Emmelyn Is Drunk

"What do you mean by complication?" asked the man in a confused voice. He caught Emmelyn's hand as she was about to take the candle holder from the small table beside the bed and threw it at him. "Hey .. put down the candle holder, or you will hurt yourself."

"You bastard ...!" cursed Emmelyn again. "It's not enough that you colonize my country and slaughter my family ... now you want to keep me locked up in your rotten castle!"

Mars looked into the girl's eyes closely, and he realized that Emmelyn was drunk. It was true that the girl drank several cups before Mars fell asleep.

How much did she drink afterward? Mars could only guess as he never saw her drunk before. She must be really upset to drink that much. 

He got up from the bed and checked the wine jug on the table. Crazy..! The contents of a jug this big were almost gone. Apparently, Emmelyn drank way too much.