Mars In Her Chamber (2)

When Emmelyn poured wine into her fourth cup, the corner of her eye caught the figure of Mars sitting on her bed, naked. The man already closed his eyes with his back leaning against the wall.

[Hmm .. is he asleep?]

[So fast ...]

Emmelyn decided to wave her hand at Mars to check if he was really asleep.

Hey ... he didn't react at all.

Maybe he is really asleep, Emmelyn thought. 

Ahh ... what should she do now?

Emmelyn then took a slow sip of the wine in her cup.

Ahh ... if Mars was really asleep, there's no point in Emmelyn sitting here grumbling. Right? It's not like he could hear her too.

The girl decided to finish the wine and then changed into a thin nightgown.

After she put out the candle on Mars' side, she then climbed into bed, pulled the blanket up to her chest, and then looked sideways. Mars was completely asleep because he didn't move at all.