408. The extraordinary rescue and the chaotic injuries.


The story contains graphic depictions of violence, sexuality, strong language, and/or other mature themes.

[The Spiritual Core's warfare: Arc 19]

Once upon a time, on Planet Earth, a young girl was born; the story goes that her identity was never adequately clarified, but she was effectively known as the 'Holy Light.'

Her title depicted the real life of one's planet. Humankind did not know the Dimensions that had appeared alongside her birth, only of the Spirits that had been destroyed or disappeared.

The woman... The Holy Light, the heir of all the inhabitants, was not born alone. The arrival of the Demon God, whose name was Rez, caused anarchy, and humanity was on the brink of extinction.

Humans terrified him because of his recklessness and hunger for blood, and Demons started to manifest all over the Earth and The World of Zero, alongside alternate races such as The Inner Fiends, The Shades, Wraiths, and Spirits.

To combat the challenge, a new breed of people has awakened, the 'Spiritual Duelists' and 'Substitute-Duelists,' who have been dubbed the "First Army to Face Evil."

With their Legendary Weapons, the Ginken. This swarm of humans increased the world's cleanliness to the greatest extent possible, overwhelming the Demons of various grades and placing their survival at risk.

But, after several years of waiting, the 'Holy Light' gave birth to a human child, a girl of theoretically greater worth than Zero herself, but unlikely to become the next 'Holy Light,' their Goddess gave the girl to a friendly family, and since her mother needed to participate in protecting the divinity, the girl's memories were wiped.

But there is another royalty trapped within the shadows that have been concealed for millennia, even longer than the birth of a Demon...

The only one who has beaten the 'Holy Light's own is the Fiend Lord. Its lurkers will undoubtedly be wiped out, and the newfound foe will ready the battlefield...

- Yashikami City, Saturday, 3:14 pm -

The heat that was dominating over the city's vista, became increasingly intense, and Elliot, who was resting on the damaged floor, continued staring up.

".... Hey... Is there... anybody here...? I Need assistance... Tim...? Ayuka...? Codey...? Anybody... I'm going to die... I-I don't want to die... so why have you abandoned me?" Elliot was unable to move while feeling the blood on his back, and he felt nervous due to his lack of eyesight.

"Please... don't forsake me... I ask you to help me. Hello, can anyone hear me?" Those were Elliot's toughest moments, and he couldn't do much about it because his sword was fully weakened on the side; nevertheless, Arato appeared above Elliot and stared down at him.

".... Is that.... you? Tim?" But stating it wasn't helping, and Elliot couldn't tell who was who. "Would you be willing to...h-help me?" It was, however, futile and hopeless. Arato drew his sword and lifted it above his head.

"You've shown to be a formidable foe. The loser, on the other hand, must suffer and perish... Remember to keep my name in mind even when you're in the Spiritual Realm. This was the person who had murdered you, Arato. You have my gratitude for such a fantastic battle." However, the unexpected happened just as Elliot grinned and realized this was the end.

After Elliot's body vanished from nowhere, a purple bolt glided behind Arato and cut into his chest. Arato, surprised, felt his damaged chest before looking forward.

A female in purple attire stood in front of him, carrying a sword in her left arm and putting Elliot on her back.

".... Who is the source of this warmth? Could you please tell me your name? I'm feeling weak and befuddled..." Elliot said as he inhaled a pleasant perfume reminiscent of roses.

"... Are you... a female?" With his eyes no longer able to see, he pondered. "Elliot.. Keep on; don't give up just yet. It's me, Kylin. I'll complete what you began swiftly; just stay alert." She remarked as she took a step toward the wall and gently put Elliot's back against the wall, with seven perforated holes, but at that point, Kylin grabbed for her upper garment, pulled it off so that her T-Shirt was exposed, and then delicately knotted it around Elliot's primary wound.

"... Kylin K-Kylin...? That name... it's so well-known..." Elliot continued to feel his chest being bound. "He's lost many of his faculties... These wounds are horrifying... I'm hoping his tie keeps him together for the next few minutes... I only need a minute..." Kylin turned around and began walking ahead slowly from that point on.

"Is there another? How many more of these scumbags must I entice into battle?" From that vantage point, Arato prepared for conflict while Kylin came to a halt, her clothing and hair flapping in the breeze.

"Just try to remain alive... Elliot, this will be accomplished in no time." When the purple electricity continued to burst out with expert-like speed, Kylin reached forward with her sword.

"Not even a preamble?"

"Azumi Hotaru Kylin is my name. A friend of this man's. I must revenge their pain since you harmed him. Those were our preparations, as I was being trained in accordance with my family's custom. The Akusei Family's youngest daughter."

"Are you going to be another pushover like that moron?" However, exposing his thoughts too soon, Kylin vanished from the scene and materialized in front of Arato in a single blink of an eye, slashing with her sword over her head and smashing it down on Arato's blade, stunning him.

She talked while Kylin's right leg was extended back, his front leg was bowed, and his head was up. "I'm not a softie. I'm not going to take it easy." Added Kylin, at which point Arato stiffened his stance, but it was futile.

Kylin's tremendous energy was ejecting at an incredible rate, increasing in volts, and from that point on, she violently smashed the blade down, forcing Arato to leap back and eject plasma.

