404. The growth of the Spiritual Core and the Villainous Captains form out from a trio.

[The Spiritual Core's warfare: Arc 19]

A Spiritual Core is a concealed artifact that the Spiritual Realm has preserved for their own protection.

Even though they attempted, the Captains of the Spiritual Realm were unlucky, and numerous impostors appeared, taking it.

The purpose of the Spiritual Core was to keep the World alive even if the Goddess died, but with it being taken and captured by the wrong people. The Spiritual Core's goal was to destroy the World and consecrate the Goddess to death.

This Spiritual Core possesses enough resourceful energy to wipe out a whole culture, if not an entire planet, and there is no way to stop it. But now, as the moment approached, the three captains' gathered source was leveled and, at long last, it had been filled with enough power to equal the Holy Light's own.

The King of such power, Oshan, is the causer of eliminating its priority, and his first target is the Yashikami City. To demolish it and put its strength to the test.

But, thankfully, the great Spiritual Duelists are on hand to provide security, and their purpose is to safeguard the City at all costs.

- Yashikami City, Saturday,, 3:07 pm -

Tim, Codey, Ayuka, and Elliot were all standing in front of Ena.

"Hey. Didn't Sakami accompany you? So, where has she gone?" Tim looked about, baffled, at the others. "Sakami surreptitiously repelled herself to the top of the tower the minute we landed in Hidomari. We haven't located her corpse, either under the pile or outdoors. So she was either incinerated in the blast or she managed to flee and distance herself... Her whereabouts are unknown to us."

Codey groaned, exhausted.

"She wouldn't die... There's no way..." Elliot continued, his arms folded. "I'm sure she's all right... But for the time being... Toyama... Any news on Ena?" Ayuka was perplexed as Shin stood up and rested his arms on his chin. "Well, then... Her curse appears to have faded, and her consciousness has returned. Nonetheless, she is still drowsy." Shin explained, surprise everyone else.

"Does this imply she'll be able to age again?" Elliot was perplexed, contemplative, and hopeful. "That is correct. We don't know how her curse was lifted, but it might have something to do with you embracing the Demon God's sovereignty... Codey." There was bound to be a shock as Shin's gaze turned to face Codey.

"Were those symbols the key reason?" Codey inquired, his eagerness growing despite the fact that his question went unanswered. "That's fantastic. Your sister will be okay." Tim grinned, almost causing Codey to cry. "Yeah... fortunately."

Our heroes sought to find an answer while standing and sitting comfortably in the city's street.

"Izlios? A Destructive War God? I wouldn't want to behold him go crazy and wipe out Hidomari City in a matter of seconds... He's got to be scary." Elliot was agitated and brainstorming ideas.

"... A Destructive War God...? It doesn't ring a bell, yet it makes me feel as if though I've heard such a title before... Izlios, where did I hear it, when and how did I hear it...." Everyone else was worried about Tim's remark, which he was muttering to himself. "You're speaking aloud..." Ayuka asserted, her arms folded across her chest.

"Oh, I'm sorry... But, seriously, why is this 'title' so familiar to me... Damn..." He just kept yapping. "And he's doing it yet again..."

Ayuka was then confronted by others. "That God is not to be underestimated. It instilled a great deal of terror in my thoughts... It's almost annoying that I'd become scared of someone. But there's that 'God.' It was nothing in comparison to the Gods we'd encountered. Let's not disturb him if he says he can compete with Zero. We don't want to instigate any unnecessary battles." Codey said that he had been duped into thinking.

"A deity...? But why would he show up in the middle of a battle? Shouldn't that have been 0? Was it she who sent him?" Hearing Tim, Ayuka had no idea what he was talking about.

"Yet again, you're thinking aloud..."

"Allow him to be occupied. We have to be concerned about God. There's no way anybody could stop him if he's as lethal as we witnessed. Other than Zero, I don't think Ayuka would stand a chance." Tim snapped his fingers at that same time.

"That's all! I had an idea-" However, a tremendous thump was heard across the city, and the mood grew hostile. People started shouting and running for the view of sight as soon as they observed a dark grey portal in mid-air.

Tim, Ayuka, Codey, Elliot, Shin, and others.

"W-What exactly is that? It appears weird." Codey expressed concern about it. "Dammit, there's something weird about that one... What exactly is going on?" Standing on the patio, Elliot pondered.

But, as soon as he said it, Tim ran between them, extended his left arm forward, gripped the terrace's rail, raised his feet, and vaulted over it.

"Hey! What are you up to?!" When Tim began to fall down on the road, Codey wondered and yelled. "This does not appear to be a good thing! We must act quickly!" Tim yelled, falling on the floor and instantly tensing his muscles in his legs and arms, vanishes and vanishes from the location, continuing to run.

"Let's go after him!" Ayuka called and, together with Elliot, pursued Tim. "Hey! So what about me?" Looking over the fence, Codey was startled. "Stay in Ena's guard with Shin." Codey verified this without saying anything else.

- Yashikami City, Saturday,, 3:10 pm -

Oshan and his two sidekicks arrived at Yashikami City, their Spiritual Core fully charged.

"This will be an excellent initial test site. Look at this subject." Holding the Spiritual Core, Oshan added.

"Oh, my... This was a lot simple than we anticipated. There don't seems to be any opponents we'd have to deal with. What a fortunate group we are." Sadako laughed, rubbing her lips as she gazed out at the city.

