405. The Final Battles Commence!

[The Spiritual Core's warfare: Arc 19]

A Spiritual Core is a concealed artifact that the Spiritual Realm has preserved for their own protection.

Even though they attempted, the Captains of the Spiritual Realm were unlucky, and numerous impostors appeared, taking it.

The purpose of the Spiritual Core was to keep the World alive even if the Goddess died, but with it being taken and captured by the wrong people. The Spiritual Core's goal was to destroy the World and consecrate the Goddess to death.

This Spiritual Core possesses enough resourceful energy to wipe out a whole culture, if not an entire planet, and there is no way to stop it. But now, as the moment approached, the three captains' gathered source was leveled and, at long last, it had been filled with enough power to equal the Holy Light's own.

The King of such power, Oshan, is the causer of eliminating its priority, and his first target is the Yashikami City. To demolish it and put its strength to the test.

But, thankfully, the great Spiritual Duelists are on hand to provide security, and their purpose is to safeguard the City at all costs.

- Yashikami City, Saturday, 3:10 pm -

Our three Heroes, who were engaged in a fight with the three Captains, appeared to be dealing with severe issues.

The first was to defend Yashikami City from destruction, the second was to hold them at bay and perhaps defeat them, and the third was to return the Spiritual Core to the Spiritual Realm, which was their main issue.

"Echoes of the past? You're spouting gibberish. I feel you are incorrect, based on my honesty and my ideas. First and foremost, I'd want to know why you've come to Yashikami." Tim considered being on standby in the streets.

"It will serve as our first test subject. We merely want to try it out and deploy as many charges of this Spiritual Core as we can to smash this City and eliminate the primary civilization of the Spiritual Duelists, as well as those with the Arcane Duelist title. Furthermore, this is the City in which you, three, reside, and we must eliminate our dangers via pure awareness." With a continual grin on his face, Oshan said.

"Destroy Yashikami City? What does this have to do with your plan?" Elliot, angered by the situation, kept his gaze fixed on the three evil Captains. "We've already given you the answer. If you need a quick recap, it's to absorb the current Holy Light's strength and then decide whether or not Spiritual Duelists are welcome to survive. And, before you ask the following question, we're not talking about the cutie down there; we're here to remove the Goddess Zero from its civilization and rescue humanity from such lustful destruction."

"It's now assured! You ARE speaking illogically! Why would Zero want to annihilate humanity? She is the primary reason for our existence! It's a terrible idea to try to absorb her power!" Tim had already flung his arm to the side, angry and enraged.

"You're saying that taking her abilities is stupid? What a beautiful idea. But tell me, if you had the chance to trade powers with someone this strong, would you keep them concealed and utilize them only when necessary? Or would you start making plans to exterminate humanity?" Tim became even more upset as a result of what Oshan said.

"Of course, I'd hide them! Stop acting like an idiot. We're not going to give them to you!"

"Oshan, Captain. Other than Henshin and Kodachi, I suppose this Substitute-remaining Duelist's capabilities were extinct. We don't expect to face many difficulties. And the last time we saw his Henshin in the Spiritual Society, we saw that this Duelist received a significant speed increase and acceleration. I strongly advise that we should not be alarmed." When Oshan verified, Arato asserted.

"So, Substitute-Duelist, how are you doing? One of the most endangered species. Should I face you with my respect for your long service to this life? I'm astonished that someone so young can be so powerful. Terror Shades, Turbulent Fiends, Spiritual Duelists, Rescuing an ally and then aiding the Spiritual Realm with your strength. Passing the Dueling Exam, successfully rescuing the Holy Light from corruption, and nearly beating Kin. Your assistance was really necessary, and all of these occurrences were vividly seen with this Spiritual Core."

"Oh, really? So I'm guessing you've only been able to seek what I've done up till Kin? This must imply that you have overlooked something crucial." Tim spoke, pushing his arm forward, revealing his Kodachi Stated Sword, which was pointed forward.

Tim's garments began to wave wildly, as his aura pressure absorbed its light and summoned itself around his body, dazzling his eyes and enhancing the color of his aura.

His sword began to dissipate in a dark aura as the wind he had been creating became increasingly erratic.

"Hen! Shin!" Elliot and Ayuka both covered their eyes as the blue illumination surged in the air.

The dust flew about Tim's body, covering it, while the blue glow revealed itself as black clothes reduced Tim's weight by fastening onto his arms and legs.

The back of the clothes had slid down to Tim's kimono trousers, which were still partially open, but his top was attaching the back 'sash.' His chest was shown as a result of his clothing stretching, but they were linked by a white thread-like cloak that held his clothing together.

The silk rope of a white kimono served as a belt.

Tim's blade turned into a double-edged form that was purely back with a white-silver attachment on its sharpened half at the same time. The sword also acquired two apertures in each of the blades, as well as a thinner grip that joined the broader and thinner blades.

Tim's pressure rose out of nowhere.

Finally, Tim's Basic Technique achieved its pinnacle, and Tim's natural level of power grew by a factor of twenty-eight.

With no further surprises, Oshan appeared to regain his smile. "That one seemed to have slipped by me. I'm guessing you've been practicing Henshin's Mastery. And who would have guessed that your weapon would shift so significantly... It's called an SSS-Tier Ginken for a reason." Oshan was ecstatic with Tim's newfound strength.

