A Deer In The Headlights

"Why is your face like that?" asked Emmelyn, frowning. She touched Mars's nose with her wine cup and narrowed her eyes. "You are quiet today."

Mars touched the cup and lowered it from his nose. "Since when did I talk so much?"

"Ahh .. that's right. You're not a man who talks a lot. You are not Gewen," muttered Emmelyn, realizing her mistake.

Ahh .. actually, she wanted to dig what was in Mars's heart and find out what made him look like he was lost in thoughts after they returned from the tea at the palace. But then she realized that she was using the wrong tactic.

Mars never talked much. The one that talked a lot was Emmelyn herself. Mars was the one who listened to her babble.

"Why did you mention Gewen's name?" asked Mars in a slightly displeased voice.

He still remembered that Gewen used his name to escape from his obligation to get a wife and have children to continue his family lineage.