407. The demise of Thunderous's Assassin?

[The Spiritual Core's warfare: Arc 19]

A Spiritual Core is a concealed artifact that the Spiritual Realm has preserved for their own protection.

Even though they attempted, the Captains of the Spiritual Realm were unlucky, and numerous impostors appeared, taking it.

The purpose of the Spiritual Core was to keep the World alive even if the Goddess died, but with it being taken and captured by the wrong people. The Spiritual Core's goal was to destroy the World and consecrate the Goddess to death.

This Spiritual Core possesses enough resourceful energy to wipe out a whole culture, if not an entire planet, and there is no way to stop it. But now, as the moment approached, the three captains' gathered source was leveled and, at long last, it had been filled with enough power to equal the Holy Light's own.

The King of such power, Oshan, is the causer of eliminating its priority, and his first target is the Yashikami City. To demolish it and put its strength to the test.

But, thankfully, the great Spiritual Duelists are on hand to provide security, and their purpose is to safeguard the City at all costs.

- Yashikami City, Saturday, 3:13 pm -

Tim had been standing on the roof, sweating profusely as a result of his intense concentration.

("My motions. Is it normal for it to feel so weakened? I don't understand. Not only that, but my arms seem a little heavy... It's not because of the sword, nor is it because of applying more pressure. I've barely been fighting for a minute and my body feels like it's about to break apart... Does this have anything to do with Oshan's ability? Is it Henshin, or is it both?") Tim's jaws trembled, and just as he was about to comprehend some thoughts, he was accosted by Oshan.

Tim swiftly acted with a stride back and swung his sword obliquely in response to Oshan's swinging sword. Tim was disturbed when his right arm got less in physical power as a result of the blackened sword shaking from that point on, so Tim sprang back, sliding in the air.

However, with a grin still on his face, Oshan dispersed from the spot, reappeared in front of Tim, and cut the sword down; however, Tim quickly reacted by ducking and striding to the left and then noticed that Oshan's blade went sweeping right back at him, causing Tim to step back and slid, and from that maneuvering, Tim continued as follows.

Tim jumped forward, cutting with his blade near Oshan's neck, who resisted with a basic posture, and then Tim came jumping to the side, landing on Oshan's left side of the shoulder while cutting upward.

However, instead of cutting up, Oshan immediately looped his left foot under his right ankle and swept the blade, blocking Tim's assault and allowing him to strike forward, sending Tim farther back, even feeling the pressure of his kick in his stomach.

Oshan slid forward on the rough ground, cracking them when cutting up and forcing Tim to block, causing the whirlwind to be summoned again and Tim's clothes to ripple, allowing Oshan to use the singular advantage and skim from past Tim's right shoulder while grabbing his chest and looking away from Tim.

"Substitute-Duelist, you should be more concerned with your openings." Tim felt a force slice through his body and violently made him believe he had no proper body at that time, and he dropped to his knees, bracing his fall with his right arm while putting his left hand on his chest.

Tim felt uneasy as he saw Oshan standing to the side with his right eye.

("Shouldn't the attack have had less of an impact on me? I'm aware of how strong his brute force is. But shouldn't the one below do less harm to my body? It was physically trained, yet it already had me on my knees...") Tim continued to think until he noticed Oshan lift his right leg and swing it forward, and in order to respond swiftly, Tim crossed his arms, which caused terrible agony, and with its force released, Tim's body was hurled back at great speed, crashing him into the wall.

Tim's body was driven into a back roll, which he immediately reversed by clutching the floor and landing in a three-step stance. Even if it was effective, Tim's body was then brutally thrown to the floor and flipped sideways as his back was crushed into the wall, bouncing him forward.

But just then, Oshan appeared in front of him with his incredible Vanishing Dash, bending his right knee and then striking it into Tim's stomach, causing him to spit out saliva, and right then, Oshan twisted his right foot while turning on the spot and kicking Tim into the face with a leading spin, knocking him through the wall when Oshan quickly pointed his left palm forward, through the wall when Oshan quickly pointed his left palm forward, through the wall when Oshan quickly pointed his left palm forward, through the carved out hole in the wall.

Tim rolled onto his shoulders, elevating his body and peering over, at which moment a huge blast formed by and by force flew from the location, across the air, and over the roofs, as the automobiles continued to travel under.

Tim strained to keep his body equilibrium in the air while gazing ahead, his clothing and hair flapping in the breeze.

("What exactly is this? My body became even weaker as a result of such attacks?") Tim, on the other hand, had an epiphany at that very moment. ("Is his ability related to my body's deterioration? Could it truly be this amazing?") Tim rapidly forced his body into a backflip by perfectly rotating it and then spreading both arms and legs to halt in midair.

("If that's the case... How am I supposed to come in contact?") But Tim had just glanced at his right arm when he noticed a white spark twirling in the center of his palm. ("... It's worth a try... But can I use it for more than a minute?") Tim lifted his eyes and looked ahead at that precise time.

