Fighting Back Tears

Doctor Vitas sensed something was not right from the atmosphere in the room. He noticed that the prince was really excited, but his woman looked a bit dejected. What was going on?

Didn't they want this baby?

However, he knew his place as a mere royal physician and didn't say anything about it. Doctor Vitas tried to not show his confusion and just scribbled some notes on a sheet of paper.

"These are things to avoid, and things to eat so the baby can grow healthy." After he was done writing, he gave the note to the crown prince. "Should I tell the king and queen about this good news, or will Your Highness tell them in person?"

Mars quickly shook his head. "No, let me be the one to break the news to my parents. Thank you so much for coming today and check on Em's health. I am very happy to receive the news. I want to share this happiness with my mother and father properly. I don't want them to hear this from other people."