed the "First Army to Face Evil."

With their Legendary Weapons, the Ginken. This swarm of humans increased the world's cleanliness to the greatest extent possible, overwhelming the Demons of various grades and placing their survival at risk.

But, after several years of waiting, the 'Holy Light' gave birth to a human child, a girl of theoretically greater worth than Zero herself, but unlikely to become the next 'Holy Light,' their Goddess gave the girl to a friendly family, and since her mother needed to participate in protecting the divinity, the girl's memories were wiped.

But there is another royalty trapped within the shadows that have been concealed for millennia, even longer than the birth of a Demon...

The only one who has beaten the 'Holy Light's own is the Fiend Lord. Its lurkers will undoubtedly be wiped out, and the newfound foe will ready the battlefield...

- Yashikami City, Saturday, 3:15 pm -

Ayuka's body was still complexed in anguish and suffering, hanging without any correct motions, and her eyes were emotionless, staring down at the earth with three punctured body parts.

"I never thought I'd end up battling you, Kirashito. You have all of those sparkling abilities, but you never utilize them. You'd use them to smite me down if you were a true Goddess... Not follow the laws of the Holy Arch. And now, in the absence of the next Holy Light, this planet will be much simpler to demolish. But tell me, if you have such a title, why would you remain here, surrounded by filthy and sad people?" Sadako had been provoking Ayuka while twisting her extended sword through Ayuka's chest, generating another sound of blood.

"... you have no idea why I like the life of a human..." Ayuka painstakingly and slowly groped for Sadako's sword with her arms. "... when I first arrived in this World, I was confronted with... so many choices... I learned more about people, the nature that this world has to give... yet there is none of it in the Holy Arches... The World I'm standing in today is a World that my mother created... the beauty, the possibility of meeting friends..."

Ayuka had been receiving memories of this World's Beauty and the companions she had befriended within her sight.

"... meeting someone you love... None of those were available to me when I was a young girl... But, five years ago... in Tokyo City, I met a human who showed me this World, embraced me as a buddy... and allowed me to meet many more individuals, Codey, Elliot, Kanji, Kylin, and even the Dueling Exam participants... That was the life I could never have predicted... An individual who actually made a vow to me... He was the only reason I'd gotten this far... Sure, the road wasn't easy... and it was brutal to us, and many individuals betrayed us... It's not that I wouldn't dare to use my abilities... That's ok if I don't follow the Holy Arches' guidelines..."

"...yet, doing so would endanger those I love and care for... So, if I have to fight you with my own human force, there's nothing I can do..."

"... Sadako... Before joining this World, I was in the Spiritual Realm. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't regarded you as a wonderful Captain... We spent a lot of time together, and you've even gotten me out of a number of jams... But then came Captain Oshan, and your mind was dusty... You've changed, you're not the Sadako I once knew, and I'd give everything not to murder you... even my life.... but I know if I don't stop you, this World will be gone forever... So please tell me..."

Sadako raised her head at that precise time.

"What is the point of life when we have all of these lovely people and nature? What's the purpose of fighting if they don't exist... That's correct, there wouldn't be one if it wasn't for power and filthy entertainment... Having stated that, as responsible as I must be, there is no other choice... That being said, I will not lose as long as I have not given birth to my child..." When Ayuka tightened her grip on Sadako's sword, her voice became louder.

"As long as I can accomplish it effectively... I won't die unless it's for the sake of protecting everyone in this world... So, the recent remarks are true... yet I can't let you live with such criminal-like thoughts. So, if it takes agony to kill you, I'll go through with it!" The white aura began to light around her body as she raced forward, smashing Sadako's blade, which had tumbled to the floor.

Once the sharp spike fragmented itself into various rocks and stones, the blood flowed down the wrist from the metal dispersing.

Ayuka landed in the air at that time by placing her right arm behind her back. When thunder rumbled behind Ayuka's back, the blade raggedly continued to spew white aura, her blood being rinsed away but leaving her damp.

Sadako was astonished at the time when Ayuka's corpse vanished from the scene and reappeared in front of Sadako's body. Sadako appeared to feel Ayuka's sword piercing her heart without saying anything further, her eyes wavering.

However, doing so caused Ayuka to notice Sadako smile as her eyes eventually opened, and the blue eyes looked at Ayuka, which shocked her.

"... You've provided a pertinent response... I'm glad you were finally able to receive this World as a gift... Ayuka..." Ayuka's eyes widened in those times, causing her to become apprehensive.

