Bad Dream

"Nooo...! Why are you doing this to me?!?" Gewen was so frustrated that he forgot his manners and grabbed the crown prince by the collar. "Whyyyy???"

Mars was baffled by Gewen's reaction. He pushed the man on the chest and fixed his collar. "What is wrong with you?"

Gewen pursed his lips and didn't reply immediately. He was lamenting his bad luck. All his sexual adventures would finally come to an end, and he would have to navigate a new life being someone's husband.

Mars repeated his question. He looked at the man intently and asked, "Is something bothering you?"

Finally, Gewen replied with a low voice. He was looking really frustrated.

"I am happy for you, but... you know how I always tell my parents that I will only get married after the crown prince is married. So, if you get a wife now... it means my parents will be all over my back and demand me to find a wife as soon as possible. You know what I mean?" Gewen massaged his temple.