A Valiant Knight, Helping A Damsel In Hangover Distress

Emmelyn opened her eyes one by one, and an intense pain immediately attacked her head.

"Aaaahhh ..." She groaned in pain and pressed on her temples. "My head hurts...."

"You drank too much last night." That familiar voice came from beside her bed. With her eyes gleaming from drowsiness and a headache, Emmelyn turned her head towards the direction of the sound.

[Ughhhh .. this bastard. Why is he standing there, grinning?]

[Is he enjoying my suffering?]

"So what if I drank too much?" blurted Emmelyn, pretending to look fine. 

She looked out at the window and saw that the velvet curtain was still closed so that the sunshine didn't come in right away and hurt her eyes.

The chamber was still dim, and Emmelyn took some time to adjust her vision to see her surroundings properly.

Mars stretched out his hand. "Shall I help you get up?"

Emmelyn fluttered her lashes in surprise.