However, in the middle of the act, Kylin stepped forward and flickered her body forward while cutting her blade from past her right hip up to Arato's chest, causing him to defend, which then allowed her to maneuver her body into an electric current, slip behind him, and try to harm Arato's neck with a side cut.

Fortunately, Arato dodged and then sprang forward before swiftly turning around to discover Kylin had landed and swiftly appeared in front of him, which completely surprised him.

Kylin walked forward, absorbed the energy from the street's electrical, and from that moment forward, sliced forward and discharged a terrible slice of voltage that beamed itself forward and struck Arato in the body, bursting and then tossing him back.

Kylin sprinted to the front, stretching her left leg to the side, with her right leg bent to the right and the sword extending in the same direction as her left leg.

When the purple electricity circled around her body, she quickly stepped on the ground heavier, and her body was instantly illuminated purple when a purple shadow cycled behind Arato's back, allowing Kylin to twist her blade in her left, point it in the same direction as her, and then sidely cut Arato's back, digging through flesh like a razor blade.

When Arato tossed his sword back, he was tight and irritated. On the other hand, Kylin evaded the situation and reappeared over his head, elevating her right leg far up, straightening it beyond her head, and slamming it down.

But, in an instant, Arato stretched both legs and slammed his feet back, releasing a sphere of lightning that screamed and shattered the earth, enveloping Kylin as well.

Kylin absorbed the purple expulsion into her sword's diamond, which she held with both palms, and proceeded to generate a longer blade made entirely of electricity.

"Is it a Xenoblade?" Arato wondered, kneeling in front of Kylin's strong pressure, rising and rising to new heights.

"It's a method I've been working on secretly, which I call the Starward Xenoblade."

Arato ate his saliva after hearing such remarks. ("She's not the same as the boy I battled. She's a lot more nimble and looks to be more flexible... And her power isn't just dependent on speed, but also on sheer force.")

Kylin's sword continued to gleam brighter, erupting purple bursts of lightning as well as sparks.

"... Whether you're ready or not... In any case, you're not going to bother us anymore..." When the Xenoblade had fully expanded in breadth and length, Kylin stated.

("... Damn, she's correct... there's no way I could defend such a critical attack? I have no option but to shun it! That's the way to go.") Arato fixed his gaze on Kylin at that moment, seeing her Xenoblade fully charged.

But, at that moment, a purple fox formed of electricity emerged behind Kylin, clearly, which kept Arato busy, but the moment he prepared to evade it, Kylin vanished.

When her body materialized immediately behind Arato, she hoisted the Xenoblade over her left shoulder, leaning in, and then spoke.

"In the wrong direction." At long last, Kylin stepped back, capturing Arato's gaze in a frightful expression, and a manly screaming was heard.

The Xenoblade was hilted through when the blood burst from Arato's corpse, the view-field looked to be filled by shadow as a large thunder slammed Kylin's body, entirely allowing her to use those capabilities to obliterate Arato's useless body.

Finally, a thunderbolt of purple lightning shot through the air, between the roofs, into the sky, when a gigantic explosion of the sparks sparkled, even changing the weather to a thunderstorm, and Tim, Ayuka, and their adversaries were surprised.

Those who were further away had also observed and observed such a serious threat.

- Yashikami City, Saturday, 3:15 pm -

Tim, who was standing in the air with Oshan in front, appeared to be taken aback by the sudden weather change.

"... That was Elliot's notion... But that bolt... It was nothing like the one he uses..." Tim talked while clutching his blade, and Oshan appeared to be smiling.

The sky was purple and the clouds were grey, and the city had been transported to another dimension. "It was caused by Kylin's charged voltages... But- She's injured and in the hospital, so why would she be here?" Tim was perplexed when his fire was unable to be extinguished owing to wet weather.

"Arato has a formidable foe there... It has to be more intriguing than dealing with people like you." Tim faced forward with a threatening attitude, as Oshan chuckled. ("I've deduced that his talent has something to do with weakening my limbs and body components... I really don't know how to go about confronting him... I could fight from afar with fire... But I wouldn't go very far.")

Tim gulped down his spit and tightened his grasp on the sword's handle.

- Yashikami City, Saturday, 3:15 pm -

"What in God's name is going on there? Is he... in any way in danger?" Ayuka reasoned, but she was mistaken.

But, at that precise time, Sadako utilized her cunning to raise the blade softly, aiming it towards Ayuka's breast. "Increase..." Immediately, the blade extended forward, its heavyweight rushing through the restricted air supply, at which point Ayuka gently turned her face, seeing the metallic body, and her eyes widened wide.

Immediately, she reached for her weapon's blade with her left arm, holding it tighter with her right arm as the blade that was extended sliced through her arms and palms, entering her chest, causing her eyes to tremble.

Finally, Ayuka's body was being pulled by the exceptional, but an extending sword that kept on lengthening, and when it began to crack Ayuka's back through the various structures, even though she was holding her best.

The relentless blade continued to draw her body, and at the conclusion of the drag, Ayuka's body flew through the air into a sharp point of the building, piercing her through her chest and the top of her stomach, causing her eyes to shake.

Her heartbeat accelerated as a result of the anguish, and her mouth was forced to spit out blood, which sprayed on the floor, and from there, Ayuka's body hung on the sharp spike, where she barely managed to grip her sword.

The sword penetrated her chest while still digging deep into the unyielding wall from behind her.

To be continued...