"You'd best go to work..." Tim then swung his right arm in front of his face as the white spark continued to rise and expel itself with increasing pressure.

Oshan appeared a few feet distant from Tim's viewpoint at that same time. "Oh, really? Is it possible that you've decided to let loose your rage? That's a lot of heat." Tim's eyes flared blue and intensified into silver moments later, which was rather alarming.

("That eye color... It reminds me of someone...") Oshan turned around and faced Ayuka at that point. ("Without a doubt... How could I have missed... They share the same expression and smooth skin. What exactly is going on here?") Oshan returned his gaze ahead, no further facts or answers concerning Tim and Ayuka's connection.

"Flame Extender. The University of Neutron." When Tim allowed the white fire to cover the double-edged blade and then immediately swept it behind his back, the white flames continued to blow out at insanity, while Tim's clothes remained attached, not burned, nor his skin when Tim swept it behind his back, while the blade began to constantly emit fire, hotter than expected.

"Oh, really? So you're finally getting serious now? Substitute-Duelist."

- Yashikami City, Saturday, 3:14 pm -

When Ayuka sliced her sword forward towards Sadako, she leaped high in the air, but Sadako immediately turned her body in midair, extended her left arm, and thrusting the blade into Ayuka's forehead.

When Ayuka responded swiftly and dodged, the blade grew in length remarkably swiftly, with her hair just getting sliced a bit. But Ayuka swiftly extended her right leg and kneeled Sadako in the stomach, throwing her back when she extended her left arm and swept her blade forward.

This enabled her to release icicle spears, which flew at high speeds in an attempt to puncture Sadako. Sadako, on the other hand, stamped the air and catapulted herself a few feet up as the spears flew beneath her soles.

Sadako twisted her body and pointed the blade over her chest and head before extending and flying at Ayuka, piercing through her right shoulder and causing her to bleed when the blade pulled Sadako forward and while Ayuka saw that, she tried to protect herself, but Sadako rolled her body in midair and caused her to bleed when the blade repelled Sadako right forward and allowed her to strike Ayuka's forehead.

Knocking her back.

The blade was wrenched out with power, but Ayuka's body was pushed aside when Sadako swiped the sword.

The blade instantly softened and grew shaky as it sliced ahead like a saw. Ayuka made a quick reaction despite not understanding how to avoid or avoid being hurt.

She swung her left arm up, and a gigantic ice wall grew from the ground, preventing Ayuka and Sadako from colliding when the unsteady blade went slicing the ice into scattered pieces.

However, because of the heavier components of the ice, the blade had no choice but to be forced back as Ayuka took advantage of the situation and ran in front of Sadako, fast dragging her sword through the air, surpassing Sadako's speed as the blade raced to slash Sadako in the chest.

Ayuka vanished and reappeared behind Sadako, smacking her in the back of the head with her left foot and slamming Sadako into the air, pushing her back when Ayuka immediately bent her body forward.

Immediately, a blue line formed a body that whirled around Ayuka's body.

As Ayuka slid her sword behind her back, the frozen body developed onto her right shoulder, spiking out when the ice leads to the blade, connecting, when the right ice spike of the shoulder obtained a similar shape of a dragon's head, shining out.

"Henshin. Shin-Ryu!"

- Yashikami City, Saturday, 3:14 pm -

Elliot cradled his bleeding chest in his arms.

("This is insane. More of this movement... and I'll die right now in front of Arato... Ayuka and Tim seem to be doing considerably better than me at the moment. But I'm not sure what I can do with this piercing.") Arato swung his blade forward, pointing it as the plasma discharged itself, and Elliot's breathing became harder as a result of his anguish and anguish.

("What the hell am I supposed to do? I can't move as rapidly as I used to, and I can't feel my chest.") But, just then, Arato emitted a bright pink plasma beam that flew toward Elliot and penetrated him further into the chest. But, just when he thought it was ended, the full barrage of them came rushing toward him, and without his being able to dodge them, every single ray of light pierced him through, causing his body to feel weak and his eyes to be almost as dead as fish.

("Oh, no. What if I can't feel my body? I can put up with a lot of wounds, but this... this is unfathomable.") Elliot lost his air balance, causing him to slowly drift down and crash into the earth as the earth cracked.

"He was a piece of cake... Oshan will send me a heartfelt congratulations..." Sighing and exhaling the warmth, Arato said.

Elliot continued to lie on the floor with his arms wide, blood continually spilling out and his heartbeat decreasing as his eyesight went foggy.

("... It's freezing... It's summertime... Or, at least, I believe it is... Am I mistaken? Despite this, it seems considerably colder than winter... Is my blood being spilled forth, and will I perish as a result? But... If I do, I'll die filled with rage... Come on, you've got to fight... Come on, Elliot... breathe... be strong... Let's face it... Stop being such a wimp. You've gone this far, you can go much more... come on, breathe.... breathe... breathe..... Why aren't you breathing? Come on, let's go! Just take a deep breath!")

To be continued...