What If... The Curse Is Broken?

Emmelyn stared at the queen, who walked gracefully with her son. For a moment, the girl was stunned in awe. These two humans were just too beautiful, she thought. They looked out of place in this human world.

Emmelyn could imagine how Mars and his mother would fit perfectly in the elven kingdom.

The Queen would sit gracefully with flowers around her as she created a beautiful flower arrangement, while Mars walked around looking cool, with bow and arrows on his hands, or just sat on a tree branch and played a flute. Ah .. they could even bring Gewen with them to complete the picture.

As she was imagining things, Emmelyn was snapped back to reality as she heard the two ladies greet the Queen with respect

"Your Majesty," Lady Preston and Lady Athibaud bowed in unison to Queen Elara as she entered the room. With a wave of her hand, the queen motion them to sit down.