406. The depiction of the dual clashes.

[The Spiritual Core's warfare: Arc 19]

A Spiritual Core is a concealed artifact that the Spiritual Realm has preserved for their own protection.

Even though they attempted, the Captains of the Spiritual Realm were unlucky, and numerous impostors appeared, taking it.

The purpose of the Spiritual Core was to keep the World alive even if the Goddess died, but with it being taken and captured by the wrong people. The Spiritual Core's goal was to destroy the World and consecrate the Goddess to death.

This Spiritual Core possesses enough resourceful energy to wipe out a whole culture, if not an entire planet, and there is no way to stop it. But now, as the moment approached, the three captains' gathered source was leveled and, at long last, it had been filled with enough power to equal the Holy Light's own.

The King of such power, Oshan, is the causer of eliminating its priority, and his first target is the Yashikami City. To demolish it and put its strength to the test.

But, thankfully, the great Spiritual Duelists are on hand to provide security, and their purpose is to safeguard the City at all costs.

- Yashikami City, Saturday, 3:12 pm -

While Tim was engaged in combat with Oshan, Ayuka and Elliot continued their fight.

Ayuka's pregnancy was not in her honor, despite the fact that she was powerful in other ways.

"Kirashito Ayuka... I recall a time five years ago today. You were and continue to be an idiot. Fighting while expecting a child? That's much stupid than one might imagine." Sadako, the Captain who looked to be a shambles five years ago, smiled.

"I'm well aware that I'm doing foolishly. But if there are three of you, I might be able to make it fair before the other two perish." She stated that she was worried about the situation and that she could injure her abdomen. "That might be it, I suppose. But there isn't much we can do right now. You've arrived, and fleeing isn't an option." Sadako pulled her sword once, pointing it forward, and the blade began to stretch forward toward Ayuka with the instance of her action.

To avoid injury, Ayuka took a stride back with her left foot and forward with her right. She slipped her thinner sword onto the stretched blade and proceeded to close in while sliding the metal over it.

On that remark, Ayuka observed Sadako reach for her belt and ready to draw another blade, this one shorter. However, in an instant, Ayuka took a harder stride and seized the sword's handle with both hands while obliquely swinging the sword up, and ice began to form.

They began to form spikes that got larger and closer to Sadako, who then sprang into the air and backflipped while swinging both of her blades forward.

Sadako landed on top of the ice spike with her right foot and swung her left sword forward, releasing the extended blade that screamed through the air and aimed straight for Ayuka's neck.

However, Ayuka was able to evade the blade as she hopped back from the location, slipped on the floor, and observed how it proceeded to pierce ahead. Ayuka swung her sword from right to left, knocking the extended blade aside, and then followed with a jump.

Ayuka dashed forward and suddenly dissolved amid a flash of transparency, and from that moment on, Ayuka took her place behind Sadako, who had yet to lose a smile. Though Ayuka was taking a risk, Sadako immediately conjured cold wind from her blade, and by sweeping the sword forward, Sadako slipped her right foot back, rapidly bringing the blade behind her and smashing it into Ayuka's.

The metal resonated as two blades collided. From there, Ayuka felt Sadako twist the handle, and the blade extended, but by chance, Ayuka managed to lift her head to the side, feeling a cut on her right cheek, and then rapidly observed that Sadako elevated her right foot and kicked it forward.

To protect her stomach, Ayuka reacted instantly by crossing both of her arms in front of it, preferring to take pain in her arms rather than her stomach, at which point Ayuka backflipped and landed on the floor, but almost losing balance made it a problem, so she caught herself by sliding on the floor with her right foot.

Straightening up her physique. She fixed her gaze on Sadako, who was still grinning.

("Fighting in this condition is difficult. And there have already been two instances where my stomach was almost penetrated... I don't want to get my stomach pierced. Especially not right now... Darn it, but the discomfort continues to cause problems.") Ayuka placed her left hand on her stomach so the others wouldn't see, then breathed and exhaled before returning to activity.

Ayuka hurriedly bent her body forward and rushed away from the place ahead. When she dipped with her sword resting in front of her chest, she clenched her leg muscles and leaped up, slashing sharply.

Sadako, on the other hand, swung up at her sword and blocked it after she noticed Ayuka had fallen in a squat on the floor and then twisted her sword's handle.

Ayuka launched herself back with a circle sweep, aiming the cut towards Sadako's back, who stepped forward, squatted, and spread both of her legs.

Instead of cutting Sadako, Ayuka's blade hit the air, and she immediately observed Sadako curling her wrist up and preparing a punch, which made Ayuka nervous. Ayuka backed away with a leap, landed on the floor, and slid on the rough ground, instinctively trying not to be trapped in the stomach.

While Ayuka was occupied landing and regaining her balance, Sadako stood on the ground and kicked a rock, which flew forward toward Ayuka and caught her off guard.

Sadako's attack had a different strategy, and by pointing her sword forward and then extending it, it flung itself forward, piercing the rock and in surprise went flying right at Ayuka's middle face, and with a quick-needed reaction, Ayuka ducked when the blade went piercing the wall behind her, and from that moment, Ayuka glanced at Sadako who appeared in front of her and kicked from beneath.