"... Yusa...?!" It was revealed that the person she had been battling was Ayuka's elder sister, the girl who had gone missing a few years before. "... When I was younger, when we were still living at home together, I recall thinking that I wanted to be the Holy Light of the future... Those memories will never fade, and even after all these years of lurking in the shadows... I committed my might to Oshan's... But, in the end, I never expected you to be the one to murder me..."

Yusa responded but Ayuka's gaze remained fixed on her sister's smile. ".... Yusa... I'm not sure what you're talking about. Why didn't you tell me your name? It's been much too long for me to recall you! I was six years old when I last saw you!" But Yusa had no further words that would have prompted her to respond correctly.

"If I did... You wouldn't be able to murder me. You were carried in my arms so many times as a baby, and as you got older, you were always around me... Your self-pity is what weakens you... Neither your knowledge nor your strength... It's a shame... You see, you wouldn't be able to get rid of a menace like a buddy or a lover who became wicked... You'd let them annihilate you... And trust me when I say... The only thing I'm relieved about... is that you were the one who had caused me so much pain..." Yusa grabbed for Ayuka's cheek and gently wiped away a tear.

"But... even if someone you care about dies, you must keep on in order to include life in a family, a life full of people and friends... So, even if I go, please don't be sad or upset... You did the right thing..." Yusa's eyes were closed at the time, and her body had sagged forward, her smile vanished.

And Ayuka, who had witnessed such degradation, couldn't help but be outrage-

Ayuka had grabbed Yusa's body in her hold with tension and dread, and she had begun to sense how Yusa's body began to scatter slowly into sparkles with her sword as well.

And the Spiritual Body, which was the major source of the body for every Spiritual Duelist, began to dwindle away.

And in the end, Ayuka was left with nothing except her own blade and the ruined landscape.

- Yashikami City, Saturday, 3:16 pm -

Tim had seen the distance with the last wicked Captain left.

"Ayuka and Elliot... both... Their Spiritual Symbolism had weakened... What exactly is going on?" Tim was lost in contemplation and was unable to get an appropriate response.

"This planet is teeming with wretched animals... And it looks like the final one is in front of you..." Oshan murmured nonchalantly, hovering behind him.

"We might as well conclude this war sooner than we expected..." Oshan sighed and exhaled. "... How about we relocate somewhere where there won't be as much devastation... After we've finished battling, you can do whatever you want... assuming you beat me..." When Oshan sighed, Tim spoke out.

"Now, why would I want to do something like that? The end of this metropolis is already known..." Oshan inquired, hoping to hear Tim's remarks. "Your allies have been eliminated. You stated that yourself, so to be fair, you might offer this city a fighting shot. I'll assume full responsibility for the destruction of this city... if I lose and die, there's nothing I can do to stop it. Furthermore, if you had the ability to destroy this City at any time, our war would be futile. You've just been filled with delight the entire time, despite the fact that you know you may destroy this city at any moment. This indicates that you're giving it a go, which means we should adjust the field."

"Take a look at yourself. You can comprehend an opponent in a matter of seconds, if not minutes... Okay, choose a location... That way, you know you'll have a higher chance of selecting a superior field." When Tim stared at him, Oshan smiled.

"All ok... This way..." At that point, Tim spun back and used his speed to fly, followed by Oshan.

- Yashikami City, Saturday, 3:16 pm -

Elliot dashed behind Ayuka, who was standing on the wet floor with the rain still pouring down.

But just then, Kylin appeared from behind Ayuka and called out her name.

"Ayuka! Elliot needs your assistance!" While demonstrating to Kylin, Ayuka glanced around, her eyes shaking, but quickly returning to seriousness. "Place him here..." Elliot's corpse was placed on the floor at that point, and Kylin used her right arm to hold his head after Ayuka unbuttoned his jacket and laid her both arms into his chest, beginning to cure his severe wounds.

"Will you be able to heal him?" With Ayuka staring down at him, Kylin pondered. "Yes, indeed. I'll do..." But Kylin's attention was drawn to Ayuka's injuries in those few seconds. "W-Wait, -what about you? Don't tell me you were harmed around your stomach-" Ayuka, on the other hand, abruptly halted her inquiry.

"... It should be all right..." Ayuka stated this while attempting to appear normal and conceal her pain. "But-"

"Just calm down! By chatting, you're interfering with my treatment... Please." Kylin instantly calmed down as she waited and hoped for Elliot's survival.

- Yashikami City, Saturday, 3:16 pm -

Finally, Tim and Oshan came in a relatively remote battleground surrounded by mountains, and the minute Tim landed on the floor, he enabled Oshan to land on the opposite side.

"This is it... This should be ok... there isn't much life around here..."

To be continued...