Is The Tea Cancelled?

Mars had expected his mother to pass out after listening to such shocking information from him, so he prepared to catch the woman's body as soon as she fainted. He quickly carried her in his arms.

"Open the door!" the man shouted to the servant, who hurriedly opened the door from the outside and gave him way.

Emmelyn, who was admiring the queen's garden, was shocked to hear Mars's panicked voice. She rushed over to Mars, but before she could reach him, the man had disappeared behind the door with his mother's body.

The four soldiers immediately blocked her path with their swords. They all looked at her menacingly.

"Please wait here, my lady," said one of them in a firm voice. "You are not allowed to leave the room."

Emmelyn was stunned when she saw their swords. Soon, realization dawned on her.

Ah ... how could she forget that she was just a prisoner here? Of course she shouldn't go around so casually. This was not her home in Wintermere.