He Couldn't Take It Anymore

The kiss was so intoxicating because it had never happened before. It was unique and pleasant. So far, usually, Mars was the one to take the initiative to kiss Emmelyn and only then would the girl respond.

But tonight, suddenly, Emmelyn kissed him ... out of nowhere.

Ahh .. did she kiss me because she's drunk? Mars could only wonder.

He was determined to ask Roshan to hide all the wine jugs during his absence to Southberry.

He wouldn't let Emmelyn get drunk without him. No way.

However, a few seconds later, all those thoughts became hazy as their kiss became more intense. The lust that had engulfed him from the moment he saw Emmelyn drinking wine now came back.

Mars returned Emmelyn's kiss more affectionately. His hands hugged the girl's waist and started caressing her body.

His chest started pounding as he slipped his big hands under her skirt and caressed her soft thighs.