"They're simply a bunch of bozos. To be honest, there wasn't much they could do. Even if they grouped a full entry of one squad together." Arato was usually calm and reliable, but this time he was completely incorrect.

"That will just make it simpler for us to destroy this city. Yashikami will be our test subject because it is the primary city where the majority of the Spiritual Duelists are concentrated. We don't belong here, therefore if we're discovered by the police or any other rivalry... we'll be stuck in the center of hundreds of Spiritual Duelists. But, if we're lucky... I should clarify something. We'll most likely be seen by the main group of Spiritual Duelists, like the ones we encountered a week ago." Oshan went on to describe his idea for the city.

"Oshan. Are you really concerned about those idiots? They simply do not have a strong enough majority. At all expenses, we have an edge. We shouldn't have to be concerned now that we have the Spiritual Core." Sadako smiled, chuckling at the same time as she faced the Spiritual Core.

"I'm not concerned in the least. You're completely mistaken for expecting them to merely stand there... Besides, our entrance made quite a stir." And he was right; Oshan saw three Spiritual Duelists approaching.

"And look at it, who else than Kirashito and Shinkaku could it be? But who exactly is that, hm? Another high-ranking member of their Guild. Unfortunately, their Guild was annihilated. But, at the same time, we're lucky, because numerous Duelists would rush our way from that point, causing complete mayhem... But we were fortunate since the three of them were the only ones who had come."

"Oh, do you want me to describe them to you?" Sadako pondered, her finger resting on her lips.

Shinkaku Timosh, their top Duelist, is a Substitute-Duelist. An extremely high-ranked Spiritual Duelist whom you managed to knock out five years ago.

He appears to have been endowed with a variety of abilities.

- Kodachi State.

- Henshin Mode,

- Transmission of Akusei

- The Universal Flame,

And finally, his fight with Kin drove forth his Inner Fiend and transformed his body into a horror..., a Fiend Lord.

Then there's Kirashito Ayuka. The Spiritual Duelist we've been attempting to perform and utilize her Spiritual Symbolism to charge the Spiritual Core fairly instantly. However, as a result of our failure, she appeared to gain awareness of who she was, her identity. She looks to have various cursed methods throughout her body, including the secret technique, body.... The Holy Light. She's quite harmful to us... But there were reports that she was pregnant with Kin, so she'd be a simple foe to deal with."

Finally, Masahiro Elliot. He met them four years ago in the Dueling Exam, when he acquired the declared Dueling Licenses as well as being a wielder of a special Electro Type, Total Electricity. He got stronger and appeared to be primarily focused on his Godspeed, a method that was first unpleasant. However, he has numerous phases of the Godspeed and, finally, a methodology that can compete with us all at once."

Sadako explained, while Oshan smiled.

"Pregnant with a Kin? I feel you've made a mistake there. Kin had been murdered, and she seemed to be clueless... So let's set that aside for now. We could be obliged to fight her at full power. However, keep in mind that she has most likely been committed to using her multi-tasking Holy Light body. This indicates she isn't permitted to utilize it. Sure, the Gods are powerful, but their rigorous rule is unavoidable. For the time being, I feel we will easily defeat them..."

Oshan spoke first, followed by Arato and Sadako.

However, the three Duelists quickly emerged and glanced up. Tim had recognized the first opponent who he actually despised. "... It's you... The missing Captain who went on a mission of devotion and attempted to assassinate one of my allies... You stupid jackass..."

Tim claimed as Elliot and Ayuka drew closer to Tim's body. "Keep your voice down, please. We're up against an alert. If we shout, a whole city will be dispatched to us and assigned to fight them. We don't want to see any of those Duelists slain..." Elliot confirmed Ayuka's words.

"Substitute-Duelist, the Inner Fiend, arrives in less than 5 minutes. I'm completely enthralled. It's been a while, hasn't it, Shinkaku?" Oshan grinned, as Tim looked at him with disdain.

"You are aware. I never anticipated a Substitute-Duelist to be able to contain an Inner Fiend within their bodies, but how it manifested in your body is unknown to you, is it?" Oshan pondered, smiling and attempting to strike up a conversation.

"What's the big deal? I'm absolutely disgusted by whoever made that possible. But I'm curious as to who that was-" Tim continued, enraged.

"I believe I know the answer to that question; how was it possible? Do you want to know? Or do you want to be displayed in order to find it?" Oshan pondered as he continued to grip the Spiritual Core.

"I believe you misunderstand where I'm coming from. I'm sure you'd have no idea how it was feasible. But I'll work out a bargain. After I've killed you, I'll give you the last few words to tell me who did it. Unless, of course, you reject it. That's good, too; I'll figure it out one day." Tim stated as he was completely angry.

"Such a self-assured individual. You've altered just little since the last time we met. I feel as if I've pinpointed the site of my triumph. Back when you were 16, I think you'd have a greater chance of killing me." Tim, on the other hand, claimed to be irritated because his ignorance was disobeyed. "Stop talking..." Tim spoke as he swung his arm.

"Isn't it true that there are echoes of the past? So, wouldn't you commit me to death? I'm relieved to have been caught in the crossfire of someone like yourself. A teen who had matured and become stronger. But I'm wondering if your history is still as determined now that you're older."

To be continued...