Tim instantly utilized his Vanishing Dash to appear on the same level as Oshan and the rest of his crew. "His Spiritual Symbolism is decided with incredible tenacity. His pressure became too much for me, exposing me to be weaker than him. I feel you should have a good time interacting with that guy, Oshan. Fighting that cutie will be a lot of fun for me." Sadako spoke out, chuckling as she slid down the air, exchanging glances with Ayuka.

"That is not acceptable. We cannot allow her to fight Ayuka. This has the potential to be quite harmful." However, Elliot was cut off by Ayuka. "I'm going to be OK... And if I'm not... Then I'll never be able to forgive myself." With that, Ayuka observed Sadako fall to the ground.

"But, Ayuka. It's a risk, a big one!" But, however, Ayuka refused his help, even though she knew she was placing her baby in danger of being murdered. "I'm just as worried as you are. But, for the time being, going back is out of the question. They are refusing to let us phone for help. Furthermore, there is one more... Captain Arato. Make a point of dealing with him." Ayuka asserted as she took a step forward, Elliot overstressed. "You can't possibly be serious... She's traveling a long way for her own protection. Damn!" Elliot, on the other hand, groaned and listened, completely disregarding his comments.

"But she's making a valid argument. As long as she doesn't get stabbed through her abdomen, I'm confident she'll tackle the battle with the greatest weapon she has."

- Yashikami City, Saturday, 3:11 pm -

Codey and the rest of his gang were calmly waiting in the hospital, with Shin and Midori nearby.

With Ena in his arms, Codey looked out the window. "Are we certain that those three will be able to avert whatever threat has arisen?" Codey was perplexed because Ena was drowsy. "We can't be sure. One issue to cope with is Ayuka's pregnancy. Another is Tim's loss of power, and Elliot's strength does not rival Tim or Ayuka in their Henshin. So, as long as they come up with a strategy, we may be optimistic. However, if they decide to go all-in on the attack, there is a very good possibility that they would fail..." Shin explained while Codey's mouth shook.

"I wish I could go there and assist them..."

"Codey. Your top objective should be to keep Ena safe. You are the last line of defense; if something bad happens, you will be the one to flee. This implies that if those three die, you will be able to flee.... it also implies that if this city is doomed to be destroyed, you will be able to flee. You are aware of the cycle of emotions and unpleasant events." Shin said, crossing his arms as Codey glanced down.

"Yeah, I've got it..."

- Yashikami City, Saturday, 3:11 pm -

But now comes the ultimate struggle to defend Yashikami City. The battle to maintain Zero's powers for good and Ena alive is just getting started.

Tim cast a gaze down at Ayuka, who stretched forward with her sword and called a cold wind of ice, which began to whirl about her body and by waking her Henshin, the white garments expanded, tightening her full garments on her chest with which her sword gained an extremely sharp blade.

Elliot, on the other hand, appeared to have prepared for the struggle.

("... I need to complete this conflict as soon as possible. I can't leave Ayuka to fight an adversary on her own. So the only thing I can do is rush through the combat. Let's see how far this Henshin can transport me.") Tim swung his blade widely, ready for battle, while Oshan smiled and grabbed his sword.

"The Substitute-Duelist... This is your demise."

The wind whirled about the city's roofs, and the stares were exchanged.

"I'm not sure what your skill is, but whatever it is, it won't stop me."

Finally, Tim's body repulsed itself forward when he appeared in front of Oshan, and Oshan lifted his sword and defended by oversweeping his double-edged blade.

When the wind spin strode itself out again, Tim's blade impacted but hardly damaged Oshan's strength.

Tim noticed that Oshan was still smiling when Tim's blade began to push Oshan's down at full strength, at which point, Oshan quickly stepped with his right foot back and noticed that Tim had cut the air, at which point, Tim vanished from the spot and came cycling behind Oshan's body while sweeping his forward to the side and noticed that Oshan had calmly turned his body aside and swept his

Tim's attack was immediately repelled, which irritated him, and as a result, Tim raised his ankles and jumped, spinning in the air while swinging his right foot in a circle, but was once again blocked.

Oshan rapidly slashed his sword across Tim's chest, forcing him to protect himself by surrendering his arms. However, Oshan misjudged Tim's actions, and as a result, Tim rapidly vanished in a flickering body and marched around Oshan while cutting from the front of Oshan's vision.

However, Oshan swiftly dodged and retreated away, at which point Tim chased him down, leaped off the place, and then flipped while unleashing aura. He emitted white flames that astonished Oshan, and Tim's body was blown down with a slap of his foot. Oshan was thrown backward at breakneck speed, catching his balance.

On the other note, Tim landed in a kneeling position and then dashed forward, disappearing from the spot when multiple of his body was seen by Oshan.

With Tim's multiplication around Oshan's body, there was no proper answer from where Tim would attack. However, at luck, it finally happened.

The several bodies dispersed into dispersion at which moment Tim hopped from behind Oshan and swept his blade, forcing Oshan to quickly react by turning his body around and blocking Tim's attack, who then followed up with a front flip over Oshan's head and quickly kicked back at Oshan, who disappeared and quickly cut Tim in the leg.

Tim landed on the floor, rolled on it, slipped about, and turned around.

("I'm still figuring out how to use this Henshin... I'm hoping I'll be able to grasp it in time.")

To be continued...