Drinking With Edgar

Emmelyn cleared her throat and steeled her heart. She then turned to the prince and looked at him dead in the eye. "Now, you've got what you wanted. I think we no longer need to do 'that'."

Mars suddenly felt his throat choked. It was expected, but still painful when he heard her say those words.

She was right. The reason why they had been having sex every day was to ensure she would get pregnant.

So, Mars could get his heirs.

Now, that they were successful, there was no more excuse for any intimacy. He would really look like a perverted and sex-hungry man if he kept asking Emmelyn to have sex with him.

The prince nodded casually. "You are right."

"So... can I get my own room?" Emmelyn asked. She had to ask for this if she wanted to keep her heart in one piece after the job was done.