Such A Peaceful Night **

Ah ... it looked like Emmelyn was dozing off, and soon, she would be asleep. Mars still had so many questions he wanted to ask the girl, while Emmelyn was still drunk and willing to tell him the truth.

Otherwise, Mars would never know what was really inside the girl's heart. On the outside, she would say A, even though in her heart she actually wanted B.

"Are you sleepy? Do you want to go back to sleep?" Mars asked softly.

Emmelyn nodded, eyes still closed.

"May I ask you one more thing before you go to sleep?" asked Mars.

"Hmm ..."

"If our two countries are not enemies, would you..." Mars' voice sounded very earnest. "Would you be ... willing to marry me?"

Mars knew this question was insane. In fact, what he felt towards this girl was madness. Who could think of marrying someone after just one week????