- Yashikami City, Saturday, 3:12 pm -

The struggle between Ayuka and Sadako was becoming increasingly difficult by the second, while Elliot appeared to be fighting Arato on an equal footing on the other side of the East.

Elliot had already triggered his Godspeed and exploited it to his advantage when the combat began. It enhanced his Godspeed as a result of his weekly training, and in this condition, he was able to utilize it for two and a half hours straight.

Elliot raced forward, swinging his sword and observing that Arato had merely blocked the assault, but as Elliot was about to be slain by the cut, he vanished in a yellow stream of lightning and cut his sword from behind.

However, Arato quickly reacted by turning around and hopping on the spot while knocking Elliot's blade to the side and landing safely with his right sole when Elliot quickly hurled into a spin, summoning a yellow tornado of electricity which sped up his movement and with a spin kick, struck Arato in the face, stunning him, and then instantly landed on the floor before disappearing in the next electrified tornado.

When Elliot drove Arato into the ground with full force, generating an earthquake and a crack, the whirlwind awakened and the ground cracked. Elliot then observed a blade leaning forward.

So, before he was slaughtered, Elliot leaped back into the air and backflipped, noticing Arato standing up with his forehead bleeding. But, just then, Arato pushed himself into the air and, with a thud, slammed Elliot in the chest, kicking him even higher into the air.

Elliot opened his arms and knees, his hair waving, the instant he launched his body and twisted to a stop in midair. But, at that moment, he observed Arato standing straight with his sword directed front.

Elliot cast a glimpse and scoped his eyes on Arato when he was taken aback and caught off guard.

Arato emerged in a brilliant pink volt that hurled behind Elliot, and from that time on, Arato's sword was shifted over his left shoulder as the pink plasma continued to spark out, at which point his body was encompassed by the brilliance of the pink.

"Plasma Dismantle." Elliot quickly turned around while quickly drawing his blade from beneath his left hip and cutting it back when both blades collided and on contact, both the bright pink plasma and the bright yellow electricity combined and mixed into a massive explosion that pummeled Elliot back through the air while feeling the heavy ground coming in contact with his soles, that made him skim back.

Elliot kept sliding on the hot ground, his blade crossed in front of his face. ("This guy's kineticism came out of nowhere... Plasma? I never imagined it could be so powerful as to overpower my Total Electricity...") Elliot was getting ready to bounce away from the wall when bright pink plasma appeared in front of his stomach, with Arato squatted before him, ready with his sword.

("Damn, he's quick!") When the bright pink plasma's blade came into contact with Elliot's, it threw Elliot back, at which point Arato sat on the floor, touched them with his left palm, and rose forth a large apocalypse of plasma that continued to grumble impatiently but filled with death.

Elliot jumped high over the ground, crossing both his arms in front, felt the purple plasma banging into his body and electrocuting him, which then detonated on its massive bulk and hurled Elliot farther.

("So, what should I do? This guy is running at the same speed as me. I'm not going to employ Augmented version until absolutely essential.") When Elliot observed the next screaming combination of brilliant pink plasma rushing at him, he instinctively twisted his arms and bounced to the side, sliding into a midair spin before landing on the shoulder and burying his boots into the earth.

Elliot then flung himself forward at amazing speed, reaching for his pen sword at his left hip and, with enormous speed and acceleration, repelled himself forward by utilizing his Godspeed and then arriving in front of Arato, ready to cut.

Elliot thought he had succeeded with a quick cut at Arato's neck, but he was proven mistaken when it was revealed. Arato vanished from behind Elliot while whirling his sword and suddenly stabbed it into Elliot's chest, stunning him and causing him to bleed.

Elliot's gaze remained fixed on his pierced breast, as sweat dripped from his brow.

"You look to have lost this duel. I feel compelled to convey my admiration. You've put up a good fight against me. However, only one person can survive until the finish of a Duel." Arato spoke out, but Elliot grew serious at that time.

In less than a second, Codey lunged for his sword, swinging it behind him, hoping to sever Arato's head or neck, with the yellow tornado of lightning tracking its victim out.

Arato swiftly dodged as a result of the tension, but Elliot's corpse vanished and began to reappear all over the area.

"What in the world is this?" Arato was surprised.

Elliot came transparently in front of Arato, which worried him out, so he sliced, but the transparent body vanished in an instant and then began to reappear everywhere around Arato. Elliot's use of Hyperdrive made him very hard to track down.

"These figures appear to be genuine, yet when I cut them, they are neither hurt nor halted.... What is this method meant to symbolize or be?" Arato was perplexed as Elliot's body emerged behind him, ultimately cutting forward.

Arato dived and then drop kicked, but Elliot launched into a frontflip, disappearing from the air into a bent stream of absolute energy, and with a smash on the floor, Elliot raised his head and ran towards Arato, before opening his palm and grasping Arato's face.

At that instant, he unleashed a powerful volt of electricity, which blew Arato back into the air, deep into the building, as the massive explosion of electricity, massacred him.

To be continued...